Insane meters....

From the CRASH-B's to an online challenge, discuss the competitive side of erging here.
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Re: Insane meters....

Post by joe80 » April 10th, 2014, 5:35 am

I have no problem in believing the 80km+ averages claimed during the current challenge. A few years back, I set myself the task of rowing 1000km in a week, completing the distance with ~10 hours to spare. Each day's efforts were entered using the C2log. After a day's rest it was back to normal training without having suffered any undue side effects.

The trick is row at a much slower pace than normal and take hourly breaks for feeding and hydration; my split whilst rowing was ~2:35. That's very leisurely compared to a usual UT2 pace ~2:05. Rowing at this pace, there were some hours when HR averaged <100.

Given the motivation, 100km+ a day for a month would not be too testing a target.



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Re: Insane meters....

Post by Xsquid » April 15th, 2014, 9:06 pm

Well all in all I didnt mean to ruffle anyones feathers. Just seems almost unnatural for someone to post 2 million meters for this ERG challenge. Wish I had that kind of time. I work 60 hours a week and only managed to put up 500K meters.

Overall, it was fun. Rowing almost everyday. Uploading my meters was like putting money in the bank!

Will I win anything? Nope.. Does this make me any better? Nope.. I just know that I had fun and my thighs are twice the size of what they were a month ago!

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Carl Watts
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Re: Insane meters....

Post by Carl Watts » April 16th, 2014, 3:52 am

Xsquid wrote:Well all in all I didnt mean to ruffle anyones feathers. Just seems almost unnatural for someone to post 2 million meters for this ERG challenge. Wish I had that kind of time. I work 60 hours a week and only managed to put up 500K meters.

Overall, it was fun. Rowing almost everyday. Uploading my meters was like putting money in the bank!

Will I win anything? Nope.. Does this make me any better? Nope.. I just know that I had fun and my thighs are twice the size of what they were a month ago!
I managed 635Km when I was not working at about 2:04 to 2:06 pace average. I think about 800Km is possible still rowing at a reasonable pace but because the pace is a cubic law you can slow down to 2:30 pace or slower and basically your no longer rowing and just yanking the chain to keep the flywheel from stopping. For me this is not only a waste of time but I no longer have that time to waste as I'm working.

At present I look to be on track for 2 million metres exactly for the whole year at 2:02.1 average pace and its having the desired results.

As I have said before the problem can be 99% solved by having to upload a RowPro file or upload from a LogCard with a cardreader attatched to your PC.

What I don't understand is why Concept 2 cannot at least introduce a new column like they do in the rankings so those that want to enter a verified result can do so for every row

Also how about a column for average pace for those with verified results only ? it then puts a kind of perspective on the results, its not like there is not enough room on the screen, half of mine is wasted with big white panels down both sides.
Carl Watts.
Age:56 Weight: 108kg Height:183cm
Concept 2 Monitor Service Technician & indoor rower.

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Re: Insane meters....

Post by l4y sp » April 16th, 2014, 9:40 am

What I don't understand is why Concept 2 cannot at least introduce a new column like they do in the rankings so those that want to enter a verified result can do so for every row
I totally agree. sounds like a very sensible idea.

Bob S.
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Re: Insane meters....

Post by Bob S. » April 16th, 2014, 10:46 am

Xsquid wrote:Well all in all I didnt mean to ruffle anyones feathers. Just seems almost unnatural for someone to post 2 million meters for this ERG challenge. Wish I had that kind of time. I work 60 hours a week and only managed to put up 500K meters.
If you work 60 hours(!) a week, how can you judge someone who is retired and works zero hours a week? Another point is that rowing (as well as other exercise) can be insidiously (and dangerously) addictive. Fortunately it is usually physically beneficial (but not always). Not so, socially. Addictive rowing can be detrimental to normal social life. Mentally, I have never decided whether it is good or bad. I am sure that the discipline is good, but if it interferes with a person's responsibilities, it can be serious.

It is not surprising to me that there are those who can put in "insane meters." All it takes is a lot of time, reasonably good health, and that insidious compulsion.

Bob S.

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Re: Insane meters....

Post by Xsquid » April 16th, 2014, 5:56 pm

l4y sp wrote:
What I don't understand is why Concept 2 cannot at least introduce a new column like they do in the rankings so those that want to enter a verified result can do so for every row
I totally agree. sounds like a very sensible idea.

I second the motion.

Also, I did find myself on both ends of the spectrum. I managed to row a few PR's and then managed a few meteres "just pulling" so the erg doesnt shut off.

As far as getting addicted, I am guilty of that too.. I had to even switch my diet up tremendously to row as much as I wanted to. With that being said, only getting 500,504M in people must have a fridge and a stove next to their ERG's.

Well, with all that being said I know this isnt qualifiers to make it to the Olympics, its an online honor row.. Im in absolutley no contentions for a prize so I just rowed... PR'ed a few rows.. And most importantly had fun.

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Carl Watts
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Re: Insane meters....

Post by Carl Watts » April 16th, 2014, 6:34 pm

I recon its a good idea.

Beter still a second column of your total verified metres only so that way you can also do a "Sort" of those people doing verified meters only and you will find yourself jumping up a few hundred placings !!!!!

There needs to be a migration to proper results other than the horse s@*t ones currently posted. The PM2 monitor ceased production in 2003 so year by year there are fewer and fewer of them being used so a move to a verified entry sytem only cannot be far away.

A second column could be introduced now however and then perhaps more people might upload their results.
Carl Watts.
Age:56 Weight: 108kg Height:183cm
Concept 2 Monitor Service Technician & indoor rower.

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Re: Insane meters....

Post by quickstepper » April 16th, 2014, 9:28 pm

I experienced this way before online rankings... Around 1992. At my gym, we had a large map of Canada and you could row, run, bike, stair master or versa climb (eliptical's weren't really around at that time) across Canada. I wasn't really into the erg but I would get on it for a short go once a week or so. One time I put up around 4100 in 15min and recorded it on the board. A gym supervisor would usually verify the results. The next time I came in to record my next distance I had a bunch of ???? marks and the distance and time circled. So even back then people questioned results on the erg even though, when I look at online times, I can't believe how pedestrian that distance and time actually was.

People will try and game the system no matter what, but as posters here have said... They have to live with their conscience. I'm fine with that and for me it's more a battle against myself and that F**(ing erg. If I post some good results in the standings then that's a bonus.

As for the insane distances... During that same year a guy from my school would come in and get on the rower at around 8pm and the gym supervisors would kick him off the machine at 11:30pm because they had to close. I have no idea how many meters he rowed during that time but he went from 320+ pounds down to 157 in about 9 months.

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from concept twitter feed

Post by l4y sp » April 18th, 2014, 2:19 am

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Re: Insane meters....

Post by K_Cat » April 18th, 2014, 2:46 pm

And Bravo to everyone who rowed Insane Meters for the WEC!

I only managed about 300,000m, but I've often treadmill walked at incline every day, all day, when there's a series of ebooks that I want to read. It's healthier than sitting while reading. And when I figure out how to use Kindle voice commands, I suppose I'll be able to read while rowing too.

Some people are just more goal-oriented than competition-oriented.

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Re: Insane meters....

Post by steveroedde » May 8th, 2014, 10:53 am

Carl Watts wrote:Sorry but I take all those metres with a pinch of salt.

Yes they may be retired and have all day but they are also old. Until Concept 2 makes all the rows you enter as IND_V or people start to get on RowPro where the entire public can see the rows and the results including pace etc online then I'm a cynic sorry.

Anyone who has done a Challange knows how hard it is to maintain a high average, miss a day and it takes a week at an even higher km's a day to make up for it.

Concept 2 need to remove the manual meters entry or set-up something that recognises those rowing verified meters on a separate competition. I would be happy to enter one of these events a year but cannot be bothered entering the standard challanges at present.

My pick is that suddenly all those high metre rowers will come up with some sort of excuse why they cannot enter. The classic is but "Oh my old PM2 doesn't connect to Rowpro or have IND_V" well my response would be time to buy a new monitor and stop penalising everyone else who wants to enter and try and come in with a top placing without cheating !
Carl, I don't doubt the posted distances for a minute. I agree that some of the older rowers are obsessed and perhaps a bit deranged. I had a pal row 2.4 million meters in a challenge. Full time job. Every single meter verified (training partner). Many of the rows done with him. I agree that the verification of WR times did cut out a few unstable types who had too much ego tied up in results, but for the vast impact.
Lastly, the cheaters of the world will always find workarounds.

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Re: Insane meters....

Post by steveroedde » May 8th, 2014, 11:01 am

joe80 wrote:I have no problem in believing the 80km+ averages claimed during the current challenge. A few years back, I set myself the task of rowing 1000km in a week, completing the distance with ~10 hours to spare. Each day's efforts were entered using the C2log. After a day's rest it was back to normal training without having suffered any undue side effects.

The trick is row at a much slower pace than normal and take hourly breaks for feeding and hydration; my split whilst rowing was ~2:35. That's very leisurely compared to a usual UT2 pace ~2:05. Rowing at this pace, there were some hours when HR averaged <100.

Given the motivation, 100km+ a day for a month would not be too testing a target.


As usual, I agree with Joe. Distance rower extraordinaire, pretty bloody good sprinter for his size too. He has the verified WR's listed under "ultra-distance" to reassure the doubters as well. There are others out there as well. Perhaps not as fast as Joe over the long haul...but just as happily obsessed:-)

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Re: Insane meters....

Post by Cyclingman1 » May 10th, 2014, 12:45 pm

I just don’t think it is good that we assume that those who do something different from ourselves may be/are cheating.

For me, knowing exactly how far I’m going to row is a problem. My plans usually go awry. For example, today I entered 10K with splits of 1K. It was hot and humid and I felt tired. After about 4K, I decided to cut the row to 6K. I stopped at around 6020m. That is recorded on my LogCard. But I’m forced to enter a calculated 6K time manually so that the time can be ranked. That is not “cheating.” It is a reality of the C2/LogCard ranking system. Why shouldn’t I rank what I’ve actually done, regardless of some official designation?

Also, I’m not good at endurance rows – rows of 1 hr and above. When I think I’m going to row more than an hour, I always do “Just Row.” I never know how far I’m going despite my plans. Again, it’s not cheating to enter whatever distance I do in a challenge. Secondly, if I end up doing slightly over a HM or FM distance, it is not cheating to enter a calculated HM or FM time.

Again, I go back to the reality of C2 rowing. It is an activity. There is no monetary reward. There is no promise of delivery of something that affects others. Most C2 entries have no implications whatsoever.

Now, I do feel differently about so-called world records. I do feel that the requirement of having a C2Log designation is a good rule. A world record claim rises beyond a simply entry in a challenge. I suppose I would like to see 2K times record times be allowed without going to a C2 venue. Several best C2 2K times have not gotten world record recognition.
JimG, Gainesville, Ga, 78, 76", 205lb. PBs:
66-69: .5,1,2,5,6,10K: 1:30.8 3:14.1 6:40.7 17:34.0 21:18.1 36:21.7 30;60;HM: 8337 16237 1:20:25
70-78: .5,1,2,5,6,10K: 1:32.7 3:19.5 6:58.1 17:55.3 21:32.6 36:41.9 30;60;HM: 8214 15353 1:23:02.5

Bob S.
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Re: Insane meters....

Post by Bob S. » May 10th, 2014, 3:05 pm

Re interpolated times. The nonathlon rules specially allow their use. I don't know if it applies to other than ranked total distances. Initially I thought that it should be allowed only for the initial shorter distance part, since that includes the bit of time lost at the start and would not include a final sprint, but the nonathlon rules are a bit more generous. You are allowed to use the average pace of the long piece to calculate the time or distance of the shorter piece. I didn't find anything in the rules about the 100 point bonus for completing all 10 events when someone has done just the marathon. That's an unlikely occurrence, but there are a few looneys out there that would find it amusing to do it. Well, at least one. I was eager to try it at one point, but I was past the point where I was still about to complete a FM. In my own opinion, I don't think that the 100 bonus points should be included, so I intended to leave out the 500m, since that would have the lowest point value of the 10 events and would not count in the total point score.

I don't know what to say about the use of total times or distances of pieces other than the 10 regular ones. I hadn't really thought about it before. I would not consider it to be cheating, but it would take a major change in the system of ranking to do any ranking. The current one requires either an electronic entry (log card, RowPro, race results, etc.) or a verification code and that is available only for the special pieces.

Bob S.

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Re: Insane meters....

Post by steveroedde » May 10th, 2014, 9:12 pm

Cyclingman1 wrote:I just don’t think it is good that we assume that those who do something different from ourselves may be/are cheating.
Well said Jim.

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