JVC: Resolutions in a Row

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Post by margaret » January 7th, 2007, 12:49 am

I'm enjoying the intros of new members and seeing some back from last year.

I'm almost "caught up" with my 100km per week goal for the days I missed last month. So far, just missed one day this month. Some days I feel pretty tired, but I'm careful to take at least every other day slow, and it paid off today with a PB for this year for the 60 minutes. It's not as good as just a couple of years ago, but I'm headed in the right direction.

Weight loss has slowed since December but I'm still moving in the right direction. All the holiday treats still lurking in the pantry are tempting and I'm way behind on chores but I'm trying to keep my health a priority. It's hard to beat erging for time well-spent exercising.

We got our family HC T-shirts today. I'll try and post a photo. 5 of us completed it, and my 4 yo son got an honorary T-shirt to not feel left out. He did row a few thousand meters over the course of the month.
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Post by Wood_Duck » January 7th, 2007, 1:16 pm

Well, fortunately Jan 1 was a Monday so technically I still have today to get in my fourth row. Well done for those that have made their goals! Way to go!

At lunch my fortune cookie said "fall down 7 times, get up 8." Better than that on the back was a VERY important word -- DUCK! the pronuciation is Ya-zi.

I have the character to show you but I couldn't paste it in this document. :cry: It is a jpeg but I don't have a website to put it on so that I can enter it here.

Go Team GO!

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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Post by roastduckmangosalsa » January 7th, 2007, 5:52 pm

In response to Jen (woolsmith): My blister showed up on my left heel. I have Saturday off from exercise so that should give it a little time for healing. I am ready to go home tonight and do some rowing and log my meters into my logbook. It's pretty exciting right now because I can see so much improvement every time I row.

About my duck name, it's from the Geico commercials with the cavemen. I really love those commercial and even saved them in my YouTube account so I can watch them anytime I want (yes, I am a goober) :D . Anyway, in the commercial where the Geico represenative takes them to dinner to apologize for his insensitive remark about their supposed mental inferiority, one of the cavemen orders "roast duck with mango salsa". So that's where my name comes from.

I'm really not a t.v. fan but I can really get behind a brillant advertising campaign. I am a total movie nut though. Well, I've sort of got off anything JVC related so I better stop.

Keep up the good work everyone!!!!


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Post by MomofJBN » January 7th, 2007, 7:15 pm

Wood_Duck wrote:How tall is Nicolas now? I can't imaging Danae (6) on the erg for 43 productive minutes. She typically gets in about 600m. Her problem is her stroke rate is so high and her legs are so short she gets hardly any "pull" on the handle. She is 3 feet 10 inches tall (117 cm).
OK, Susan, I finally got around to measuring him. He's just over 44", so that would be 3' 8" if I'm doing my math right. His stroke rate is preposterous compared to what I'm used to, but I think his form has improved. He needs to stop doing "chicken wing" arms, but otherwise his form is good. His pace started at about 4:00/500 and gradually dropped to 5:00/500. When I watched I think his stroke rate was about 36 - down considerably from the 56 I remember seeing earlier this year.

As for the stick-to-it-iveness, it was pretty impressive. He just wandered off and did it. I was asking him later how he got it to finish at exactly 5,000. He said it took 5 tries to get it to end exactly on the thousand. :lol: Whatever it takes to keep you going.

Jen, His "regular" team is the AZ Outlaws, which my husband rows for. He doesn't qualify to be a duck. :wink: He's not signed up for the JVC yet, but I should get Jeff on that. He's done about 10K for the week.

I've done my piece for the day, so now I need to take down my tree. :( That's always a bit sad.
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Post by snappyrower » January 7th, 2007, 10:25 pm

Woolsmith, thanks for the thoughts. I did rest it a bit, and tried again tonight. Did a 30 minute row, and a 1155 (8 mins or so) cooldown. It gave me a niggle at the very end of the 30 minute row. I was at a medium intensity for me, so i backed it down a bit. Seemed to do the trick. Will see how it goes for the next row.

Widgeon, thank you for the tips. Bad knees run in the family, so I'll definitely try that leg strengthener tomorrow morning. Anything that may help! I'm also going to look at the rower setup tomorrow. I'm thinking (from the computer, haven't gone to look) that the foot setup might be too low after you mentioned the rails at ankle height. I could be wrong, but will check into it!

Anyway, hope all ya'll had a good row today. Love hearing the stories about the little duckies rowing along. Too cute.

Welcome to all of our new rowers, and welcome back to the members (like me) who are popping back up! Good to "see" you again Doc! :)
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Post by jcmatthews » January 7th, 2007, 11:53 pm

Well, one week of 2007 down with all resolutions intact. I managed to row 6 days of the week, run my 4 planned runs, and even took down the Christmas lights and decorations. Just one baby and no surgeries in the week, so maybe it was deceptively easy.

Thanks for the fortune cookie inspiration, Susan. It must have been fate, with the "duck" on the back.

Catherine, how's the half marathon training going? If you enjoy the half, you should think about coming down to Tulsa in November for the Route 66 Marathon.

Emilia, I might need some advice from you on homeschooling (or unschooling) teenagers. My 15-year-old wants to quit his charter school, but obviously I'm not home to do any official schooling supervision. Any words of wisdom?

Hope that you've all had a wonderful first week of 2007! Just remember to get up one more time than you fall down.
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Post by JennyR » January 8th, 2007, 8:28 am

1 week down and 5 sessions done. :D I have not had time to weigh myself yet, but feel lighter!! B)

Got up 5:50 this morning and did a 20 minute warm-up then 9 lots of 60 seconds at 1:55 or quicker with 60 seconds rest. 5 minutes cool down at the end. Not sure how it would go as I had to row last night too to get back on track - that was 2 x 5k @16-18spm at pace of approx 2:15.

Not sure whether to rest this evening or throw in a quick 1k @ 24spm for the CTC... A rest is tempting, but doing a 1k would get me ahead for the week. :? I collect the boys from school at 3.30 this afternoon, so I could do it while they are kicking a football around while tea is cooking.
Jenny Rowe
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Post by toryb » January 8th, 2007, 3:07 pm

Wow - you gals are knocking out some blazing times! To this point, I've been happy with my 10,000 meters or so at a pace of anywhere from 2:30-2:45/500 meters ... is that too slow? I'm getting my heartrate monitor this week, so at least I'll be able to gauge my level of fitness and row accordingly I guess.

I wanted to row 5 times this week, but without my log in front of me, I'm thinking I only got in 4 - maybe as little as 3 ... but I was definitely ill part of the week (excuses, excuses ...) and I went snowboarding on Sunday, so that was a "rest day". But my achievement was being inspired to increase my distance last night - typically, I've been shooting for 5,000 meters minimum, with a goal of 10,000. But last night I was inspired by reading this board to tack on another 2,500, bringing me up to 12,500 - and my shoulders are feeling it today! I will try to do anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 tonight watching the game.

I'm a little frustrated this morning though, since my weight loss has slowed (but I can't lose 4 pounds every week, I guess!). I'm just hoping that sticking to my Weight Watchers plan and rowing will bring the pounds off, albeit slowly (which is what's healthy, of course). But it was SO motivating to see that scale drop so satisfyingly fast ... I just want to figure out the right mix of calories in/calories out. My heartrate monitor should help.

Thanks all for the inspiration! I am looking forward to logging in my current year-to-date meters this week/weekend, so they can count.
Last edited by toryb on January 10th, 2007, 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Just Ducky!"
(Erging & Weight Watcher-ing my way to 150 from 165 - 5'10 1/2")
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Post by JennyR » January 8th, 2007, 6:47 pm

I'd say you are doing really well Tory!! An extra 2,500m is great, and any weight loss is a fantastic achievement - slow and steady then you will keep it off.

i did an extra 4,797 this evening which was 10 minutes warm up and cool down with a 1k for the CTC challenge in the middle. Really pleased to get this done, as it means that I am completely up to date with my training plan. Tomorrow's session is a killer though. 10 minutes warm up, 2 x 6,000 with 90secs rest between and then 10 minutes cool down. :shock: It took 1hr 15mins last week - and seemed to go on for ever!!

Keep up the great erging ladies! :D
Jenny Rowe
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Post by margaret » January 9th, 2007, 1:51 am

Just checking in...I'm hanging in there. 330 km to go by Feb.1. It's still in reach. It's a killer making up missed days. Rowed 18km tonight. Should sleep well.

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Post by River » January 9th, 2007, 3:22 am

Ok, I'm a late joiner to the JVC, but like everyone else, I'm hoping to use the JVC as a motivator to keep erging regularly.

My resolutions are to row five times a week, and hopefully go down 1 dress size, and drink at least 5 + glasses of water a day.

For some of you, whose weight loss seems to have stabilized, don't forget, muscle weighs more than fat, and it burns more calories than fat. Try to guage some of your weight loss by how your clothes fit.

I'm a 36 y.o newlywed (sweetheart and I have been together 5 years) and we have a dog.

I am a national board certified elementary school teacher who decided to use hubby's job transfer to a new state (WA) to leave the teaching profession. Life is short enough as it is without being that stressed. In November, I had a lumpectomy to remove a benign breast tumor--my doc convinced me that if I left it to grow, it would someday kill me, even though it wasn't malignant. Because I have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), I have found that rowing regularly helps alleviate its symptoms. I am going to school part time at the local community college, deciding what I want to do with my life career-wise, and starting a full time job next week as an office assistant.

I know this sounds all jumbled, but it's hard to condense one's life to a paragraph, especially when so much seems to have happened so recently.

Reading the posts left by you all inspires and motivates me; when I don't check in, then my rowing lapses too.

Be well everybody!


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Post by margaret » January 9th, 2007, 6:08 pm

:D Welcome RiverRachel. I'm glad to hear rowing works for SAD. My latest drive to improve my health is also an attempt to feel as well as I can, as for a variety of reasons I've felt lots of stress in the last year and was starting to feel down, not the way I want to spend my life or in a mood to put others through. Better health doesn't eliminate all the stress, but at least I'm taking care of myself so that's one load off my mind.
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Post by Keep on rowing! » January 10th, 2007, 3:16 pm

Hey girls-So far so good. ':D'Last week I was a little behind- only did 3 days instead of 4. This week I am planning on reaching my 4 day a week minimum, if not 5. Not feeling to hot, but gonna do it anyway. Great to see everyone is keeping their goals & having fun! It really is addicting when you row so much-love it. Hope everyone has a wonderful day & keep on rowing!

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Post by toryb » January 10th, 2007, 4:03 pm

Hi all!

I'm checking in today over my lunch. I was a slug on Monday and didn't row - everybody's battling the flu here at work. Lots of people out, and although I haven't been stricken with it full-force, I have the runny nose and lethargy that usually tell me to lie low for a few days. Actually, referencing my last post, I think it's still the same bug that won't let go.

But on the upside, I bounced back yesterday with my second 12,500 meter row. I've been splitting them up into 5 sets of 2,500 meters, and trying to stay between 2:30-2:45/500m. (not very fast). But yesterday was truly different, because I finally got my Polar heartrate monitor - which I gave myself as a reward for my first 250,000 meters.

I was really curious to see how these slow, long rows are doing for my cardiovascular health & calorie consumption, and I got my answer. It looks like my "ideal" pace right now is about 2:40/500m., which keeps my heartrate in the "moderate" range (towards the higher end). 2:30 is a little quick for that long - my rate will start to go into the "high" intensity range, which isn't what I'm looking for. All told, I turned about 600 calories (lower than what the erg was telling me) for a little over an hour.

I hope over the coming weeks to start really using the heartrate monitor as a training tool, to gradually increase my fitness levels without burning out.

I am thinking I will try to row 5X/week, with 2 days off during the week (when I'm really tired & busy). Monday was rest day #1, and given how I'm feeling today (tired and probably a little under the weather) today may be day #2 ... though I will definitely try to save that rest day for Thursday (Fridays are a good day to row, because I can sleep as late as I want and recover totally on Saturday).

With respect to rowing & SAD ... well, I've battled depression in the past, and have even taken medication (a lot of different ones) to try to get it under control. I find that tyrosine (it's an amino acid that I get at GNC) - chromium, and B vitamins have really helped me - along, of course, with the regular exercise and solid diet. I'm not a doctor, so don't take that as medical advice - but I think the combination of those supplements helps combat stress, stabilize my blood sugar levels, and keep the juices flowing. It's a heck of a lot cheaper too!

Alright, that's a long enough post! Hope you are all doing well in the pond ...
"Just Ducky!"
(Erging & Weight Watcher-ing my way to 150 from 165 - 5'10 1/2")
Will row for food!

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Whiplash from sleeping? It wasn't that good a dream!

Post by ciproano » January 10th, 2007, 5:16 pm

Oh, fellow Ducks, I am sad. I woke up today and could not move my head in certain directions without that nasty type of shooting nerve pain from the back of my head down the back and across the shoulder. I was fine when I went to bed! I'd had whiplash once before from a car accident, and four years ago I had three cervical vertebrae fused and some stenosis cleared out, and this felt more like the whiplash...but geez, I didn't do anything! Got myself to the Dr. and she confirmed neck strain, or pulled trapezius muscle aka whiplash. I did not know you could get that from "sleeping wrong!" But I've been doing a little internet research and what I've read confirms what I'm feeling and her diagnosis.

But I'm sad because I have to take at least three days off rowing, and I've only taken three days off total since the HC began. So this week I will not meet my goal of rowing 5 days a week/50k. Hopefully by the weekend or early next week I can get back to it. Ibuprofen can be a wonderful thing. But while I'm off, I think I will look at the C2 training video again to make sure I am using good form. I was hyperextending my knees a bit and they got sore, so I propped an old mirror up next to my erg so I can watch them. The mirror isn't big enough to see legs AND back, but I can move it around to keep a check on how I hold my shoulders and upper back.

I saw another post somewhere of some other training videos so I'll look those up. Anybody have any other suggestions?

I'm sorry I won't be able to help the RIARs keep their meterage up for a few days but I'll be cheering from the bench!

a sad quacker
It is our choices that show what we truly are, Harrry, far more than our abilities. (from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J.K. Rowling)
