JVC: Resolutions in a Row

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Post by LittleBit » January 11th, 2007, 5:17 pm

Greetings to All Ducks!

Last week went very well - rowed 4 times, ran/walked twice to get on schedule for the 1/2. All hell was breaking loose at the office - my ATM machine ate about $200, and other assundry moderate disasters, yet I still held to keeping my exercise on track.

This week I have not rowed or run/walk, either one. I have been going in early & staying as late at the office as I can stand. I get home & the couch magnet attacks my rear end, and that's as far as anything goes.

HELP!! Does any one have antibodies for the couch magnet??!!

I can still meet my rowing goal of 3-4 days & I know I should not be too down on myself about skipping days - but still..... Thanks for listening & cheering each of us on - it really does help.

To jcmatthews - I have done 1/2 marathons in the past & there's a little voice that has always very clearly spoken to me about 12.5 miles or so. It says "Just think - if you were running a full marathon, you wouldn't even be HALF WAY DONE YET!!" Maybe some day I'll be in better shape & well trained & prepared and that little voice will say "Too bad you didn't register for the full - I bet you could do that today!" Hasn't happened yet, but ya never know - it might!!

Happy Paddling from Southern Indiana!

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Post by roastduckmangosalsa » January 11th, 2007, 8:25 pm


I think we can sympathize and certain understand the desire to just vegetate on the couch. I know I certainly do my fair share. What usually upsets me the most is when the 2 or 3 days past and I've only went to work and bed. So what I try to do, mind you it doesn't always get accomplished, is just get on and do a little. Sometimes I find that I just keep going and sometimes it turns out that a little is all I do. But usually the next day I can really make some progress. So I would say, just go sit on your rower and row a little at a leisurely pace and be proud that you can mark the day down as successful.

For scientific study of the magnetism of your couch cushions, you can always put one of them on your row seat and see it if attracts your butt! :lol:

Good Luck and I know you can do it!!


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Post by Wood_Duck » January 12th, 2007, 10:08 am

I am laughing so hard. Can you imagine my husband coming home and asking where the couch cushions were?

"We’re now 12 days into the challenge and there are a record 165 clubs and 1,464 people participating! A total of 73,877,127 meters have been rowed as of this emailing and at this rate, by January 31st, a total of almost 200,000,000 meters will be rowed! (excerpt from an email to team captains)"

Keep up the good work. Sorry to hear about some of the injuries. Keep cheering if you aren't able to row. Remember, we are here to do our best. Sometimes that includes taking care of ourselves and resting when needed.


PS: I found the couch cushion too thick. It puts my knees at the wrong angle. I tried to adjust the straps.

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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Post by grams » January 12th, 2007, 12:21 pm

I installed a tv-dvd player-stereo-vcr-tivo system in front of my rower. With the gel seat its almost as good as the couch cushions. All I need is a back rest and a motor.

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Gel seat?

Post by ciproano » January 12th, 2007, 1:25 pm

Gel seat? Is that something C2 carries? I have a model C and the seat has built in foamy stuff that doesn't really do the trick. I have two pieces of egg carton foam on it which help but I'd be interested in something better. Can you let me know who carries seats?


It is our choices that show what we truly are, Harrry, far more than our abilities. (from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J.K. Rowling)

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Post by Keep on rowing! » January 12th, 2007, 2:56 pm

You girls are hilarious! I love the couch cushion on the butt thing-to bad my cushions are to big! :lol:

Catherine my suggestion is to walk in the door, change & go directly to the rower. Don't even let your fanny hit the couch. Sometimes when I am really tired, I have my best workouts. It is worth & try & good luck!

Cindy hang in there! Sorry to hear about your injury. Very frustrating. I know I do not like to miss my workouts-I get cranky.

I am also interested in the gel seat. Do you slide around? I get up & take breaks here & there-seems to help some. I want to go for a 1/2, so I know I will be hurting.

Have a great day all & keep on rowing!

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Post by grams » January 12th, 2007, 5:48 pm

My 'Relaxation' Yoga tape is what you need when you get home. The problem is that it used to put me to sleep when I had a stressful job! Now I stop it before she gets to the whole body relaxing part, and get on the rower instead, and crank the stereo.

Gel seat: I had an ongoing raw spot until I started using it. I continued to row, but it was painful, even when I used cycle glide stuff and buble-wrap and also a pad in my underwear.

I got mine at REI. Its not made for the erg-its the biggest fattest exercise bike seat cover they make.

Trico Painkiller Saddle Pad

It does fit on the erg seat pretty well and it doesn't move around. It probably slows me up a tiny bit. You know-absorbing some of my push force-but I don't care.

I could never have done my marathons without it. And the anti-chafe cycling stuff for various other parts of my bod.

(great) grams 71 yo 5'3"
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Post by MomofJBN » January 12th, 2007, 7:32 pm

:lol: LOL at the magnetic sofa cushions. I think I may have that model, too. :wink:

Why is it so much harder to get going again after 2 days off than just 1??? Wednesdays are hopeless for me. They were bad before and just got worse. Yesterday was just full of one time things - a long meeting, getting a new stove delivered, trying to find replacements for my son's missing uniform socks, supermarket, etc. We almost spaced my other son's choir practice. He got to about 2/3 of it. (Shannon - was thinking of joining you for the rowpro piece, but it just wouldn't fit in with everything else.)

Anyway, today I really had to drag myself out to the garage to erg. Paddled along for a bit. Have some time muscles in my back. I did a longer piece on Tuesday, and I don't think my form held up all the way through, leaving me with this soreness.

Keep paddling. The JVC really is good motivation for breaking away from the magnetism of the sofa. Once JVC is over, we'll need to come up with something else to keep us going. (Progress on the scale would help with that. :roll: )
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New member

Post by NordicDuck » January 14th, 2007, 1:35 pm


Hi there,

I am a 40-year-old Norwegian who started rowing on the Concept2 on 22 December last year. So far I have only reached about 34,000 meters but I am really getting dedicated to this kind of exercise.

My resolution is to row 4 times a week. Since I am a beginner I am still working on my technique, but I am getting there :)

I have had two 2k test, one on 22 Dec, where I logged 10:18 and one this week, where I logged 09:46. I hope to reach 09:00 before too long.

On a more personal note: I work full-time as a Director of Adult Education Services in the city of Sandefjord in Norway. I live with my boyfriend and have no kids. I have never been active in sports, but have participated in gymnastics as a kid, riding and volleyball as a teenager, badminton and aerobics as a student, and walking and jogging the last few years.

I have joined Ducks in a row because since I row with my boyfriend I have a hard time comparing my results with his. I need some girls around as well :-)

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Post by efg » January 14th, 2007, 2:40 pm

OK - time for a 2-week check-in:

First week was great, I rowed 6 days (goal was at least 5). 2nd week hit some snags. I'd offered to talk to my daughter's World Cultures class about NIgeria and Morocco for their unit on Africa, as I'd lived in both countries as a child. The teacher gave me one class period - a whole hour! It took me 3 days to get ready. I don't know how you manage to row, Susan, while developing a new curriculum. Is a 3 days of work: 1 day of class ratio typical or do you get faster with experience? Anyway, no rowing 2 days because of that. I thought I'd still be able to make my goal, but we got hit with an awful snow storm. And we were OUT when it started. Any other seattle-area rowers probably know what I'm talking about. We were less than 12 miles from home at my kids' ceramics class when the snow started. The class, which had just started, was canceled and we all rushed out of the building. It took us from 4:15 pm to 9 pm to get home. And we ended up walking the last 2 miles when we couldn't make it up a hill. Since my 11-year old son was not wearing appropriate shoes, I made him wear my socks and plastic bags AND his sandal-y type shoes. Needless to say, I got lovely heel blisters from walking home sockless. So no rowing that night either. And I still had to make dinner when we got home. I did row twice yesterday, so maybe that makes up for missing 3 days in a row? I will row again today, so I will have 4 days for this week.


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Post by LittleBit » January 14th, 2007, 4:04 pm

Thanks for all the encouragement!! I successfully avoided the couch magnet Friday & Saturday, and intend to row when I get home today. I took yesterday off from work & spent time with a couple of gal friends. So that helped the mental condition too. It's a new week so try, try again! Paddle on lady Ducks!

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Post by Widgeon » January 14th, 2007, 6:29 pm

Nordicduck, welcome! Always great to have a new duck in the pond!

Emilia, glad you all got in safely. Alot of interesting weather right now. I know you guys have gotten hit with quite a bit in the past month.

We may be getting some of your storm right now. Cold with alot of precip. Some freezing rain, but fortunately mostly sleet. I've got a bit of ice loading on the antennas right now, (both my husband and I are ham radio operators), I am afraid the 40 meter antenna may collapse, it's drooping quite a bit. So far we still have power, but there are scattered outages around the state right now. We have a natural gas run 13.5KW generator, so we can keep the well, etc. going if we loose power. Its been good for erging in front of the fire, and making snow angels in the street with my 6yr old son. Fortunately I'm off work for the holiday tomarrow, so I'll look forward to adding another hour to the JC!

Take care! Pam

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Post by toryb » January 15th, 2007, 12:04 am

How do I see where the RIAR team is ranking for the challenge?
"Just Ducky!"
(Erging & Weight Watcher-ing my way to 150 from 165 - 5'10 1/2")
Will row for food!

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team standings RIAR

Post by efg » January 15th, 2007, 2:48 am

At the top right of your personal log page you should see this:

Race Calendar
Indoor Race season has begun. Find a race near you and go as a competitor or specator.

Join us for the Second Annual January Virtual Team Challenge
The January Team Challenge is a way for you to row with your friends through the month of January - standings pages, downloadable prizes and more. More info
View the January Virtual Challenge Team Standings

If you click on the line I highlighted in red, it should take you to the team standings page.


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Post by Wood_Duck » January 15th, 2007, 6:26 pm

Since I can cut and paste this, I'll add a few more ways to get to our standings:

1) Log into your log book. On the front page where the announcements are click on "View the January Virtual Challenge Team Standings"

2) On that same page click on "TEAMS" (on the orange bar at the top of the page.) See where it says "resolutions in a row" Click on View Team Standings for Current Challenge

3) Click on this link: http://www.concept2.com/sranking03/team ... e_index=31

You can then sort the standings by clicking on the words at the top of the chart. Sort by team, by average meters, etc.

Emilia--it is time intensive. One three hour assignment I worked on for 2.5 WEEKS! Prep time varies WAY too much depending on what you need to do and what you have done before. I had hoped that being the captain would force me to row but I am stuck at school. I am glad to contribute to the team over lunch and supper when I feel like I am at least with my friends by adding members and answering questions. gives me something to look forward to!

Keep up the good work everyone!
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)
