BRIC 2018

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Mrs Spoon
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Re: BRIC 2018

Post by Mrs Spoon » December 5th, 2018, 6:00 am

Thanks Marjorie.
I've got about a 10 minute warm up so that should work ok. Just got to go and do it now!

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Re: BRIC 2018

Post by Pie Man » December 7th, 2018, 6:39 pm

Good luck everyone with your races tomorrow looking forward to seeing some great results.
Piers 53m was 73Kg 175cm to 2019 now 78kg
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Re: BRIC 2018

Post by lindsayh » December 9th, 2018, 5:41 am

OK I will have first go at a report.
BRIC is big! - I think they said 2300 participants and extremely well run although lots of rules to make sure it happens but it went very well. In the Olympic velodrome and set up with flights of 40 new ergs so two lots of races at the same time. Plenty of warm ups but only about ten minutes pre race. Lots of school level rowers all the way up to the full BR Olympic 8. Reasonable number of overseas visitors.
Mo Sbihi won the Opens with 5:45 from 2 others of the 8 - they were in full training rather than going into PB territory (he did 5:40 ish last year)
Two BR <23lwt guys raced all the way with less that 3 meters in an outstanding race and very fast.
Fastest school boy was 6:08! Some of the girls were very good too and some very close racing.
Rod did great (as indicated by his training) and won in 6:56 I think so a little slower than last time but still a championship record - he was pleased with that. His wife Carol won with 7:55 and smashed the BR 60+lwt - she is great to watch.
Jon Bone went easy on it rather than flat out as not feeling great and was second to Richard Cheeseman (6:30/6:45)
Graham Benton won the 40+ with 5:57
I met a very good OTW Aussie Rod Stuart who won the 65+lwt in 7:04 - he hasn't actually done a 2k erg since 2005 and looked great.

I think results and reports here:
British Rowing <>

My day was not great unfortunately. Became ill on Wed night and never really recovered - hardly ate at all for three days so pretty flat and my A game was nowhere to be found. Finished with 2 Silvers so not a disaster I guess. I knew there was a danger guy in each race. George Perrin was very fast 4 years ago then went missing and came back with a 6:58 which on a good day was reachable but rowed for second and a 7:11 - my slowest 2k for years. The 500 was ok - beaten by half a second by a guy with fresh legs and did a 1:34.4. It is what it is on the ultimate "truth machine"! Managed to put a lots of faces to names which was great.
Starting the long trip home....
73yo 93kg
Sydney Australia
Forum Flyer
PBs (65y+) 1 min 349m, 500m 1:29.8, 1k 3:11.7 2k 6:47.4, 5km 18:07.9, 30' 7928m, 10k 37:57.2, 60' 15368m

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Re: BRIC 2018

Post by MPx » December 9th, 2018, 7:54 pm

I had a great time spectating! The rounds came thick and fast and generally the erging was of very high quality. Unfortunately, some of the spectators left much to be desired - constant movement, kicking my seat, standing right in front of me, etc. I did choose a good vantage point, but it wasn't THAT crowded so there was no need for quite such annoying tactics! It was bigger this year than last but not by much, and I think it ran more smoothly despite a few false starts. None of the lengthy outages like Richard suffered last year although I saw Marjorie had to swap ergs at the last minute in the 500s and suffered a 5 min delay. There were a couple of very tight races and one or two late overtakes which is always exciting, but for the most part it appeared to me more time trial than race with gaps established early and then maintained or lengthened through the race. It was a great shame that you (Lindsay and Jon) were clearly not comfortable on the day and couldn't erg the races that you'd prepared so hard for. I really felt for you both on that. Otherwise most of the people I know of did very well indeed, most winning/medalling their categories in excellent times if not their best.

I took an extended breakfast break between the masters and elite rowers sessions but was back for the lunchtime sessions to the end of the Masters 500s. The elite races were for the greater part spectacularly impressive for a mere mortal to watch. If the change from a C2 event to a British Rowing event means that it will continue to be graced by more of the elite of our sport then it looks like a very positive move. Much congratulations to all that took part and/or helped with the organisation.
Mike - 67 HWT 183


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Re: BRIC 2018

Post by Dangerscouse » December 12th, 2018, 8:31 am

lindsayh wrote:
December 9th, 2018, 5:41 am
OK I will have first go at a report.
BRIC is big! - I think they said 2300 participants and extremely well run although lots of rules to make sure it happens but it went very well. In the Olympic velodrome and set up with flights of 40 new ergs so two lots of races at the same time. Plenty of warm ups but only about ten minutes pre race. Lots of school level rowers all the way up to the full BR Olympic 8. Reasonable number of overseas visitors.
Mo Sbihi won the Opens with 5:45 from 2 others of the 8 - they were in full training rather than going into PB territory (he did 5:40 ish last year)
Two BR <23lwt guys raced all the way with less that 3 meters in an outstanding race and very fast.
Fastest school boy was 6:08! Some of the girls were very good too and some very close racing.
Rod did great (as indicated by his training) and won in 6:56 I think so a little slower than last time but still a championship record - he was pleased with that. His wife Carol won with 7:55 and smashed the BR 60+lwt - she is great to watch.
Jon Bone went easy on it rather than flat out as not feeling great and was second to Richard Cheeseman (6:30/6:45)
Graham Benton won the 40+ with 5:57
I met a very good OTW Aussie Rod Stuart who won the 65+lwt in 7:04 - he hasn't actually done a 2k erg since 2005 and looked great.

I think results and reports here:
British Rowing <>

My day was not great unfortunately. Became ill on Wed night and never really recovered - hardly ate at all for three days so pretty flat and my A game was nowhere to be found. Finished with 2 Silvers so not a disaster I guess. I knew there was a danger guy in each race. George Perrin was very fast 4 years ago then went missing and came back with a 6:58 which on a good day was reachable but rowed for second and a 7:11 - my slowest 2k for years. The 500 was ok - beaten by half a second by a guy with fresh legs and did a 1:34.4. It is what it is on the ultimate "truth machine"! Managed to put a lots of faces to names which was great.
Starting the long trip home....
Great post Lindsay, and well done. I hope that your Dad is feeling better.
51 HWT; 6' 4"; 1k= 3:09; 2k= 6:36; 5k= 17:19; 6k= 20:47; 10k= 35:46 30mins= 8,488m 60mins= 16,618m HM= 1:16.47; FM= 2:40:41; 50k= 3:16:09; 100k= 7:52:44; 12hrs = 153km

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Re: BRIC 2018

Post by NavigationHazard » December 12th, 2018, 3:13 pm

What Stu said.

It was nice to meet you, even if it was just in passing. Someday I'll do the return journey and get back to Oz (which I love). I'll be sure to look you up :-)
67 MH 6' 6"

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Re: BRIC 2018

Post by le grand fromage » December 14th, 2018, 4:00 pm

For BRIC I normally write the day up, to refer back to next year as a ‘blog’ entry. I’ve copied below and tells my day for anyone interested.

With a 9:00 race the day started at 05:45. Didn’t get much sleep (normal on a race night :lol: ) as I tossed and turned most of the night going through the pace plan(s) options and checking the clock. I seem to have this problem every year, perhaps next year I’ll realise the nerves don’t help and should ignore the expectation and just go to sleep :roll:

I got the 06:39 train from Home, after a cereal breakfast and pint of water. No issues until I arrived at Stratford underground station where I could’nt remember whether we walked from there or got a train to Stratford International. For future reference taking the train to Stratford International is far easier and gives a pretty simple walk up to the Velodrome. Arrived at the Velodrome around 08:00 and in good time.

Through the security bag check, check in, got changed and dropped my bag off. Saw Rod at the Lwt weigh in and had a very brief bit of banter. Meant to catch up with you later Rod but never did, sorry mate. Knew the drill from previous years, that I wouldn’t get near the warm up machines yet, so headed off for a walk around the Spectator level to see what C2’s were up there, found this year they had changed the route up but managed to sweet talk the marshall into letting me up the ‘old way’. :wink:

Scoped 2 ergs out, bumped into various people and exchange some small talk but most people pre-race are sorting themselves out so not too interested in ‘chat’. Went back to the 2 ergs and found George Bingham starting his warm up on one of the machines, so I quickly grabbed the other in case someone else had the same idea! Got 10 minutes warm up done then went off and found a quiet place for some stretching. Felt pretty good at this point, not rushed just moving through my pre-race bits in a nice orderly fashion. Headed off to the warm up machines, arrived a bit early before my allotted time but no issues and soon headed off to the machines, to finish up my warm up.

Just as I finished my 2nd 10 minutes bumped into Nav Haz, exchanged the pleasantaries then he told me of his problems and that he would be just looking to go sub 7 at 20spm or such as he wasn’t up for it on the day. Did’nt really affect my race as such as I’d already had a plan (part of which included being well ahead of any Nav Haz last 300 sprints :wink: ). Then race 2 (my race) was called for so changed into my racing top. Met Lindsay in the queue up to the arena, always good to put faces to names. Out into the arena and off to erg 7 in the ‘red’ area (my erg) and the same as BRIC last year.

So, race time. The nerves I’d had all night, on the journey and through the warm up had just about gone. I now know, well pretty sure they slip away as each ‘milestone’ on the journey to the erg is met. Ie woke up on time, made the planned train, got to the Velodrome on time, got the warm up done etc

Set the erg up and changed the units to Watts and went through my various race plans. I’d twigged a while back that I had options on the day, dependant on how I was feeling/going. Some of my training had suggested I was capable of WR pace (397w Av) so I figure a crack at the BR (383w Av) must be doable. To that end the pace plan I had in mind was 420w for the first 300 then if I felt good settle on 385w for WR pace or 370ish w for BR pace. Although if I did decide on the WR I’d need to peg it home from 500 out, which could be tough. No real expectations on either, just an inkling that one or other may be possible

Heard race 1 in the blue zone get away and waited ‘our’ turn. Got away 1st time and felt very good, started to hit the right numbers and within 10 strokes I was on 435 av watts so started to reign myself in. Made 420w at 300 and found myself starting to stroke 385w, WR pace! However, fortunately as it later turns out, I quickly decided that I’d retreat to BR pace of 270ish w, which I did. Went through 500m bang on plan, which was 400-405w, at 404w and feeling good. At half way the average was around 388w so knew I was still on for the BR with 370ish w strokes. However, this was where the wheels started to fall off. Could’nt really put my finger on the problem during the race, maybe just too hung up on keeping to the pace plan but subsequently it looks like I did’nt concentrating on keeping the stroke rate up. Should have been around 32-33s but from the splits looks like it was 30-31s. Got to 500 to go at 380w av, so still a chance of the BR of 383av, if I could pull back 3 w on the sprint for home. Went for 10 big strokes, to get the sprint for the line away and that’s when the legs gave out. Knew there and then that any records were gone for this race, so just stroked for the line, comfortably ahead of the opposition

Pleased to see Nav Haz get on the podium and liked his Russian proverb. “some day’s you eat the bear and some day’s the bear eats you”. Well on Saturday I think the bear ate me, as Sunday my legs were fried!

Great to get the win and also feels pretty neat to be undefeated at the British Championships for the last 6 years. And, whilst I can’t be too disappointed with the time as for an old bloke it’s pretty good it is starting to grate a bit that I still haven’t ever put a 2k performance together where I finish and think, “that was my best”. Perhaps next time :roll:

Caught up with a few Sub 7ers and watched Big G and Tiny Nash leave the rest of their field well in their wake and Carol serenely stroke to another championship win but unfortunately I needed to get away so missed chatting to quite a few I’d have liked to, so apologises.

From my post race wash up, think I can no longer go out as hard as I have been doing so will try a neg split race plan next time and also need to concentrate on keeping the rate up (My last 2 weeks sprint training was pretty non existant due to a dicky back, which may have had something to do with this). Also need to look at my warm up, as it’s Eddie Fletcher’s standard warm up but based on a 6:20 ish 2k. Never did get down to those levels when I was younger and certainly won’t now so maybe that took a bit too much out of me.

May try and find another race this season to have a neg split pace plan crack at the BR

Scores on the doors

2k - 1:37.8 - 31 – 374 – 6:31.2 - 1st 60-64 Mhwt

1:35.3 – 33 – 404
1:38.1 – 31 – 371
1:38.5 – 30 – 366
1:39.3 – 30 – 357
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Re: BRIC 2018

Post by Dangerscouse » December 14th, 2018, 4:34 pm

le grand fromage wrote:
December 14th, 2018, 4:00 pm
For BRIC I normally write the day up, to refer back to next year as a ‘blog’ entry. I’ve copied below and tells my day for anyone interested.

With a 9:00 race the day started at 05:45. Didn’t get much sleep (normal on a race night :lol: ) as I tossed and turned most of the night going through the pace plan(s) options and checking the clock. I seem to have this problem every year, perhaps next year I’ll realise the nerves don’t help and should ignore the expectation and just go to sleep :roll:

I got the 06:39 train from Home, after a cereal breakfast and pint of water. No issues until I arrived at Stratford underground station where I could’nt remember whether we walked from there or got a train to Stratford International. For future reference taking the train to Stratford International is far easier and gives a pretty simple walk up to the Velodrome. Arrived at the Velodrome around 08:00 and in good time.

Through the security bag check, check in, got changed and dropped my bag off. Saw Rod at the Lwt weigh in and had a very brief bit of banter. Meant to catch up with you later Rod but never did, sorry mate. Knew the drill from previous years, that I wouldn’t get near the warm up machines yet, so headed off for a walk around the Spectator level to see what C2’s were up there, found this year they had changed the route up but managed to sweet talk the marshall into letting me up the ‘old way’. :wink:

Scoped 2 ergs out, bumped into various people and exchange some small talk but most people pre-race are sorting themselves out so not too interested in ‘chat’. Went back to the 2 ergs and found George Bingham starting his warm up on one of the machines, so I quickly grabbed the other in case someone else had the same idea! Got 10 minutes warm up done then went off and found a quiet place for some stretching. Felt pretty good at this point, not rushed just moving through my pre-race bits in a nice orderly fashion. Headed off to the warm up machines, arrived a bit early before my allotted time but no issues and soon headed off to the machines, to finish up my warm up.

Just as I finished my 2nd 10 minutes bumped into Nav Haz, exchanged the pleasantaries then he told me of his problems and that he would be just looking to go sub 7 at 20spm or such as he wasn’t up for it on the day. Did’nt really affect my race as such as I’d already had a plan (part of which included being well ahead of any Nav Haz last 300 sprints :wink: ). Then race 2 (my race) was called for so changed into my racing top. Met Lindsay in the queue up to the arena, always good to put faces to names. Out into the arena and off to erg 7 in the ‘red’ area (my erg) and the same as BRIC last year.

So, race time. The nerves I’d had all night, on the journey and through the warm up had just about gone. I now know, well pretty sure they slip away as each ‘milestone’ on the journey to the erg is met. Ie woke up on time, made the planned train, got to the Velodrome on time, got the warm up done etc

Set the erg up and changed the units to Watts and went through my various race plans. I’d twigged a while back that I had options on the day, dependant on how I was feeling/going. Some of my training had suggested I was capable of WR pace (397w Av) so I figure a crack at the BR (383w Av) must be doable. To that end the pace plan I had in mind was 420w for the first 300 then if I felt good settle on 385w for WR pace or 370ish w for BR pace. Although if I did decide on the WR I’d need to peg it home from 500 out, which could be tough. No real expectations on either, just an inkling that one or other may be possible

Heard race 1 in the blue zone get away and waited ‘our’ turn. Got away 1st time and felt very good, started to hit the right numbers and within 10 strokes I was on 435 av watts so started to reign myself in. Made 420w at 300 and found myself starting to stroke 385w, WR pace! However, fortunately as it later turns out, I quickly decided that I’d retreat to BR pace of 270ish w, which I did. Went through 500m bang on plan, which was 400-405w, at 404w and feeling good. At half way the average was around 388w so knew I was still on for the BR with 370ish w strokes. However, this was where the wheels started to fall off. Could’nt really put my finger on the problem during the race, maybe just too hung up on keeping to the pace plan but subsequently it looks like I did’nt concentrating on keeping the stroke rate up. Should have been around 32-33s but from the splits looks like it was 30-31s. Got to 500 to go at 380w av, so still a chance of the BR of 383av, if I could pull back 3 w on the sprint for home. Went for 10 big strokes, to get the sprint for the line away and that’s when the legs gave out. Knew there and then that any records were gone for this race, so just stroked for the line, comfortably ahead of the opposition

Pleased to see Nav Haz get on the podium and liked his Russian proverb. “some day’s you eat the bear and some day’s the bear eats you”. Well on Saturday I think the bear ate me, as Sunday my legs were fried!

Great to get the win and also feels pretty neat to be undefeated at the British Championships for the last 6 years. And, whilst I can’t be too disappointed with the time as for an old bloke it’s pretty good it is starting to grate a bit that I still haven’t ever put a 2k performance together where I finish and think, “that was my best”. Perhaps next time :roll:

Caught up with a few Sub 7ers and watched Big G and Tiny Nash leave the rest of their field well in their wake and Carol serenely stroke to another championship win but unfortunately I needed to get away so missed chatting to quite a few I’d have liked to, so apologises.

From my post race wash up, think I can no longer go out as hard as I have been doing so will try a neg split race plan next time and also need to concentrate on keeping the rate up (My last 2 weeks sprint training was pretty non existant due to a dicky back, which may have had something to do with this). Also need to look at my warm up, as it’s Eddie Fletcher’s standard warm up but based on a 6:20 ish 2k. Never did get down to those levels when I was younger and certainly won’t now so maybe that took a bit too much out of me.

May try and find another race this season to have a neg split pace plan crack at the BR

Scores on the doors

2k - 1:37.8 - 31 – 374 – 6:31.2 - 1st 60-64 Mhwt

1:35.3 – 33 – 404
1:38.1 – 31 – 371
1:38.5 – 30 – 366
1:39.3 – 30 – 357
Excellent result and post. Very strong time
51 HWT; 6' 4"; 1k= 3:09; 2k= 6:36; 5k= 17:19; 6k= 20:47; 10k= 35:46 30mins= 8,488m 60mins= 16,618m HM= 1:16.47; FM= 2:40:41; 50k= 3:16:09; 100k= 7:52:44; 12hrs = 153km

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Re: BRIC 2018

Post by NavigationHazard » December 14th, 2018, 4:50 pm

Top bloke, too.
67 MH 6' 6"

le grand fromage
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Re: BRIC 2018

Post by le grand fromage » December 15th, 2018, 2:11 pm

NavigationHazard wrote:
December 14th, 2018, 4:50 pm
Top bloke, too.
Shuks you'll have me blushing Nav, you ain't too bad yourself fella :wink: Glad you got back in safely and in one piece
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Re: BRIC 2018

Post by H2O » December 19th, 2018, 7:10 pm

Just saw this thread. Congratulations all to outstanding performances.
Are any of you going to the Euro Championships in Kopenhagen?
I am considering going there depending on how far down I can get my 2K.

le grand fromage
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Re: BRIC 2018

Post by le grand fromage » December 31st, 2018, 11:34 am

H2O wrote:
December 19th, 2018, 7:10 pm
Just saw this thread. Congratulations all to outstanding performances.
Are any of you going to the Euro Championships in Kopenhagen?
Probably not for me, it's on my radar but realistically it'll be either the English in Manchester, or mores likely the Tribute Indoor Rowing Champs in St Austell as I fancy a proper crack at the British 2k record.
2k - "into that void of silence where we cry without sound"

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