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2013 NWH ERG Marathon
On Patriots Day, April 15, 2013, row a marathon that begins and ends at Newton-Wellesley Hospital!
The 8th annual event, organized by
Fred Millham, MD, Newton-Wellesley’s
Chair of the Department of Surgery,
brings together a group of individual and
team rowers to raise money for the
cancer high risk assessment program at
Newton-Wellesley's Auerbach Breast Center.
Join Us for this Great Event - Have Fun and Make a Difference!
Row 26.2 miles by yourself or on a relay team
College, high school and community rowing club teams are welcome
Get a great workout
We’re right on the Marathon route at Mile 17 – watch the runners go by
Stay for a free barbecue
Pick up your ERG Marathon commemorative t-shirt and other surprises
Feel great about your contribution to the health of our community
The ERGs are placed along Washington Street in the front of the main visitor/patient parking garage. (In the event of rain, the event will be held in the living room of the Allen-Riddle Building.) Starting time will be 9:00 a.m. with most rowers covering the marathon distance in 2-1/2 to 3 hours.
A very special thank you goes to the folks from Olympia Moving & Storage who are our official "NWH ERG Marathon Movers" and to Gustin Advertising for our wonderful logo!
Be sure to "Like Us" on Facebook -
Registering to Row
We welcome any and all comers and especially encourage local school and rowing club teams to use this as a training session. For information on participating, click here.
Supporting the Rowers
The goal for this year's event is to raise $15,000 for this life-saving program. All rowers are asked to make a minimum $100 donation in lieu of an entrance fee. In addition, we enourage rowers to collect additional donations from friends and family, and we welcome support from the community. There are several ways to make a donation and we provide tools for collecting gifts from friends, family, and co-workers. Please click here to make a donation today.
Last Year's ERG Marathon
The 7th annual NWH ERG Marathon in 2012 was held on a scorching Marathon Monday outside the Hospital along Washington Street. It was the largest group ever - with 105 rowers rowing on 39 stationary rowing machines. That's a total of 1.5 million meters or, in terms of energy generated, about 24 KWH of power! The event raised $10,000 to benefit the Breast Cancer High Risk Assessment Program. For 2013 photos, please visit