JVC: Resolutions in a Row

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JVC: Resolutions in a Row

Post by Wood_Duck » December 24th, 2006, 12:02 pm

Addition Dec. 30--This thread is our resolutions from 2006--the current JVTC is DAFT and can be found at http://www.c2forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=7033

Purpose: Resolve to row a certain # of days a week.

Successful Team members will strive to row the number of days they pledged and support the other team members in keeping their goal.

Last edited by Wood_Duck on December 30th, 2007, 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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Who is Wood Duck?

Post by Wood_Duck » December 24th, 2006, 12:17 pm

I pledge to row AT LEAST 4 days a week during the month of January. My hope is to set up a good habit that will carry throughout the year!

I am a 39 year old mother of a six year old. I am overweight and have spent at least two decades not taking care of my body. I overeat, I am constantly stressed out and generally not taking care of myself. Rather I take care of everyone else--my family, my students, my graduate students etc.

A dear friend said to me "when you die of a stroke or a heart attack, who is going to raise your daughter. Will Purdue cancel classes for the semester?"

I resolve to eat good food and less junk, to record what I eat and to exercise AT LEAST 4 days a week.

For the last 5 months, I have woke up gotten everyone out the door, left for work, worked for 10 hours, rushed home fed everyone, and gone back to work for a few hours. (I stated a new lab program and am constantly writing assignments or curriculum.) Crash, wake up and repeat.

Rowing first thing is too early, during the day is hard, but perhaps I will row instead of lunch. When I get home from work it is time to feed everyone (what would we do without a crock pot??). If I eat too, then I can row for a couple of hours. If I row right before bed, I am up late and then can't sleep. BUT THIS MUST CHANGE! I MUST lose weight, bring down my blood pressure, and get rid of the adrenaline I build up all day.

What is your goal?

AKA Wood_Duck
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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Goals for January Team Challenge

Post by voodoogirl » December 24th, 2006, 12:57 pm

Thanks, Susan, for being our team captain and setting up this thread! (what do you teach at Purdue, by the way? I lived in W. Lafayette for three years many many moons ago....)

My goal is to row five days a week. Last summer I was not exercising at all, and rowing 750 m literally exhausted me--I was eating badly, stressed, just really in a general funk about everything. I started on-water rowing in August, and then got back into indoor rowing in October/November, and decided to try to row 200,000 for the holiday challenge--and I have 2500 m to go to reach that, which I'll go do as soon as I write this! I am amazed at how my endurance and strength have increased, how much better I feel, and how my food cravings have really decreased. I've HAD to prioritize rowing to reach 200K, and obviously I'm just meeting the deadline, but I found that having the goal, watching the meters add up, and having other women encouraging me made a HUGE difference--as well as losing 5 pounds and feeling so much better. It's a hard lesson for me to really take in, but if I'm stressed or bummed out and I go row, even for a little bit, it really helps. In the beginning I started by breaking it up into pieces--I told myself, I'll just get out of bed and row 1000 meters. That's all. Ten minutes. Then I'd do it again at lunch, then at night. 3000! Not bad. Then I could add 500, and another....and pretty soon I was getting faster and stronger. So it can be done!

This January I'd like to focus less on distance than on building more endurance and improving my times--so I'm going to pull down some of the daily workouts on the C2 site and use those, although I'll try to row between 5000 and 6000 every day I do row.

Oh--about me--I'm 45, divorced, no kids but a great dog, I'm a freelance writer (I do mostly science and business writing) which can be challenging and great and stressful--right now it's all three, I'm working on a book for a client but also need to get some new clients. I hope to put my house on the market early February and move to Annapolis, Md, from where I live just outside DC. And I really want to get in better shape, continue to eat better, and lose at least 5 pounds, if not ten.

There! New Year's resolutions are done! Happy holidays to everyone!

Laurie Pachter
Herndon, VA

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Post by grams » December 24th, 2006, 2:58 pm

Wood Duck, 20 years ago I was where you were at. Corporate lawsuit where I didn't do anything, but I hald the main family asset-our house. Going through a divorce. Attending the U full (and more) time to get my Landscape Architecture. No money at all. 3 teenagers. 7am threatening calls from the opposing attorney. Talk about stress.

This is what I did to retain my sanity: I posted a banner above my drafting table to help me remember the important things in my life. It said:

My Priorities (in order of importance)
1. My health
2. Family and friends
3. School

Seeing the words all day sure helped me sort out what to do when. And stop worrying about money and other material things. I realized that family and friends were the most important things I had. You have figured this out too-without health you can't enjoy the rest of the things on the list.

We lost the lawsuit, I kept the house and enough money to finish school, and that was it. Everything worked out ok in the long run.

I suggest a long enough lunch to be able to erg then. Substitute an energy drink or an Ensure for lunch on those days. Theoretically the rowing will make you less hungry.

(great) grams 71 yo 5'3"
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Post by MomofJBN » December 26th, 2006, 7:58 pm

Hey Susan - I'm in! You already have all my info, but if you need anything, let me know.

I will aim for 4 days/wk. That seems to be the most that is realistic for me. I didn't quite make my personal goal for the HC, but my weight is trending downward which I want to continue. To do that, I think I need to work on the regularity and intensity of my ergings.

I am a 42 yr old stay-at-home Mom to 3 active boys. I work one day/wk at our church and help out for a half day at school.

Grams - Landscape Architect - that's cool. If I had it to do over again, I might have chosen that.

Wife of Jeff
[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v235/momofjbn/dudes_small.jpg[/img] Mom of Jonathan (12), Benjamin (10), and Nicholas (8)

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Post by margaret » December 27th, 2006, 1:55 am

I'll join your boat for January. I've already committed to myself to row 1 million meters in 10 weeks, starting Thanksgiving through Feb.1st. In order to complete this preposterous goal, I'm rowing every single day I can--so far I've only missed 4 or 5 days.

This is not a pace I intend to keep up forever, but it is an exercise in making my own health a priority just as I do for the others in my family. I'm striving to eat mostly whole food for the same reason. The exercise and healthier eating are also helping me shed unecessary pounds I've been packing around for 20+ years. I'm down 8 pounds since January, finally out of the "overweight" range of the height/weight charts.

My inspiration is to feel the best I can, do the most I can, and thank God.

Oh, and I have 3 daughters (8,9 & 11) who all just finished the HC (I'm so proud of 'em :D ) and 1 son (almost 5) who mostly keeps me busy chasing him.

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Re: JVC: Resolutions in a Row

Post by sanjana » December 27th, 2006, 9:16 am

Hello, Susan! Thank you for starting this group!
My goal for Jan is to erg 21000 a week. I'm not sure how many rows per week it will take since I'm just starting these days. (I haven't rowed at all for 3 months). I plan to follow C2 workouts. My ultimate goal is million meter but now it is too soon to plan the timeframe for it. 10 months would be terrific.
About me - I'm 40, I work at office & study.
I'm sending you my info.
Happy hollidays to everyone!

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Post by Kiwi_Rower » December 27th, 2006, 12:29 pm

My goals for the year are to be more positive and to row 100k a month. I will add these resolutions to my standard two that I do every year - eat something that I have never tried before and read a book I wouldn't normally read.

For January, I would like to hit the 100k by about the 24th and attempt a half marathon around the 27th or so - will play that one a bit by ear :) My main goal for rowing is to get in shape by April for my brothers wedding and to get the million metres in 2007.
Jane (Movin' Duck in Ducks In A Row) 304,207m
500m 2:03.0 2000m 9:23.9 5000m 23:55.8 6000M 29:17.4 10000m 51:52.5

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Post by snappyrower » December 27th, 2006, 12:39 pm

Not sure what JVC stands for, but can I join? I'll send my info as soon as i figure it out!

My goals: Row 3-4 times per week.
Cut out the McDonald's biscuit in the a.m. (not sure where that habit popped in, but its creeped in this past year).
I'd like to hit my milion meters this year, but need to sit down and work out the logistics on that. I think that's about 500k left.
Eat more veggies, and salmon and such.
Drop some weight. I'm at 149 this morning. Think I can hit 147 by the end of the week since i have the week off? Will see! :) Goal is to hit 135 ultimately. :)

About me: 29 y.o., single with boyfriend. Work two jobs, and still having to pinch pennies. That's my career/personal goal, to fix that part. :) Just bought my first house this year, and hope to spend my 30th in Belize with my also turning 30 best friend who's in the Peace Corps there. Keep your fingers crossed!

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Post by roastduckmangosalsa » December 27th, 2006, 5:21 pm

Hello all!! I just sent my info in to join the JVC with Resolutions in a Row.

I just got my c2 on 12/13/06 so this will be the first challenge for me. I will pledge to row 4 times a week.

I am 33yrs old and I am the sole caretaker for my 83 year old Grandmother. Things can get kind of stressful with her from time to time. I moved in with her 3 years ago in what was to be a temporary situation. She had her knee replaced and needed a month or two of rehab and in home care. I was going to move to a new apartment about the same time so while I searched for a new place I stayed with her and shuttled her to rehab and such since she couldn't get around to well at the time. Well like I said earlier, that was 3 years ago. My Grandma's health and mobility really deteriorated after that surgery and I've been here ever since. Not sure when I could leave without feeling like I've abandoned her, I know she could not live on her own. I don't know what it's like to have kids but I really think it's similar.

Besides my home life, my work has really taken a turn for the worse with the retirement of a beloved co-worker and new co-workers who can not get along. I work for an agency that regulates the parimutuel industry and sometimes it's not much fun to be the watch dog.

I was trying to take some classes in the hope that I would figure out what I want to be when I grow up but couldn't handle it with all the recent stress plus schedule changes interfered and I had to drop my classes. I decided to take next semester off and relieve a little stress.

Well enough doom and gloom!! I decided that the first half of '07 is all about me! I want to row, I've taken up swimming, I want to get back on my bike and also run a little on the treadmill. I also am going to commit to healthier eating, reducing/eliminating fast food. The ultimate goal is to make exercise and proper nutrition a part of my everyday life. I am 5'6" and weigh 207 lbs. *shrieks*!! I want to get off of my blood pressure medicine in '07 as well.

Well, that's me in a nutshell. Thanks for hearing me out and good luck to everyone and thanks for any support!!!

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Post by efg » December 28th, 2006, 4:03 am

Thank you so much, Susan, for taking charge of this team. After reading your intro, I feel guilty that you are the one doing it! If you can resolve to row 4 times a week with THAT schedule, I guess I should be able to manage at least 5 days a week.

I'm 38 - 3 kids (15, 13, 11) who are homeschooled, although we do take classes at a homeschool resource center run by our local school district, so I no longer feel like we are "real" homeschoolers. Dealing with teenagers was getting tough. The subject matter was fine, but the kids didn't want to listen to Mom anymore. So now I drive around like crazy (I think most moms do this), bringing them to their classes and activities, and try to fit homeschooling in wherever. The youngest is still supposed to be doing most of his coursework at home with me. We'll be working on that.

I rowed a lot last year. We had just moved, and I didn't know anyone, and I missed our old home, so I didn't even feel like exploring. Rowing took my mind off things. We've gotten more involved in outside activities this year (kids do that), so less time to row, and I feel the difference. My weight hasn't changed much, but I've gotten softer. Grumble.

We live near a lake with a ... rowing club!! I took a Learn to Row class and had a great time. I'm looking forward to doing more on water rowing when the weather improves.


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Resolutions in a Row

Post by Nan » December 28th, 2006, 8:39 am

Hello all:

I am aiming to row five times a week for this challenge. For four of these, I will be using a weight loss program that is available on the Concept 2 UK site and for the final session, I plan a long, steady row.

My children are now 16 and 20, and only the younger of the two currently lives at home. I think I have more control over my time, given their age, than most of the virtual team, but I do have to work at using it well!

I enjoy tennis but I like running best of all. Persistent injuries keep me from going very fast or very far. The erging is a great substitute. In addition to keeping my resolution for January, I would like to complete a 2nd million metres in 2007.


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Post by LittleBit » December 28th, 2006, 6:12 pm

Thanks also from Southern Indiana for being team captain for the JVC this year!! I pledge to row 3-4 times a week. I am aiming to run/walk the 1/2 marathon in St. Louis on April 15, so will be training 3-4 days a week for that. I intend to row the days I do not run/walk.

The personal info for me: I'm 52, married, no kids (his are all grown & on their own), 2 indoor cats, 6 outdoor (barn) cats. I am the manager of a small credit union. One employee that has been with me over 3 years is leaving for a new position, starting for him on 1-2-07, so I will be taking up the slack, and probably working way too much again evenings or weekends. I'm about 30 lbs overweight, and had to start new meds for bad LDL on my last physical. Needless to say, I would like to lose the weight and get off the med ASAP!! My other passions include riding my 2004 Harley-Davidson 883C Sportster, driving my orange w/black top VW New Bettle convertible (the Harley Bug), and quilting.

Happy New Year to all the Ducks, and Paddle, Paddle, Paddle into 2007!!

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Thanks Susan

Post by kerncy » December 28th, 2006, 6:53 pm

I too thank you Susan. I'm pooped, just finished my 200,00 HC and took a few days off to rest. (actually I played golf here in Chicago twice.) I'll be rowing around 4000 a day. I've been rowing for 5 years when my son who was captain of the Purdue rowing team 15 years ago gave me his Erg. Thanks Jim, now mother has yet another obsession to contend with. I'm a full time High School History teacher (God Bless you Moms with teens... they're a handful.) and have been for 30 years. I've been a triathlete for the past 20 years......."If you rest, you rust" has been my philosophy. Happy New Year to all you ducks. I just bought a nice pink t-shirt with the DIAR logo. Currency from Chicago
Currency Kerndt

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Post by Wood_Duck » December 28th, 2006, 11:24 pm

We are building a great team! I watched some geese fly overhead tonight honking encouragement to one another. Made me think of us... stroking along and encouraging one another.

I have registered everyone who has contacted me so far. When you go to your C2 logbook, click on "teams" and you should see "resolutions in a row." If you don't, let me know!

All are welcome to make a resolution and join! Just click the PM button below and send me the first and last name and the email address listed in your C2 logbook.

Honk! Honk!

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)
