Holiday Challenge!

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Holiday Challenge!

Post by woolsmith » November 24th, 2007, 10:26 pm

Hey Ducks!

Who all is doing the HC this year? Are you doing 100,000 meters or 200,000? Anyone got some goals for this HC they're shooting for? Anyone doing any full marathons or half-marathons?

I'm thinking about doing another half-marathon. I've done 2 HMs in the past, but I've been such a slacker for the last few months that I need to build back up for one. Then I'll try to get brave and do a FM.

I'm hoping to drop about 5 to 8 pounds this month. Big goal with the holidays, hey? :D

--Jen (quite possibly a "loon"ey duck)

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First Challenge

Post by Surf Scoter » November 25th, 2007, 3:18 pm

Hi, I'm new here and just started rowing last Jan. I am going to do the 100,000m challenge, though I'm tempted to push for 200,000 m. I think it might be smarter for me not to make a huge jump in distances just yet. I usually row about 5,000 m 3 x/ week. Maybe a HM some day??

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Post by woolsmith » November 25th, 2007, 10:33 pm

Hi Surf Scoter!

I'm gearing up for the 200K for this HC. I've rowed over 44K so far since it started. With work, I'm going to have to take it easy the next couple of days, but I've only got 6K left to make my goal of 50K/wk. It would be nice to get ahead of the game a bit, in case of "problems." :shock:

Nothing wrong with doing 100K for the HC! Any number of meters rowed is a plus for anyone, in my book. I think you're right--try for the 100K and see how it feels. There's another challenge in January, and maybe you could try more meters then. I'm hoping I can keep up the momentum and do two months of 200K. I did it last year, but I hadn't been quite as lazy as I have been this year, so we'll see! :)


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Great start!

Post by Surf Scoter » November 25th, 2007, 10:47 pm

Hi Woolsmith, WOW, you are off to a great start. I have done 15,000 in the last 2 days with the same idea in mind. The challenge and this forum have really helped me get more into rowing. Meanwhile there is cycling and tennis to keep up with. I will look forward to another challenge in Jan and maybe I can do 200,000 then. I just sent away for Xeno's technique DVD and I hope that will help me.

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Post by annabassand » November 26th, 2007, 3:04 am

Exc ellent everyone :-) I am also on board. I am not sure I can make it to 200,000 because of travel + a busy schedule. However so far I've done 36,000 which I am very happy about -> so I am nicely ahead at the moment. I'm going skiing in December so if I start feeling fatigued at some point I'll have to level of for the 100,000 meter challenge :)

Good luck everyone - it's so much fun keeping track of how everyone does...


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Post by Surf Scoter » November 26th, 2007, 3:14 pm

It's great to hear everyone's goals for the HC. Now, I hear 2 of you doing the 200K and I get out my calculator and figure with 29 days left I only have to do 6700+m/day....gee that's doable....but everyday? Mmmm? Well, you have me thinking. I'm a LWT at 124, but I always used to weight 118, so I'd love to get back there. Retirement (I'm 58) and being a newlywed must have added some lbs. :lol: I'll see if I can possibly aim for 200K. I LOVE a challenge!!! and wouldn't mind if I happened to knock off 5lbs, too.

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I'm in

Post by margaret » November 27th, 2007, 5:49 pm

After a hiatus, I'm back. Somehow the HC lures me back in every year. I'm aiming for 200k. My plan is 10k, 5 days a week, 4 weeks. I rowed my 10k yesterday, but today spent all my "rowing" time at meetings and taking care of business on the phone. Grrrrr :evil: With luck, maybe I can stretch out this challenge through the winter months, 50km a week, til I reach another million (that would be 20 weeks, around April, I don't have next year's calendar handy).

My goal is 200k, but I'll be happy with 100k if that's all I get. My family is adopting a baby, so exercise is more important but harder than usual...especially, ahem, at my age.

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Post by MomofJBN » November 27th, 2007, 7:12 pm

I'm in. I'm aiming for the 100K goal. If I get there, I will also pass 1 million for the calendar year and 1.5 million meters lifetime.

Margaret - Congratulations! We want to know more about the baby. :)

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Post by Sicilianna » November 28th, 2007, 5:53 pm


Though I've owned my rower for a little less than a month, I'm trying for the 100,000 mark.

Still much to learn, but am happy to be part of this,

Sicilianna (Anna in NY)
"...Only God never changes."
St. Theresa of Avila

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Post by Hapa » November 28th, 2007, 6:41 pm

I would like to aim for the 200 K, but it's been pretty hard for me to keep up since I'm currently about 10 weeks pregnant and I've been pretty tired after work (and before and during...), and being bloated doesn't help either! :lol:

But, I know that it's good for me to stay active so I'm going to really try to stay on top of it.

Good luck everyone!


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slow and easy

Post by Surf Scoter » November 28th, 2007, 9:16 pm

Hi everyone. I started out planning to do the 100,000 meters, but I just passed 42,000 tonight, so I'm on track for 200,000. This is a lot for me as I generally row about 15,000/week. I am taking it really easy and trying to think about form and smoothness. I've also found that if I break my workout up into a warmup, cooldown and pyramid intervals in the middle, the time seems to fly by pretty easily. I'd like to get ahead of the schedule by the end of this week. We'll see. Good luck to everyone--you are all an inspiration!!! d

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Post by Widgeon » November 28th, 2007, 10:28 pm

Welcome to the new folks! Good to see woolsmith, wood duck, margaret and momof jbn again! I havent been on the forum much this year either. Most of my meters have been OTW so far this season. Using the HC to change that. I am planning on the 200k, on schedule so far.

I have both of my kids participating again this year. Maybe they will make it. They came close last year. Theresa, 9, with 8k so far. Alex, 7, with 8k so far. Today their gym teacher told them that everyone should get 20 minutes of exercise per day. They informed me that they will be doing so on the rowing machine. Both completed 20 min rows this evening. Hope this lasts! If they keep at it they will finish the HC this year.

Anyone else with kids in the HC?

Keep up the great work ducks!


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Post by Keep on rowing! » November 29th, 2007, 3:08 am

Hey fellow ducks! Glad to see some of the regular ladies as well as some new ducks taking on the HC. I myself am trying for the 200k. I have about 60k so far, so I am well on my way. I am trying to stay ahead before the month gets to crazy.
-Aiko-congrats on the pregnancy!
-Margaret-good luck on your adoption!
-Pam-my 7 year old started out, but pooped out. Hopefully I can get her going again. She wants the t-shirt!
Happy rowing to all.
Lori (aka Keep on Rowing!) :D

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Post by margaret » November 29th, 2007, 5:43 pm

Widgeon--my 9 & 10 yo are rowing the challenge this year. Last year it was a family endeavor, but this year my 12 yo is opting out. The 5 yo has his own agenda.

MomofJBN--My baby girl is a newborn. The adoption will take months to finalize, but we don't foresee any impediments. She's 5 weeks old, but premature so gestationally she's still at minus 2-3 weeks. She's mellow (hallelujah!) so mostly just eats and sleeps, a lot, it's her job. Though just now she threw up everything she drank--I'll give her a rest and hopefully get better results next time round. This is our 5th child (I guess we're officially a big family now) and our 2nd adopted child, a blood-half-sibling to our adopted son. We're all very excited to have a baby in the family again, except for the sleep deprivation part.

Up to 27k now. Rowing 10k daily may be harder than I figured--too much competing business, plus seep deprivation, but I'll still keep trying, maybe more frequent shorter rows. Yesterday I rowed 3k in the morning, 4k after dinner.

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Post by MomofJBN » November 29th, 2007, 7:07 pm

Aiko - Congratulations on your pregnancy. Listen to your body when you erg.

Margaret - you certainly have your hands full. It's nice that your adopted children are related, but I won't say what I think about these "mothers" that just churn out babies they can't raise.

I've tried to persuade my boys to do the HC, but they're not taking the bait. Oh well.
Wife of Jeff
[img][/img] Mom of Jonathan (12), Benjamin (10), and Nicholas (8)

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