by ciproano » January 3rd, 2007, 10:32 pm
Hi, Ducks! I noticed that several people mentioned problems with back pain. I can sympathize, as I had cervical spinal fusion in Nov 2002 (no Holiday Challenge that year!). I still need to be very mindful of good form, especially not curving my back forward. I propped an old mirror on the floor across from the erg so I can check my form. I also periodically (during a row) roll my shoulders back and also do some neck retractions (pulling chin back) which look awfully funny but are sure-fire therapy for my neck trouble.
But I the issue of lower back pain. This year I really threw myself into the HC, but the first week my lower back was misery. I did not want to have to stop but what to do. After one painful session, I had the urge to go into Child's Pose, a simple yoga pose that gives the lower back a deep stretch. Aaaaaah, breath deeply into that pose, and oh, what a relief it is. After that, I'd do a 3-5 min. child's pose after every erg session, and the pain disappeared, never recurring. Occasionally when I've done a lot or done two sessions in a day and my lower back gets cranky again, the deep stretch does it. If you are not familiar with this pose or how to do it, has excellent instructions (all free).
Has any one else tried any yoga poses or other stretches that have offered pain relief? If so, perhaps we can start a different thread to share ideas. I've tried several different shoulder stretches and have found several that are good but none that are one-stop-stretching, would love to hear what you've found.
Quacks to all, row on.
It is our choices that show what we truly are, Harrry, far more than our abilities. (from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J.K. Rowling)