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Post by manos » September 9th, 2006, 3:43 pm

I’m a new both to rowing and to the forum.
I am from Chania Crete 45 year old and inside sports the most of them.
I was cycling for many years for one off the best teams in Greece and I continuous to do that at the Master category
Tray rowing for first time this year in a gym club with concept2 and I am ready to bay one for the house and training the winter I have to learn many thing about rowing, I believe that this forum is go to help me very mach, but they are very interesting to me also thinking that exercise with concept2 is go to help me more on cycling by get more power on the rest off the body except my legs that already are very well train
I want to ask you what you thing that is best to order the model D or E
Sorry for my English I am not good writing them!
Best regards from Greece

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Post by Alissa » September 9th, 2006, 6:25 pm

Hi Manos!

I think you're doing great. Unless you have trouble getting up and down from the rowing machine, I'd go with the Model D (the E is taller, and has a fixed arm for the monitor, but those seem to be about the only things that are different between the models.

Can't help you with how the rower might help with cross-training, but hopefully someone else will be around to discuss that!

Nice to have you here!


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Post by yakima » September 14th, 2006, 12:35 am


Thanks for the welcome. A survivor is what I feel like these days :) Everyday is better than the day before. It's great to be able to breathe again.

It is good that there are others out there. The doctor has given me the okay to go back to rowing. I have just started with 5 minutes really slow 20-25 spm.

The cardo rehab locally doesn't have a erg so they recomend biking or walking....not my cup of tea. What kind of rehab did you have?

Thanks for the encouragement.

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Post by Bob S. » September 14th, 2006, 7:50 am

yakima wrote:Bob,
The cardo rehab locally doesn't have a erg so they recomend biking or walking....not my cup of tea. What kind of rehab did you have?
Thanks for the encouragement.

The hospital where I had my surgery had a full rehab program, but I wasn't able to make use of it. Just a couple of months before the operation, we had moved from the metropolitan area (Southern California) to a very remote section of the state (the Owens Valley, east of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range). We had to go back to SoCal for the procedure and had the good fortune to be able to spend a month at a friend's apartment until I had recovered enough to be able to handle the 250 mile automobile ride back to our new home. My wife drove of course, while I sat there clutching the little pillow to my chest and feeling very vulnerable.

There aren't any rehab resources available here, so I had to wing it. Once a week, one of the many cardiologists from a large staff in Reno comes down to this area, so I make appointments with them every six months and see whoever happens to have the assignment that day. But these are just brief checkups, not a rehab program. I started out just doing increasingly long walks and, after about 4 months, got started back on my old model B ergometer. We live at an altitude of 4000 ft which I feel enhances the effect of whatever exercise I do. I also have the opportunity to drive up to various high altitude roadheads (8-10,000ft) and hike from these to even higher altitudes (up to about 12,000).

It has been three years and a couple of months now and my exercise program includes the erging, the high altitude walks and some treadmill and weight work at a local fitness center. Last year, in the Fall, I concentrated mostly on the erg in an effort to qualify for the USIRT. This year, I am following a three times a week erg program based on the Interactive Program(me) available on the C2 UK Forum. I also try to work in a couple of trips to the spa and a couple of high altitude hikes each week. I am retired, so I have the time to do all this, but there are often interuptions for various reasons like trips, illnesses, and domestic crises.

regards and best wishes for a quick recovery,

Bob S.

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new rower

Post by gatorbait » September 22nd, 2006, 2:45 pm

Hi everyone! I just received my new model D and want to introduce myself. I live in Gainesville FL and have been coveting a c2 for years. I did a little ocean rowing while living in Santa Cruz and loved being on the boat out in the water - skimming over jellyfish and watching the dolphins and seals.

Rowing indoors is lacking the scenery but I've found it to be more interesting than using a treadmill and much quieter. I have a 3 yr old and my husband travels a lot, so I was having trouble finding time to get out and exercise. I'm terribly unfit - esp cardiovascularly - and I hope the c2 whips me into shape! Fortunately, I'm very motivated by challenges (free things!) and am scrupulously tracking the meters for the 1mm challenge. Oh, and I joined the ducks team.

happy rowing!

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Post by loonylady » September 23rd, 2006, 9:06 am

Hi Sarah,
Congratulations on the new model D and welcome to the Ducks! I think you will find the team helps a lot if you love a challenge. It seems to keep me rowing just to try and catch or pass the person in front of me on the team and hopefully you'll find this works for you, too. Good luck and keep rowing :)

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Post by brightstar99 » October 3rd, 2006, 8:20 am

Hi Everyone
I have been logging my meters for a little more than a year and only this summer did I get serious. I finished my first million on September 19 and I am rowing six days a week now. I row 5 days at the Y and the sixth day I row at home. I have and old windrigger. I am not athletic at all, but I have become addicted to the rowing action. People in the workout room just shake their heads. Almost no one rows-of course I am now rowing between 45-60 minutes at a time so who has the chance! LOL I am looking forward to being in touch and continuing to be encouraged by you amazing women. I am almost 44 (October 26) have two children ages 14 and 19 and I am using rowing as my therapy.
Blessings to all
Tangela (Jamestown, NC)[/b]

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Post by loonylady » October 3rd, 2006, 9:34 am

Hi Tangela,
Welcome to rowing. I was about to mention how much of an incentive the teams are and then I noticed you have already joined and you are right by me on the Ducks so welcome to the team, too! There seem to be several ducks who hit their first million in Sept. Hopefully we can all make it to that second million by this time next year if not sooner. Keep up the good work.

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Alaska Duck

Post by Tania » October 4th, 2006, 5:59 am

Hello B)

I am currently on the North Slope in Alaska, where all the ducks have left the pond. There are a few swans left, but they will likely be gone soon, as the arctic winter is not far away....

I am toying with the duck name Swan, aka "Ugly Duckling". First, I love swans. Second, I get to see them all summer here in Prudhoe Bay, where they migrate thousands of miles to raise their young. I also see them closer to home on their way to and from their north and south destinations. Lastly, the story of the ugly duckling parallels my life-- still trying to become graceful. :wink:

As a kid, I loved rocks, but never thought I would end up being a geologist. The same goes for rowing. I used to love rowing around Puget Sound in my grandfather's rowboat. In college, I did a lot of whitewater rafting and even did a 600-mile canoe trip on the Yukon River. I discovered the Concept 2 rower in 1990 when I first began working in the oil fields-- though it took me 7 years to get to my first million meters, I'm on a roll now. If I keep up my current pace, I'll be at 5MM by the end of this month (then I'm taking a break!!!). So, rocks and rowing are in my blood.....the next step is to get back on the water and row away.

Shannon and Ellen, thank you so much for contacting me. I have really enjoyed the encouragement and support that the virtual community has provided. I'm having fun with the friendly competition keeping me motivated. Keep in touch.

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Post by brightstar99 » October 4th, 2006, 5:49 pm

Thanks for the wonderful welcome. I don't really understand the virtual group, but I wanted to find other people who feel the way I do about rowing. It is saving my life.

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Post by Carole » October 7th, 2006, 4:00 am

wow some more girlies .....welcome to the mad world of erging .... :D

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Post by sage » October 11th, 2006, 11:07 pm

Well, I joined this forum quite some time ago, but I am finally introducing myself. I am a former collegiate rower and now a coach for a juniors program through a club. Unfortunately I'm not quite so active right now (lazy piece of blank), but I am very involved with the rowing world.

However, coaching for a club gives me a free membership. But it's always tomorrow. Erghh (no pun intended), what will it take me to just jump on the erg before (or after) I coach a practice?

Anyways, I do like this forum, and I would like to give my input for newbies, and well, stuff like this tends to motivate me to do something for myself, instead of others all the time. So, yah, here I am!

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Post by stargazertechie » November 17th, 2006, 9:01 am

Hey everyone,

I'm Becky, and I'm a novice collegiate rower. I picked up this sport at the beginning of November, and I've already fell in love with it. Since I'm from Michigan, we're off the water for the next few months, and SERIOUSLY erging for the first time (see my 1 million meter challenge thread). I started coming here for inspiration, and I can't wait to get to know all of you.
perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi: Be patient and tough; some day this pain will be useful to you.

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Post by fish » November 18th, 2006, 2:17 am

Hi Becky,

Welcome to the forum. 100K in 10 weeks is a lot of rowing. I am currently doing about 80K a week and I feel like I am always on the erg.

Some of the things that makes rowing more interesting is good music, varied workouts and keeping focused on your goal. I also use RowPro so I don't feel like I am rowing alone.

One of my goals for the season is to do a 5K in 20 minutes. I seem to have a mental block about that 2:00 per 500 meter. I am going to do a 5K tomorrow so hopefully, I can get over it by then.

Enjoy your rowing.


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Post by Birdi » November 27th, 2006, 4:47 pm

Hello Everyone, I'm Birdi. I've had my C2D for 2 years now. I met my first one, a C at a health club. I live in the country on a farm and would rather have my own equipment. I have an eliptical also and free weights, do a little T'ai Chi and I walk outdoors. I'm 54 and have struggled with weight for years now. I drift away at times and need to be back here. Finding the forum all new (to me) and a women's group is super! I joined the Ducks. I need to get going on the HC. I did well over 200k in the HC last year and was so proud of myself. I'm looking to come back from my most recent slump. *Ugh* I'm alone a lot out here (beautiful WA state) and I need all the help and motivation I can get. I haven't even got going yet this time! So, I've checked in here and been reading and mustering up my 'I know I can do better' and if I put myself out here it's a form of motivation. I am about to hit my first million on my own erg (didn't keep my meters from the club one) but as you see, in 2 years I could have done more. Well, wish me luck and all that and I want to say 'You Go Girl' to all of you also. Thankyou, Birdi

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