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55-59 HWT WR in play

Posted: January 15th, 2014, 9:18 pm
by mikvan52
Existing WR
2000meters 55-59 Dick Cashin M Hwt 55 USA 6:18.6 year set: 2009 at Crash-B
(Harry Parker coxing)

This far..
Thomas Darling 55 Lincoln MA USA 6:19.1

I think Tom has something on his mind....
:wink: :!:

Re: 55-59 HWT WR in play

Posted: January 19th, 2014, 1:54 pm
by Cyclingman1
Things noticed:

Dick Cashin has not appeared in the rankings since that event in 2009.

Steve Krum in 2010 actually posted a 6:18.5 IND_V. So it is a legit time.

Tom Darling is not much of surprise given his 6:11 in 2013.

Re: 55-59 HWT WR in play

Posted: January 23rd, 2014, 8:51 am
by mikvan52
Best wishes to Tom D. ~ he continues to put in the hard work.

Cashin would show up once every time he switched age groups... We'll see this year... :idea:

Re: 55-59 HWT WR in play

Posted: January 25th, 2014, 12:01 pm
by bernd57
Awesome times. From any of those guys. My hat goes off to any of those three. It's inspiring and motivating. If the "age group switch showing up" comment is meant as a criticism, then I would perhaps consider taking it back. We should all be so good at our age to be even close to that goal.
It helps me to keep going to know what is possible at our age. At 5'9 I can only dream of ending up somewhere in the sub 7 category, and having those times out there as the gold standards keeps me showing up on my rower. I just started in September, and I am hoping to get just below 7 this spring. Frustratingly, rowing at 7000 feet is quite a handicap.
It will be fun to follow the times this year.

Re: 55-59 HWT WR in play

Posted: January 25th, 2014, 12:23 pm
by Cyclingman1
bernd57 wrote:If the "age group switch showing up" comment is meant as a criticism, then I would perhaps consider taking it back.
I'm certain that the comment was in no way intended as a criticism. Generally speaking, the first yr of a category is the best opportunity for an age-best time. A lot of the ex world class rowers do not even participate in Concept 2 rankings. At least Cashin makes an appearance every now and then. I saw Tiff Wood's name the other day in the 60+ rankings. He is truly a rowing legend.
bernd57 wrote:At 5'9 I can only dream of ending up somewhere in the sub 7 category
So is that age "59," or " 5'9" " ? What are your particulars: age, ht, wt, location, 2K times, etc?

Re: 55-59 HWT WR in play

Posted: January 26th, 2014, 12:21 pm
by bernd57
Sincere Thanks for clarifying. I just see so much criticism all the time, and want to choose my time to support these amazing efforts. Obviously, not everyone can row even close to times like the ones discussed in this thread. I find them awesome, and have huge respect for the amount of work required to get there.
I am an ex gymnast dealing with old injuries, bad knees, separated shoulder, neck issues. Having said that, I am not looking for sympathy. Just merely making a statement. I am doing quite well for my age overall, and do quite a bit more than just rowing. My height is 5'9" 85 kg, except for after the holidays . I like the short distances, sprints of 500m, and the 2k. Best 500 so far 1:28, best 2k so far 7:15. Just started rowing in September since it's not too bad on the knees, and having a blast. Hoping for sub 7 by summer, but am also handicapped by my altitude at 7000 feet. Anyhow, all this is off the thread, but since you asked.....

Btw....good job on you results too. They are pretty impressive

Re: 55-59 HWT WR in play

Posted: January 26th, 2014, 2:34 pm
by Cyclingman1
bernd57 wrote:My height is 5'9" 85 kg
Age? Location?

1:28 for 500m and the fact that U have a gymnastics background says that your strong suit is strength. There are plenty of endurance oriented rowers who go sub 7:00 for 2K who do not get close to 1:28. You might get to 7:00 without a lot of endurance work, however, to get decent 5K times will require quite a bit of longer, slower efforts.

A lot of us have come from other athletic backgrounds. Me, running and cycling. Injuries and/or age-related issues are part of it all.

Re: 55-59 HWT WR in play

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 9:02 pm
by mikvan52
Darling did it! ~> today in Alexandria VA


the old record...


Congratulations TOM!

Re: 55-59 HWT WR in play

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 9:30 am
by bernd57
Simply incredible..
Congratulations, Tom.

Re: 55-59 HWT WR in play

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 12:16 pm
by Bob S.
6 seconds at the level is a whopping improvement.

Bob S.