March Madness - what are your goals?

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March Madness - what are your goals?

Post by urowgirl » March 1st, 2008, 2:01 pm

Here it is March already! But when will the snow end....

What are your goals for this month? If we put them in writting, then we will be more prone to accompolish them! Plus, the more you row this month, the more chances you are to win something!

I will row 4 x week and do the eliptical 2 x week. Now that I've said it -
I have to do it, right?

What are you going to do? Let everyone know!

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Post by PJM » March 2nd, 2008, 3:22 pm

My goal for March is to row every day.I will try to do the 5,000/day challenge and even try harder to do the 10,000/day challenge.
I will cross- train too so as to keep my fitness routine fresh and effective.
My goal is to stay healthy , fit and a motivating part of my virtual team.


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Post by Lynne » March 2nd, 2008, 9:16 pm

I plan to row 25 days this month, 5K or more each. I would also like to do at least 10 days of 10K this month..that will get my total meters to 300,000m by the end of the month.

I started erging in I'm hoping to get to 1M by before I ring in 2009...wish me luck!
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Post by Surf Scoter » March 3rd, 2008, 10:04 pm

Hi All, I am planning to do at least 5,000 for 25 days. I've already taken one day off!! :oops: , but I'm motivated. It is feeling like spring here, so I've been out on my bike, gardening, etc. It's harder to commit the time to row in my garage, but thanks for the encouragement. denise

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Post by gardnermer » March 4th, 2008, 7:55 pm

Hi! I'm new around here. I just rowed my first 1/2 marathon today in 1:39:27.2. I was hoping to reach it a bit faster, but I'm happy I finished. It gave a new meaning to long piece...and a new uncomfy feeling to my butt.

One of my goals for March was to row a 1/2 marathon, but seeing as I've already finished that one...My goals are to row at least 10k a day, with 5 days of a break of only 5k and with 5 days off completely.

I'm just starting a cleanse, with today being day 2 of the pre-cleanse, so we'll see if I'm up to exercising much over the next 6 days. But I'm hoping to finish the cleanse out completely.

I'm also hoping to shed at least 8 pounds this month, but we'll see how that goes.
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Post by urowgirl » March 8th, 2008, 1:24 pm

First week - not so good. The kids got influenza b and have been sick for a week. Of course, I got it too. Haven't moved off the couch since Tuesday; my body is sore and all I can think about are my muscles atrophying because I am not exercising. Will this never end!

Hope to have a better week coming up, but will have to start slow.

How are the rest of you healthy people doing? Are you keeping up on your goals? Go March Madness!

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Post by yksin » March 10th, 2008, 12:47 pm

I came back to rowing after a hiatus, also doing an overall reset of overall health/fitness with a goal of losing 60 lbs. of fat. (Just the fat, please: I need the muscle!) Thus far have lost 8 lbs. since Feb. 18 (some of it from water in my tissues -- I had edema, but activity improves my circulation so I get rid of that water).

March Madness is fitting into this: I missed the first three days, but so far I've rowed at least 5000m every day since then, including this morning my best so far for a 30 min. row (5684m, average 26 strokes/min.)

At the same time, I've started working in a strength/interval training program called "Turbulence Training for Fat Loss", so on the days I do that (2 or 3 days per week, never on succeeding days), I do a morning row of about 2000m to 2500m; then, later, I do my TT workout, currently a bunch of bodyweight exercises followed by an intense (for me) intervals row preceded by a 5-minute warmup & followed by a 5-minute cooldown. At this point, the interval rows for these workouts are 3x1:00/2:00r alternated with 3x2:00/2:00r. Those, along with the morning workouts on those days, fill out the 5000m I need to meet the March Madness challenge. On non-TT days, I sometimes row a 30-minute row, other times a 5000m row, other times break it up between two rows.

Of course I sometimes do intervals other than those on the TT -- in fact, my favorite workout of all has got to be 500m/1:00r. I just work the warmup & slowdown right into one of those workouts -- first interval slow, then next one a bit more speedy, then speedier... & so on. Keeps me from getting bored.

I'm considering doing the Global Marathon Challenge at the end of April -- for a half-marathon, rather than a marathon which I don't think I'm ready for. But we'll see. I've done a 10,000m row once, but I'd want to get at least two or three more under my belt before attempting a half-marathon. Gotta make sure I have myself set up for a movie or something too, or I'll get deathly bored. And I need some gloves... my hands get so sweaty.
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Post by MomofJBN » March 10th, 2008, 1:08 pm

yksin wrote:And I need some gloves... my hands get so sweaty.
A friend of mine recommends putting baby socks on the handle to solve the sweat problem. I have to agree - it does the job nicely.

Now to find my missing motivation... :?

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Post by snappyrower » March 23rd, 2008, 9:33 pm

Ok, I see a few familiar names still on here, but I have to admit I haven't been around for over a year. Just erged tonight and the monitor says it has been since April 12 of 2007 since my last workout. Wasn't totally inactive, I did some running for a few months there, but that dropped off late summer until now.

Goals for March are to ease back into activity. Walking, walk/running, and erging. Also need to pick up the weights and maybe even the yoga at some point.

Anyway, rowed for 21 minutes tonight, so that's a start.

Got 3310 meters in, and glad to be back!
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Post by yksin » March 31st, 2008, 12:39 pm

I did it. 25 days this month at 5000m or better. A couple of those days I rowed 10K.

[satisfied sigh]
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Post by urowgirl » March 31st, 2008, 3:41 pm

Good job!

I didn't make my goal; I exercised 18 of the 31 days in March. I was going to do both elliptical and the c2, but did mostly the c2. We were hit really hard with the flu during the month and that set me back. But we are now healthy and life goes on.

Now the goal is to lose 5 pounds in April. We will see how that goes!

I would love to hear how everyone did for the March Madness! Let's keep encouraging each other!

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March Madness!

Post by Bodie » March 31st, 2008, 4:27 pm

Hello all...

I'm a relative newbie (started rowing in mid February) to the indoor rowing scene and managed to get my certificate for 25 days of 5,000+ for March. I am most pleased and look forward to many more days of rowing!! The NARC challenge is fun as well! I am AMAZED at how many meters some people can row in a day! Do they ever get of the erg??




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Post by Surf Scoter » March 31st, 2008, 9:06 pm

Bravo for those of you who made the March Madness. I had good intentions,'s tennis season here! I only rowed 15 days :oops: . I am pushing hard, however, to finish up my first million before the end of April and hopefully to also make a million in the rowing year. So, about 150,000 to go for the million and 225,000 if I'm to do 1 million in the current rowing year. I'll let you know. denise

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