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New Online Monthly Indoor Rowing Challenge

Posted: December 7th, 2018, 6:05 am
by Recess
Today, Magnus and I have launched the FMMC - FM Monthly Challenge.

What makes this different?

1) Most importantly, it's a handicapped challenge. But as it is based on scores from many rowers, it's a much smoother algorithm. This means that those under 20 can compete, and not be penalised for being young. And those over 50 can compete, and not be penalised because of a lack of data.

2) The challenge creates individual, team and country winners each month (and season). You can win for yourself, but your whole team (and country) also plays a part in whether they win that month.

3) Challenges revolve around the Concept 2 Logbook ranking distances and times.

This was something that Magnus and I designed originally for FM back in January. But as we realised how effective the handicap design became, meaning anyone who put in the effort genuinely had a chance to win - we decided to open it up to the entire rowing community as an addition to the rowing calendar.

(In other words, although it's got FM in the name, this IS NOT JUST FOR FM ROWERS!)

It isn't competing with the CTC. It's not competing with Nonathlon, and although we designed the schedule to be similar to the IRL in order to not over-burned people with too many challenges each month, it's here to support the challenges and rowers by giving them another avenue of success for their efforts.

One thing you'll notice in the "Rules & Info" page is that we ask people who end up in the top 3 to post a screenshot on the Concept 2 Indoor Rowing Hub on Facebook. It is also acceptable to post below, as we realise that many people don't want to go anywhere near Facebook.

Both Magnus and I hope that our little baby will be loved and enjoyed by as many rowers from as many teams as possible. The registration page lets you enter your team name and country in order to be part of the wider competition. There is also a request for unique 'Rower Code" which is used to prove it's you entering the score. PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY SENSITIVE PASSWORDS as Magnus and I can see what you enter (so don't use your internet banking password!)

Data is secure, it all runs on a secure server, and the back-end databases that control the results page are only accessed by Magnus and me.

And of course, if you have any questions at all - please get in touch - either below, via the feedback form or at


Re: New Online Monthly Indoor Rowing Challenge

Posted: December 9th, 2018, 8:06 am
by Recess

After launching this on Friday, I'm really pleased to see how many people have already signed up for this, and also how many have rowed.

USA are currently in the lead.

45 registrations in two days, and 10 entries so far. This is likely to be more, but as for security reasons we're manually registering new rowers to the rower database, it takes a couple of days for rowers to become active on the table.

Any questions about this new challenge, please get in touch below.


Re: New Online Monthly Indoor Rowing Challenge

Posted: December 11th, 2018, 6:01 pm
by Recess
The 'soft launch' of the FMMC is going very well. 65 rowers have registered in just 5 days, and 27 have faced the 5K TT for this month.

Rod Chinn has, as I write this, just topped the table. And UK are winning the Country table.

You'll see subtle tweaks happening to the website and the scores tables every now and then. Today, we added the "Rower's table" which shows results for all rowers through the season, and the accumulated score.

You earn points for each month you row which are totalled up at the end of the year, giving you a chance to 'Win the Season'. So be sure to row the December challenge before the month ends (you'll hopefully have lots of time to fit it in on Christmas day with your shiny new sports kit!)

As ever, any questions or comments, please let me know.

Re: New Online Monthly Indoor Rowing Challenge

Posted: December 14th, 2018, 3:10 pm
by Recess

Today, the FMMC officially rolls off the production line, although it seems it's already received a lot of great support in just a week. Over 80 people have registered as competitors, and 41 people have entered a scores so far.

Magnus and I are running this on our own - and are frankly over-whelmed by the support this has been shown by the rowing community in just one week.

We really hope that more and more people engage with this, sign up and row - but as good as WE think we've made it, it's down to all of us as rowers to be part of it to make it a success.

So here's a little carrot. For this first launch month, I'm personally throwing in a £20 Amazon voucher for a random rower. Sign up and row before the end of the month, and be in with a chance to win.

I’ll post a rather hungover video on 1st Jan of me drawing out the winner. Which will be entertaining on all counts!!

Any questions about the format, about sign-up - or about this month’s 5K challenge, please just get in touch. This challenge is from us - for everyone, and we hope you’ll help us make it a success.

*I’ll try to convert to Amazon’s closest amount when sending the voucher to anyone over-seas.

Re: New Online Monthly Indoor Rowing Challenge

Posted: December 14th, 2018, 4:30 pm
by Dangerscouse
I'll be giving it go when my back is feeling better; slightly pulled a muscle.

I like the sound of the format and I do like a 5k challenge

Re: New Online Monthly Indoor Rowing Challenge

Posted: December 18th, 2018, 6:04 am
by Recess
Great! I hope you enjoy the 5K as much as you suggest!

It's got a good uptake so far, just over a week gone, and over 90 registered rowers, with 47 scores on the board. I'm hoping it keeps this momentum - especially as diaries start to get crowded!!


Re: New Online Monthly Indoor Rowing Challenge

Posted: December 21st, 2018, 4:06 pm
by Recess

We're two weeks into the December challenge for FMMC - and I'm absolutely flabbergasted by how well people have taken to this.

Current stats: 98 rowers have registered to row, 55 have entered a score, and Rod Chinn from Sub7 has occupied first position twice. His latest 17:59.4 - adjusting to 16:24.6 with the (awesome) handicap system we have in place has let him sneak past Alan Agnew to the top spot again.

Remember folks, to make the most of this challenge, enter a score each month. Not only does that give you a chance of 'Winning the month' - but your points all total up to let you compete to win the season. (And remember, you're also representing your team and country).

Hopefully most of us will have time over the Christmas holidays to burn off some mince pies and Jack Daniel's on the trusty Concept 2. Good luck to all still to row, and remember you can enter a better attempt if you improve your time.

Thanks again from both Magnus and me for being part of this.
