Holiday Challenge 2006!

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Post by Widgeon » December 18th, 2006, 11:51 pm

Hey Jen, congrats on the HC! Sounds like you have a better stratagy for loosing weight than I do. We have started lifting weights as part of our winter training at the boathouse, I think I have added 2-3 lbs in the past 6 weeks. I am not willing to delude myself into thinking that I am gaining muscle, though!

Good job Birdi, you're almost there! I am glad to see postings from both you and grams. With all the weather you've been having, I'm glad to see that you haven't lost power or washed away!

Keep up the good work everyone. I've taken a few days off, but am ready to hit this last week hard!


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Post by Birdi » December 19th, 2006, 2:07 am

Thanks! Weather beautiful actually but turning bad again soon, the rescue on Mt Hood isn't going well, one man dead and two still missing. I can see the mt from my house, so beautiful and so sad at the same time. Mt St Helens is puffing smoke today due to more of her quakes going on, looks really cool too! We live in a wonderland but it's still dangerous, the wild west. Some people are still without power going on a week now.
I've been rowing 10k on most days and feeling so good, today I did a little less but still ok.... then I opened up a cupboard door and what was in there??? A chocolate bar! :shock: Obviously left by my hubby! I'm home alone and about went crazy, :twisted: I ate several little squares before slapping my hand and tossing the offending unit back into the cupboard! What was he thinking???!!!
I better do 10k tomorrow for sure! :?
Keep up the good work!
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Post by grams » December 19th, 2006, 4:01 pm

Our neighborhood association promptly coordinated assistance amongst neighbors if anyone needed food, shelter, transportation etc. Its a tightly knit community here.

I remember the old days (creak creak) I grew up in Tacoma; my bedroom was in the attic. Definitely no heat up there. No insulation in the roof either. My mom didn't let me have a space heater-she was a single mom and electricity cost too much.

To heat the house we had an oil heater in the dining room, and a small trash burner built into our *** DELETE - SPAM *** stove. We heated onlythe *** DELETE - SPAM *** with it in the morning when we got ready for school. The bathroom was cold. No hot shower either; just a tub.

My husband grew up in England, his house was heated with coal, but he still got chillblains in the winter running around in the short pants boys wore. Did I mention-my mom (and my school) didn't let girls wear pants, so it was dresses and skirts and knee socks in the winter.

We are lucky this time-we have heat. if we didn't, my husband and I know the drill. Exercise (going for a walk or bike ride) warms us right up just like it did when we were children.

I'm at 82,000 HC meters today. Stupid back got worse last week, too much too soon. Grummph. Stopped the Pilates, back to simple slow gentle erging (grummph) and some exercise biking.

I'm on the couch with ice and the laptop today. It could be worse. I have a great excuse not to go over the top for Christmas.

My pt guy said yesterday that my right leg is now a bit shorter than my left. Its been the other way around for a long time?? Now I have a lift in my right shoe, not my left. Weird.

(great) grams 71 yo 5'3"
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Post by Birdi » December 19th, 2006, 7:38 pm

Oh Grams, I'm really feeling for you today! Sorry to hear you're hurting like that, what a bummer!
We heat with wood, have been for more than 30 years, it's lots of work as we cut, split,stack, etc all ourselves. We have property with lots of trees and there are always ones needing thinned out or the neighbors have ones they want done, or the wind provides you with unexpected downfalls! We are due an ice storm tonight here in the Gorge, really fun, more fun than people outta be allowed to have!
I finished my HC today with 201,253 so far. I decided since I had 20k left as of yesterday that I would just do a half marathon and be on with it. I did it, my first! :D Very slow, embarassed to say I'm last in the rankings :oops: and that's a first time total disappointment, but what the heck, I did it! All I wanted to do was sit down on the erg and see if I could do it. Not pretty but I still feel great! B) I didn't really prepare, just sat there and rowed. I need a shower! And I'm eating pizza tonight, with a salad of course! A little bit of pizza...., a wee little bit of pizza....and NO chocolate bar, :wink: told Hubby to take that out of here when he goes to work this evening! He works 12 hr night shift and oh can you get the munchies sitting home alone!
:shock: Well, good luck to everyone! Grams, get feeling better real quick, ya hear!!
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Post by Widgeon » December 19th, 2006, 10:35 pm

All right Birdi! Way to go! Good job on finishing the challenge, and on doing your first half marathon. Takes a bit out of ya. Ice storm tonight, huh? Ouch! Well, good for the wood supply. I have some trees that we cleared last year when we started building the house. I pull out my chainsaw and work at them a bit at a time. Allows me to keep plenty of wood handy, though we don't need it as much here in Oklahoma as you do up where you are.

Grams, the reversal in leg length is interesting. Didn't you have your ACL repaired recently? Has that affected how you walk or carry yourself? Sorry to hear about the back pain. I find that taking a magnesium supplement helps me when I have muscle spasms/pain. Also keeps me from getting charlie horses in my calf muscles at night. I also find that I get into trouble with back spasms if I get dehydrated. Hope you start feeling better again soon.

I'm glad you both still have power. Keep up the good work on the challenge everyone!


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Post by fish » December 19th, 2006, 11:28 pm

Congratulations to all who have finished the HC.

When I erg, I have my laptop with RowPro, several pace boats to keep me company and loud music blaring from the stereo. During the power outage, it was just me and the PM3. I did a 5K for CTC in the silence and cold. I was surprised that I could remain focused and erg a PB.

I have 319,245 meters for the challenge. This is my last big push before I start sharpening for Ergomania.

Grams, keep up the Pilates. It does wonderful things. I have a Reformer and it made a big difference in my SI recovery.


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Post by LittleBit » December 20th, 2006, 10:39 am

Hi to all Ducks!
Paddle, Paddle, Paddle - only 32K or so to go to make the 200K HC for this year. What a wonder - barely made 100K last year, so feeling like I've really come a long way. Only bad spot on my bod is two calluses only my middle fingers - guess that's where I grip the handle too hard over time.

Grams - so glad you are back on the Forum - hope you are feeling better today.

Birdie - congrats on finishing your HC! I'll be there soon!

We heat with wood also - over 20 years with our wood burner in the house. It's a neat setup - the unit has its own blower, and is hooked into our ductwork in the house. We usually purchase a load of logs not up to spec for the wood mill, and Dearly Beloved cuts, splits & stacks that for our supply. After the 11-6 F-3 tornado last year here in Southern Indiana, we will now have wood probably for the next 4-5 years - the storm tore up about 4 acres of our trees. What wasn't ripped out of the ground was topped out about 10 ft high, and needs to be taken down anyway. No need to worry about what my Dearly Beloved will be doing the rest of the winter! At least he gets his exercise this way as he's not into the erg.

Happy Quacks to all today - got to go paddle some more!
Southern Indiana

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Post by woolsmith » December 20th, 2006, 11:04 am

Wow, everyone's doing great on the HC! Congrats to everyone!!

And Birdi, nice job on the Half-Marathon! I've done two, and neither one was intended--they just "happened." I felt good rowing, had the time.... And afterwards, I felt really relaxed and mellow, but not as tired as I thought I'd feel. Gotta love those endorphins! :D One of these days, I'll get up to doing the full marathon.

Birdi again, one other thing I've gotten into the habit of doing (after falling off the wagon the last few months) is rowing a big session BEFORE a planned "illegal" eating event (i.e., a trip to a buffet). Then when the eating event comes up, a lot of the stuff doesn't seem all that worth it. Usually. HOWEVER, chocolate is another story.... :shock: :lol:

Grams, this slow-down for you has to be making you crazy, because I know how high-energy you usually are! Hang in there.

--Jen in WI

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Post by Birdi » December 20th, 2006, 11:56 am

LittleBit and Woolsmith, really enjoyed waking up and reading your comments this morning, thanks so much!
Way to go LB, you're surprising yourself and that's what's great about it! I only did 100k the first year, 205k the next and hopefully more this I threw in the 1/2 marathon so that was a first for me too...I'll keep rowing until the 24th and see what I get in the end. I'm proud of all of us, everyone who sets a goal and reaches it...then sets another and another...the thrill is personal and satisfying!
Wool, you are so right about just feeling good and doing it...I was very slow, I'm still quite overweight and 54 so I'm not in the 'elite' class of rowers, but for me it was great! I'm with you on doing the big rows before 'planned pig outs per say' I didn't really snack at all after the 1.5, I just had salad, some little homebaked pizza no meat and one little square of choccy that was left...and I really didn't even want it. I though that was going to be a pig out and it wasn't. I was so satisfied I didn't need a food fix. Just goes to prove that 'overeating' is an emotional thing and if you're satisfied (brain chemicals) you don't even go there! I will for sure keep up the HC before these 3 parties coming up next week. And I'm game-on for the JC coming up too...just don't know yet what I want to set my goal at, still thinking and watching what teams form.
Again, thanks to all for your encouragement and here's to all of us doing what makes us feel good in our own goal range!
You don't have to be the best, all you have to do is keep at it. Pain is only weakness leaving your body. Nahongvita!

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Post by snappyrower » December 20th, 2006, 11:46 pm

Hi! I'm still here. Have been mostly lurking. Have hit the holiday illness doldrums. I have a very public office and work the front desk. No matter how hard I try this is the time of year I spend sick. After the stomach thing that I had I was weak for a few days, and then just as I was feeling strong again..............throat infection and a minor stomach thing. :( Only rowed 15 minutes today. I think my challenge acheivement this year is not that I finished the allotted amount, but that i'm improving on getting the rower to be a regular part of my life again. Gonna keep plugging away when I can, but don't think its possible to complete. I did the 15 mins super slow, felt nice, and felt it mostly in my arms. Felt the stomach thing coming back and got off and called it a night.

Anyway, proud of all of ya'll. The gang is really rowing along! It's been great to hear everyone checking in again!

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Post by Kiwi_Rower » December 21st, 2006, 6:09 pm

A new personal best for the 5000m! From 26:55.5 to 25:26.0 - I am still slower than most but I am pleased to be getting better. For the rest of you ladies just hanging in there for the HC don't give up now :shock: I won't be done til the 24th so maybe us stragglers can motivate each other :) I think I'll try for 8k tomorrow to take the pressure off Sunday.
Jane (Movin' Duck in Ducks In A Row) 304,207m
500m 2:03.0 2000m 9:23.9 5000m 23:55.8 6000M 29:17.4 10000m 51:52.5

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Post by fish » December 21st, 2006, 6:31 pm

Kiwi_Rower wrote:A new personal best for the 5000m! From 26:55.5 to 25:26.0.
Hey Jane-It's always fun to get a PB. Have you thought about entering it in the CTC. We Independents always like more rowers in our boats.

I noticed the Ducks added another member. And we are holding on to 4th place. GO Ducks!

I did an 60 minute piece today. It was a PB because it is the only one I have done. Yippee. One of these days I am going to find a sport that doesn't lead to nasty skin irritations.

Keep rowing Ladies.


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Post by Kiwi_Rower » December 24th, 2006, 2:18 pm

3520m today took me to 100,398 I am DONE with my holiday challenge! :) Congratz to everyone else who is gonna make it today too. :P
Jane (Movin' Duck in Ducks In A Row) 304,207m
500m 2:03.0 2000m 9:23.9 5000m 23:55.8 6000M 29:17.4 10000m 51:52.5

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Post by Birdi » December 24th, 2006, 4:44 pm

Kiwi; WOOHOO!! Way to go! Feels great, eh? Congrats! I still have time to row for today, not sure what I will do but just going to go for whatever I can to finish up, I've already passed my goal, this will be icing on the cake! Yeah for all of us who have reached our goals and Keep going, stay strong for all of you finishing up today! We all can be proud of our efforts! WOOHOO! B)
You don't have to be the best, all you have to do is keep at it. Pain is only weakness leaving your body. Nahongvita!

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Post by grams » December 24th, 2006, 5:42 pm

I'm so impressed with all of you. Challenges are a bit scary until you do one and find out that in the process you can indeed row 10,000 meters or even a half marathon!!

I made it to 90,000. My back problem seemed to be consistently getting worse after I exercised so I stopped cycling and erging a couple of days ago. Discretion is the better part of valor, and there is always another challenge (in 7 days actually).

For a week I'm back to walking to Bellevue Square and doing other exercises like vacuuming....

Happy Christmas, enjoy your toys

(great) grams 71 yo 5'3"
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