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mid back pain

Posted: June 2nd, 2006, 10:29 am
by hunisu
I think I know the answer (do more ab work), but my mid back has been really sore lately. I could only get 3500 in today vs. the 5000-10000 I have been doing.

So am I right in my assumption that I need more ab work & work on my rowing posture as well?


Posted: June 2nd, 2006, 10:44 am
by Tyn

sorry about your sore back,

i think you've got the answer,
But try to lower your Df, that might help, it decreases the stress on your back!

And think about your warm up/cool down,
this works for me!

If you don't find the answer here

Go see the doctor!

Posted: October 11th, 2006, 11:32 pm
by sage
So I'm just reading a whole bunch of posts, and I know this was posted awhile ago, but I thought I'd give my $0.02. Do you have anyone working with you on your technique? If you're opening your back before you finish your leg drive you could be putting a lot more strain on your lower back than necessary. This is a very common problem. Try doing some drills on the erg, such as legs only: go up to the catch, drive the legs down, but then don't open the body and pull pull in with the arms - just go back to the catch. Just use your legs for about 10 strokes, then do a couple full strokes, then 10 legs only again. Repeat this a few times. You don't want to compromise the work your legs are doing by opening the body before you complete the leg drive.