This is a challenge to all branches of every country that has a military! Please organize a team get them trained and then we will set up a virtual race or challenge. This is also a call to all USAF personnel to contact me so we can set up our team.
Thank you
Military Challenge
military challenge
tlong - we have a team military challenge in place that i'd really like to see take off - i've pasted in some info below. Please contact me if you'd like more information.
-bill patton
How it works:
> The Concept2 Military Challenge is a 4 person 2000 meter relay race.
> Each team member will row 500 meters in turn, with the final score
> beingthe total elapsed time (including transition time) required to
> row the full 2000 meters. We have a standings page that will show the
> results of the challenge here:
> ... ndings.asp
> How to participate:
> If you would like to participate in the challenge, write me back and
> I'll email you full instructions. The challenge is free and open to
> anyone.
-bill patton
How it works:
> The Concept2 Military Challenge is a 4 person 2000 meter relay race.
> Each team member will row 500 meters in turn, with the final score
> beingthe total elapsed time (including transition time) required to
> row the full 2000 meters. We have a standings page that will show the
> results of the challenge here:
> ... ndings.asp
> How to participate:
> If you would like to participate in the challenge, write me back and
> I'll email you full instructions. The challenge is free and open to
> anyone.