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Row Pro

Posted: May 7th, 2006, 6:10 pm
by newby5
I did not start rowing till Jan 06 . Does anyone who is a beginner use RowPro? If so do you find it enjoyable and helpful? I wondered if it is worth the investment. Thanks

RowPro Benefits

Posted: May 8th, 2006, 1:13 am
by rfahle
Greetings Newbie:

I started rowing in August 2005 on a Model C with PM 2+ monitor. I moved my laptop to the basement and started using e-row and noted that my times dropped when I could see a pace boat alongside of me.

Eventually, I decided that I had hit a plateau (times stopped going down without heart rate going too high) and after reading about RowPro, I downloaded the evaluation version and bought it within a week. The download and first use are a little challenging (maybe just for folks like me intellectually challenged). I got it to work about the time the ten uses ran out. Pete at Digital Rowing was more than willing to extend the evaluation for another 10 rows, but, I decided to risk my 100 dollars and dive in.

It was a great investment, I have no access to a rowing coach or fitness center with rowers. The coaching displays showed me what I was doing wrong and how to optimize my pace and SPM. Within the first week, I set three new PB times. I now us RowPro daily and I have completed all of the challenges (half and full marathon most recently) and RowPro has been with me al the way.

Take the plunge and you will not regret it.


Posted: May 8th, 2006, 12:36 pm
by michaelb
I think if you have a CII at home (with a PM3 like a model D, or a PM2+), and a computer that is available to run rowpro, it is well worth the investment, no question at all, even just for use "offline". What makes many of us come to this forum, and to keep rowing year after year, is to think of indoor rowing as a sport, not as something we do just to work out. Rowpro really helps with that.

I find the 3d dispay very enjoyable to watch, and much better than watching the PM display. I can row in rhythm with the rower onscreen. It is much easier to set up workouts and to row them again. Being able to row against past rows and pace boats (up to 3 total, offline) is great.

Even better though is you can download other people's rows and row against them too. Looking at the rankings, listed by source "rowpro" and there looks to be a wide range in times and paces. 2006 has many; 2005 will have lots to. Most of those pieces can be downloaded and imported in your rowpro, and then you can row against them. This can be a great added challenge, although sometimes I don't understand what strategy or pacing the other boats are using, so some of the slower times in the rankings likely include breaks, etc. The downloading and importing is a bit of a pain though.

For real inspiration, rowpro lets you race or row online. With Krysta and several others (in Ducks in a Row) now rowing online regularly, the options for women to row together has really increased. I find just having company, somebody else out there rowing with me on screen, to be very motivating. For some reason, the online racing really dropped off in Jan, but it will probably pick up again (we did a lot of online racing over last summer and fall).

Give the demo a try and see if it works (ideally, if you can, just leave the computer running and don't exit RP between rows, since each time you exit that is one use, and those get used up pretty quickly. Good luck.

Posted: May 8th, 2006, 4:28 pm
by Shannon

I agree that RowPro is a great way to keep motivated. Ever since I "found" a great group of people who are my speed to row with online, my times have dropped considerably! And if you join a workout that is timed, say 30 minutes, as an example, it doesn't matter if you are behind the others because the workout ends when the time is up. I have found ALL the rowers that I have ever rowed with to be so encouraging and supportive, even if they are much faster than I am. Plus there are so many interesting people from all over the world to "chat" with after the workout is over!!

Also, don't worry that every workout is a race. I often get together with some members of the Ducks and we just row along at a leisurely pace. The companionship makes the metres go by so much more quickly!



Posted: May 11th, 2006, 5:27 pm
by efg
I just posted on another topic and asked questions about RowPro and then I looked here. It's nice to see that RowPro isn't just used for racing. I haved rowed 2 or 3 pieces with RowPro (not online with others, though), but my husband and brother were playing around with the program and used up all our free trial sessions. So, I don't really feel like I got enough of an idea of how the program works to know whether I'd want it or not. I'd hate to get it and never use it. Also, it just seems troublesome to have to have a computer hooked up to the rower all the time. It's already troublesome enough having the rower in the middle of the room. I guess I'm also worried about messing with a set-up that already works well for me. If you have Row Pro, do you find yourself using it for all your rows? And how often do you generally get online to row with others?

Thanks - I am really undecided about getting RowPro or not,


Posted: May 11th, 2006, 5:41 pm
by MomofJBN
I usually only use Rowpro when I'm rowing online. That way the computer doesn't have to be set up every time. (The erg is in the garage, so I don't leave the laptop out there.)

I have tried rowing with the pace boat on RowPro, and that works well, too.

I'm glad I "took the plunge."


Posted: May 11th, 2006, 9:00 pm
by michaelb
Emilia, email Pete at digital rowing and ask to extend your demo. He will certainly give you another 10 tries.

I would send it to both (he uses the info address but also checks the support):

My computer is permanently next to my rower and solely used for rowing. So I use rowpro all the time for every row. But used occasionally I would think it would be worth it. Rowing can be a bit boring actually. Rowing with people from around the world adds a lot additional interest.

PM2 Rowpro?

Posted: December 9th, 2006, 3:10 am
by christinabellag
Hello, some newbie questions

I just read the rowpro thread, can I use it with a PM2? Will it work on my mac? It sounds really interesting! I have a hard time doing longer pieces (>30min) on the erg, and maybe this will help...


Re: PM2 Rowpro?

Posted: December 9th, 2006, 9:14 am
by tomhz
christinabellag wrote:Hello, some newbie questions

I just read the rowpro thread, can I use it with a PM2? Will it work on my mac? It sounds really interesting! I have a hard time doing longer pieces (>30min) on the erg, and maybe this will help...


Rowpro can only be used with a PM2+ or a PM3/4.
About the mac support: I don't think so. Maybe when running Windows on the Mac? Anybody?


Posted: December 9th, 2006, 10:21 am
by michaelb
If you have an intel mac you could dual boot into windows XP using parallels or bootcamp, and then run rowpro. But you need a copy of XP (expensive) in addition to the cost of RP. Also, with a PM2+, that uses a serial port, so you would need a serial to usb adapter (maybe cheap, put raises the possibility of problems).

As a mac user, I understand wanting to run it on a mac. But there are significant advantages to having a dedicated rowing computer too, so it is always set up and ready to go. For that, I recommend a junk PC. Someone you know has upgraded their computer, and old, used PCs are often worthless, so they may be willing to give it to you for free (used macs are of course worth lots of money).

Posted: December 27th, 2006, 12:37 pm
by cityeast
I must confess, being a bit of a tech-toy junkie, I can't do without Row Pro anymore!

It is a great motivational tool, the best part being able to row against yourself (i.e using previous RowPro rows as pace boats). I mean, it is hard to swallow being beaten by yourself! :lol:

Unfortunately, I just lack the dollars (well, Swiss francs actually) to afford the dedicated large-screen set-up that would really make a home C2 really interactive!

Posted: December 27th, 2006, 2:35 pm
by Wood_Duck
I have row pro on my laptop. So for me the set up is not really a hassle. I have a stand next to my computer that I set the laptop on. I have an extra power cable there permanently. Finally I have a power setting for the "erg" so when I it down I click on the battery icon, choose erg and I am ready to go.

For a several months I was unable to connect to the internet at home. I really missed my on-line rowing buddies. However, I still used row pro. The advantages are that you can set the computer so you can see additional data. For example I have the monitor on the erg so I can see meters and time left. I set the PM twin on the computer to show power or calories.

Row Pro makes rowing much more fun. AND the best part... it is a snap to have your meters uploaded to your logbook. NO MORE entering data by hand!! (You have to have an internet connection to upload the data--but you don't have to "row on-line")

I don't race. On a real good day, 2:30 is my average. I am not sure I would call it leisurely (SHANNON) but it is a pace I can keep up for a long period of time. What I enjoy most is setting up an appointment to row on-line, then I am obligated to do it (so I don't let my friends down) AND the time does go by much much faster! Sometimes I can’t even keep up that pace but if you set up a “timed” row, everyone ends together each keeping their own goal. Recently I have only been holding 2:40. I bet if I were with others I would keep up the pace better. I will have to make that a priority for the "new year.”

Take the plunge. I can't imagine rowing without it. One day I would like a dedicated computer AND a large screen monitor. Ooops too late to ask Santa. Guess I will have to be a good erger and see if he brings it next year!

AKA Wood_Duck

Posted: December 27th, 2006, 4:39 pm
by roastduckmangosalsa
I just got my c2 on December 13th and a few days after that I tried the trial version and immediately decided that I had to have it. I manage to hold myself back and try a couple more rows with the trial and then I purchased it. I am really enjoying the RowPro, I'm sure I haven't discovered everything it can do yet but what I have discovered is a lot of fun. I really enjoyed rowing against myself and found that it really motivated me to keep pace and not slack off at the end. I also benefitted from the coaching clinic, as I have no prior experience with rowing. I would recommend RowPro.


Posted: December 31st, 2006, 3:10 pm
by Shannon
I have been off the forum for ages, but I was happy to see some interest in RowPro. We had such a great group of rowers getting together last spring, just for regular rowing, not racing. I used to note in my logbook all the different countries that were represented in each row!!

I am getting over a cold right now. Grrr! I take holidays for Christmas and get sick! Anyway, once I am feeling better I would love to set up a row for anyone that is interested, as long as I don't have to get up too early! :oops: And Susan, no worries about 2:40 pace, I have been getting slower by the minute this season!! I think I peaked out in about June and it has been downhill ever since!!!


Posted: January 9th, 2007, 4:25 pm
by Shannon
Hi all,

I just wanted to let everyone know that a rowing friend of mine has set-up an online session for Thursday at 19:00 GMT on RowPro. The session is for 45 minutes, a good chance to get some more metres for your team in the January challenge!

Since the session is a timed event, it doesn't really matter how fast you go because the session ends in 45 minutes whether you are way ahead or poking along behind.

We are hoping that we can interest some more rowers to join us for sessions that aren't races, but just companionable rows. If you have any questions feel free to ask, or send me a personal message.


PS: I forgot to say that is this Thursday, January 11th.