Holiday Challenge!

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Post by woolsmith » December 3rd, 2007, 10:08 pm

How's everyone doing? As of 12/10, we'll have two weeks left on the HC, so that gives ya's an idea of where to be on your halfway mark. I think halfway would be 12/8?? I have to go count....

But anyway, I only rowed a bit over 5k, but that put me just over 100,000 meters. I'm halfway there! :D

--Jen in WI

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Post by margaret » December 4th, 2007, 12:40 am

Just logged on my meters--since May 1, didn't take long. Guess that's why my times are so poky :? Only 37k towards the HC so far. Well, I've been off the erg so much since spring, at least well on my way to 100k. The reality of a baby in the house makes 100k not so bad. I'll try to row a 6k most days, more when fortune allows. My row did feel easier today. And I really need this regular exercise, especially since the rain set in yesterday, looks like for the month!

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Post by Afterburner » December 4th, 2007, 4:22 am

I do the 200k HC every year. Got to keep that pin collection going, right?
So far this year it's been going by amazingly quick with my team being off the water for a week and a half. I'm already 132k into it! What a change from those times when I did 1/3 to half the meters in the last week!
Got some extra motivation to find the erg more tolerable (as if the weather weren't enough!) on Sunday when I hit a new PR on the 2k for the first time in 3 yrs. That combined with hitting the 5 million meter mark when I finish the HC (free clothing, yay!) is making it fly by this year.
Keep erging!
F23 5'7" Lwt
2k 7:18.5/ 6k 23:15.7/ 100k 9:07:27.7

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Post by margaret » December 5th, 2007, 1:49 am

Squeezed in 6km today. I can tell 8km would be just about right exertion for me, when I have time. Didn't realize the HC counted Weds. before Thanksgiving; I guess it counts because my official tally is up to 49km now.

Keep it up everyone! It feels good to get regular exercise.

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Post by hev » December 5th, 2007, 7:48 am

I've just completed my first half marathon :D :D and feel on top of the world. Just wanted to see how it would feel and went at a Sunday drivers pace, until I realised I could do it in under 1hr50m if I started moving it. It coincided with me going over the halfway mark, so I'm now on the homeward straight and sitting at 116,097m :D :D My hands did start to burn just before I got to the last 2000m and I felt that the ample padding on my bottom had dissappeared halfway through, but for once my heels did not hurt. I had decided to wear my old kickabout running shoes - normally relegated to gardening duties. So they are back in favour for the gym now. It is starting to get addictive.
I have now put in an order for my very own C2. Can,t wait!! I,ll be able to row and watch telly, rather than watching the metres go down.

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Post by Keep on rowing! » December 5th, 2007, 2:28 pm

Great job everyone so far! I am at 114,000m as of today. I must say once you get going, it is very addicting! I love how I feel after a good row. Hope you all have a great day.
Keep on rowing!

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Row, row, row

Post by Surf Scoter » December 7th, 2007, 2:29 am

Great to hear how everyone is doing. WOW! Hev--a Half Marathon already! I thought you were new to this. Sounds like you are going to get the machine. Today I almost did 10,000m to bring me up to a bit over 94,000. I am on track and aiming for 200,000.

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Hit 100,00

Post by TVChikee » December 7th, 2007, 8:57 pm

I thought I was rocking the challenge. I planned out all of my workouts and have been good about sticking to the schedule and then I break the 100,000 mark and look at the leader boards and people are up over 500,000 for the HC....that is crazy. I wish I had the time and stamina to row that much in that amount of time. Oh well anyway. I am happily over 110,000 and have only 9 work outs to go to make the challenge.

How is everyone else doing?

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Post by Sicilianna » December 7th, 2007, 9:24 pm

Hello TVChikee,

Not to worry, with those numbers, you ARE rocking ! I've just started rowing in early November and only have 60,101 toward the HC as of this evening. I'm just stunned by everyone's accomplishments.

Buona Fortuna a tutti! Good Luck to all!

Keep up the good work,

Anna in NY
"...Only God never changes."
St. Theresa of Avila

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100,000m and counting

Post by Surf Scoter » December 7th, 2007, 9:49 pm

Great to hear how everyone is doing. Today I rowed 10,000 and it put me slightly over 104,000, so I'm on schedule and loving it!!

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Post by Sicilianna » December 9th, 2007, 10:45 pm

I rowed my first 60 minute piece today. What a great feeling! I added 10,000 to my HC.

Happy! :mrgreen:

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Post by woolsmith » December 9th, 2007, 11:20 pm

Everyone is doing great! So cool!! And an HM for Hev, WTG! :D

Every meter is progress, don't forget that! I know that some of those folks cranking out 500K can make my piddly amount of meters seem, well, piddly. But for me, it's really amounting to something--I feel great, and I'm burning calories, yay!

Sicilianna--Those meters piling up sure do get addicting, don't they? And some of those long, slow rows can sure get those feel-good endorphins flying. Gotta love those endorphins! Funny how after a long row, the next row seems easier. When I first started this HC, I worked to get 6k done, and now I can do 10k or more, no sweat. Well, okay, a little sweat. :D But I don't feel like I'm straining to do it.

I rowed 15k today! I might try for an HM the week before Christmas. I'll have more time off from work and school to put into it. Heck, I could've done it today, but I ran out of time. I'm getting there. I now have over 125k for the HC, so I'm feeling pretty good about that.

Gotta work a lot this week though, so I'll have to make time to row. Bubba the Hubba will just have to make dinner (or pick up some carryout) a few times this week. :)

Keep up the great work, y'all! You're all great inspiration for keeping me on track with this.

--Jen in WI

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Post by Widgeon » December 10th, 2007, 5:08 pm

Sounds like everyone is doing great! I just hit 100k today. Had anticipated getting there about a week and a half ago, but alas, the germballs in my life spread their joy with me and we've all been enjoying congested noses and bronchitis. Want to get to 200k by the 20th since we are going to NM to spend xmas with my dad.

We are having a beautiful, but destructive ice storm right now. We've been on generator power most of the day. Have the electric back for now. See if it stays on or not. Alot of big trees down. I stood out in my front yard listening to the limbs of nearby trees snapping and failing. High pitched snaps for smaller branches and loud deep explosive pops for big branches. showers of ice tinkling like tiny bells. Some trees partially blocking my drive, but still passable. The world is amazing, shimmering as if made of crystal.

Having fun being home with the kids today. We are pretty well provisioned so I'm not too concerned. just a meteorologic adventure for us!

Keep up the great rowing ducks!


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Post by margaret » December 11th, 2007, 1:16 am

Glad so many of you are on track. I'm at 61k, on track for the 100k. It puzzles me, after rowing the 200k several years, but I have less time and steam this year. One of my knees bothers me a bit, not sure why, or even if it is rowing related. I'm keeping it slow and steady, trying to regain fitness lost since last winter. Today I completely forgot about my intention to row until my husband reminded me! It sill seems to be the easiest exercise to fit into my routine. Limiting my workouts to half an hour helps me not get behind on family schedules.

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Post by Surf Scoter » December 11th, 2007, 9:24 pm

Today I rowed 11,500 meters. The most I've done in a day so far. On the HC I'm just past 135,500 meters. I plan to get a little past 150,00 by Friday and take Saturday off. Feeling good.

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