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Have you tried rowing on-line?? Do you want to?

Posted: April 25th, 2006, 1:45 pm
by Wood_Duck
There are a bunch of us that row together on-line. We don’t race but rather row together companionably and are relatively slow.

If you have a PM3 or PM2+ and a computer hooked that you can hook to your erg, you can row on-line. Digital Rowing lets you try the software “RowPro” for 10 free trials. I use a laptop sitting on a chair next to my computer.

If you are interested, respond here or PM me or send a message to Holladay at I typically row at 5:45 AM Eastern Daylight in the US and 7:40 PM EDT during the week and Saturday anytime would work to try an on-line row with a new person. Since we are all in different time zones, we use “Greenwich Mean Time” GMT (Same as Universal Coordinated Time UTC.) In Eastern Daylight, that means adding 4 hours to the time. So my 5:45 AM row is at 9:45 GMT. This website is helpful for figuring out the conversion: I am also happy to help you figure it out.

Here are pictures of two ergers who rowed online for the first time on Saturday. It was quite a hit and fun for all involved.
ImageSchenley's son, Nicholas 5 1/2
ImageSusan's daughter, Danae 6

Posted: April 25th, 2006, 2:52 pm
by Krysta Coleman
Oh, did little Danae and Nicolas row online together? How cool! :D

Glad you posted this message, Susan. I would like second those comments. It really is a supportive environment online with RowPro and you are likely to find someone your speed if you can co-ordinate with the other women who already row online like me, Susan H., Sue P., Shannon, Fran, Schenley, Anne, Marilyn, Clair, Yvette, Priscilla, etc, etc...

It really takes the monotony out of rowing, when you have some friends to row alongside. And, if you do feel like pushing harder or having friendly competition - well, there are sessions for that too. The more of us that get online, the better it will be, with more sessions and times to join.

Posted: April 25th, 2006, 4:28 pm
by MomofJBN
Krysta Coleman wrote:Oh, did little Danae and Nicolas row online together? How cool! :D
They did row together (500 m) right after Susan and I had done a piece. It was exceptionally cute. On our end there was a certain amount of gazing at the computer and not concentrating on the rowing. :lol:

Rowing online is a great help for motivation and effort. Join the fun!


Posted: April 30th, 2006, 5:10 am
by lynsey
I took the plunge and entered my first session online yesterday. It was HUGELY enjoyable and I'd recommend it to anyone who's been sitting in the background wanting to join in but thinking they are too slow. These sessions are not races but as Susan says, companionable rows - you can go as fast or as slow as you want.
A big thanks to Susan who very kindly took me through a trial session beforehand to make sure I knew what I was doing.

I'll be back for more :lol:

Posted: April 30th, 2006, 11:32 am
by hunisu
I'd love to get in on this, but need to coordinate my schedule a bit. Right now I'm rowing at 6:30 am pacific (is that -9 I can't remember because we change timezones) due to my crazy work schedule. This week it'll change due to my summer schedule & I'm not sure I'll be able to get in a row before work. If not I'll get in one after & will probably have more of a chance to hook up :)

Posted: April 30th, 2006, 12:51 pm
by Shannon
hunisu wrote:I'd love to get in on this, but need to coordinate my schedule a bit. Right now I'm rowing at 6:30 am pacific (is that -9 I can't remember because we change timezones) due to my crazy work schedule. This week it'll change due to my summer schedule & I'm not sure I'll be able to get in a row before work. If not I'll get in one after & will probably have more of a chance to hook up :)

I'm in the Pacific time zone too, but you would not catch me online at 6:30 am!!! Sorry, but to me 6:30 am is prime sleeping time! GMT time is -7 hours for us in the Pacific time zone. I would love to get together online with you after work or on the weekend sometime. I just love rowing online, the metres just fly by!!


Posted: April 30th, 2006, 6:59 pm
by Wood_Duck
Take your local pacific time on the 24 hour clock and add 7.
2:00 PM pacific + 12 = 14:00 +7 = 21 GMT

OR Given the time in GMT subtract 7 and you get your pacific time.
20 GMT - 7 = 13 Pacific - 12 = 1 PM

Does that help? I have a spread sheet I can send. (I just print out my time and GMT and tape it to my computer. :)

A common rowing time is 23:45 GMT - 7 = 16:45 Pacific or 4:45 PM. Is that too early for you?


Posted: April 30th, 2006, 8:08 pm
by hunisu
Both early & late :)

When I'm on my current schedule (work late afternoons-nights) I'm already at work, when I'm on my summer/winter break schedule I'm almost home from work.

That's it, I'm quitting my job so I can erg with y'all :) ROFL

Thanks though, I knew it was either -7 or -9, just can't keep it straight as I switch between -7 & -6.

Maybe I can work something out for a Saturday.

Posted: April 30th, 2006, 9:55 pm
by newby5
Iam new to rowing ,but this sounds fun.Could you explain how this is done--------make it very simple I am not too smart when it comes to computers. Thanks

Posted: May 1st, 2006, 7:29 am
by Wood_Duck
First you need to have a PM2+ or a PM3 and a computer you can hook up to your erg.

Next go to and download a trial version of rowpro.

Let me know how that goes and we'll move on to the next step or I can provide more help at this point.


Posted: May 1st, 2006, 8:41 am
by Carole
well ladies got my pm3 and installed my rowpro trial ..... looking forward to seeing ladies on line if I ever work out what to do lol

Posted: April 27th, 2007, 12:12 am
by Storm Petrel

Will RowPro work with the PM4?
And have any who've first used the free trial download gone on to purchase the program? If so, do you consider it a good value, and/or any other thoughts/comments?

Edit to add: Sorry, asleep at the oar here...I just saw the thread titled "RowPro".

Posted: April 27th, 2007, 10:33 am
by Citroen
Kuiu Kate wrote:::Bump::

Will RowPro work with the PM4?
Yes it will.

It's still USD$99. The trial period is now measured in days not number of sessions.