JVC: Resolutions in a Row

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Post by Wood_Duck » January 29th, 2007, 7:33 pm

I am thinking a new thread.

We could post new goals. I will confess why mine did not work and what I plan to do about it.

Others could have the same goals and state ideas on why they were successful. Some could have hints and tips for the rest of us.

I like both February Fitness AND Heart Resolutions Or Healthy Heart Resolutions....

How is this for an idea to help the heart?


That is a savings of 66 minutes of erging! Hmm.

I went to the store last night. They had much lower fat “beef & soy” patties but they were $ 0.54 an ounce. The “beef breakfast” patties were $ 0.14 an ounce. I know my health is worth paying for… However, considering the difference in the two breakfasts, 14.5 fat grams is OK.

The biscuits I wanted to buy were also high in fat and calories so I found 100% whole wheat dinner rolls.

It takes time and work. BUT it IS worth it.

I did get hungry and needed a “snack” but I prepared for that too… one ounce of cashews.

I also brought fruit to the office for the next snack.
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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New Thread

Post by Nan » January 29th, 2007, 9:11 pm


I think the idea of a new thread is a good one.

I must say I think I have overdone it a bit with the rowing but with only two days left, I also believe I can keep up the effort til the end. I am beginning to get the odd look at the health club as people silently question whether I am permanently attached to the Concept 2. I have watched way too much news programming (over and over again) this month, as the machine is parked in full view of a wall of televisions. I think I can safely say the only good thing I got to see during the entire month was the replay of Roger Federer winning the Australian Open.

I do check the Women's Forum every time I register my metres and I know that being able to read about other members of the team, their accomplishments and challenges, has been very inspirational. Thanks again, Captain, for organizing the crew. And we should take a few minutes to really appreciate what a spectacular effort the RIAR turned in. I plan on having a glass of really good red wine on Wednesday evening. I will think of you all.

I have been thinking about ways to reinforce the good habits that participating in the January Virtual Team Challenge has instilled in me. I will keep up the erging but will focus less on distance and more on drills to improve my times. I also want to reintroduce running into my schedule. I need to get outside.

And so, this is just a long-winded way of repeating that I think the new thread you suggest would be a useful support mechanism for me and, I hope, for others.


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Post by margaret » January 30th, 2007, 1:28 am

Lori, thanks. The long rows have their boring moments but the results are gratifying, and the virtual teams and online chats help keep me motivated. Actually, it doesn't feel like I'm on the erg constantly, but like I don't have a spare moment. With no spare moments left over, no time left to waste :wink: .

How will you combine running and rowing? I'd like to racewalk but I don't want to lose my rowing progress and haven't figured out how to improve at both simultaneously, since it seems to be important that every other day is an "easy" day.
F45, HW
Feel the best I can, Do the most I can, Thank God

Keep on rowing!
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Post by Keep on rowing! » January 31st, 2007, 2:50 pm

Well girls, I just did my last row for the JC. Hope everyone was successful with their goals. Life gets crazy-but we must take time for ourselves!

Susan-thanks for taking the lead with RIAR!

I like any of the names. I am not sure what exactly I want to accomplish. Must think about it tonight.

Schenley-almost forgot great job on the LWT! I was there-but got lazy! So way to go. That is what I would like to see for myself.

Margaret-not to sure how I am going to do the row/run thing yet! At least weather is not an issue. Beginning to wonder if North Cal. is going to ever get rain. I do alot on the treadmill-due to my pre-schooler home with me 3 days a week. I also was having knee pain that kept me from trying a 1/2 marathon. So with tthat said, I will take it slow. I also like to weight train 2-3 times a week. Time is always an issue for me. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Gotta run-have a great day everyone-Lori :)

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Post by Kiwi_Rower » January 31st, 2007, 6:33 pm

Just finished up JVC with 95,665. I had wanted to do 100k but fell a little short. I don't think my 4 mile walk in the cold to get costco groceries this morning helped my final efforts, lol. It took an hour to do 10k this evening and I kind of gave up in the end. 100k in February for sure! It's a shorter month but hopefully I am building up some endurance for a few longer workouts somewhere in there.
Jane (Movin' Duck in Ducks In A Row) 304,207m
500m 2:03.0 2000m 9:23.9 5000m 23:55.8 6000M 29:17.4 10000m 51:52.5

"Once we know and understand our strengths, we can use them to compensate and correct for our weaknesses" - Gary Shank

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New Thread

Post by Nan » January 31st, 2007, 8:01 pm

Done! Done! Done! 300,000 metres.

It is definitely glass o wine time.

Congratulations to everyone to participated. As others have said, it is time to contemplate the next round of short term goals. Will come up with something practical in the next day or two.


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Post by ciproano » January 31st, 2007, 10:31 pm

WooHoo...finished up January challenge with 10k tonight. After an all-afternoon client presentation, picking up 12 yo son, spending nearly two hours to get his homework done and reorganized, didn't get to the erg til nearly 8 p.m. I'm really tired now, so just going to grab some soup and head to bed.

I was off on my goals for the month, primarily because of the pinched nerve in my neck that had me off the erg for an entire week. Without that week, I'm still a bit short on the meters/week since I had to come back a bit slow, but was very close to my 5 day/week goal. I think if I had not been doing this challenge, I would have dallied a lot longer recovering from the neck thing!

I am one week into a 12 week fitness program I'm doing with the adults in my Boy Scout troop. My big fitness goal is to complete the marathon in mid-April. I have to put my plan onto paper, so I'll have to reread that part of C2s website where they talk about prepping for a marathon. I'm thinking that I will try to stay at 50k/week for several weeks, progress in increments to maybe 80k/week toward the end, backing off to 50k the last week before the marathon. It could be tricky as I know I'll be travelling twice during that period for 2-3 days at a time to facilities with no erg.

So, yes, I am very much up for continuing this group effort...I appreciate having others out there trying to erg, juggle work, kids, all that jazz. I like the Valentine or heart theme...Hearts in a Row?
It is our choices that show what we truly are, Harrry, far more than our abilities. (from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J.K. Rowling)

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Post by woolsmith » February 2nd, 2007, 4:07 pm

Great job on the JVTC, everyone!

I hit my goal of 200K, and I would have done more except for a death in the family that required out-of-town travel. My m-i-l died at age 82. She had advanced Alzheimer's Disease, so it wasn't totally unexpected. Her death produced an odd mix of sadness and yet relief that it was over for her. I couldn't have asked for a better m-i-l, and we will all miss her.

Ah well, I can work on the February challenge, Hearts in a Row, right? Maybe I can hit 250K with this one.

Susan--those breakfast biscuits are still coming back to haunt you, aren't they? I remember them being your nemesis last year. For me, it's Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper.

