Getting back in shape

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Getting back in shape

Post by Dawn » June 16th, 2006, 7:59 pm

Hi, I'm a newbie. I just bought a C2 model D. I'm probably an outcast already because I'm counting calories not meters. Is that bad? I've only been rowing a couple weeks (every other day so 4 times so far) and have burned over 1000 already. Woohoo!!

I actually have 2 questions. 1. Will rowing work off the saddle bags and inner thigh problems. 2. I'm getting a small raw area in a bad place from the seat, any suggestions?

I'm reading the forum to help understand the PM3 monitor and I just don't get it. (partly why I'm counting calories not meters).


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Post by Yankeerunner » June 17th, 2006, 7:59 am


Plenty of people use the calorie function. You will not be outcast. :D

If you burn enough of those calories and don't overeat afterward, you will eventually work off those saddlebags and inner thigh problems.

For the raw areas, you could try a towel that has been folded over a couple times or even better yet, bubble wrap if you have any handy.

If you hve specific PM3 questions, post them. In the meantime, the PM3 itself contains a wealth of information that you can find by pressing the various buttons and reading the screens.

Get addictied to the erg. It's a good thing. B)


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Post by Dawn » June 17th, 2006, 1:46 pm

Rick your bubble wrap idea worked terrific. As soon as I read it my hubby (best man in the world) went to the garage and got me some. It was the most comfortable row I've had yet. Thank you very much.

As for questions on the PM3 I have a few but not only am I new to rowing I am also new to forums so I will post my questions where they belong in an effort not to annoy anyone.

Thanks again.

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Post by woolsmith » June 18th, 2006, 4:03 pm

Hey Dawn!

This is the perfect place for any of your questions about the C2 Rower! Did you buy your erg new or used? If you have the PM3 owners manual, that will walk you through the different functions of the monitor, otherwise, C2 designed it so you don't really need a manual. Just keep pushing the buttons and see how things go.

Nothing wrong with counting those calories. I use that more so than the split times or the watts, but I'll check the watts on the main log just to see how hard I worked out. Mostly, I use the meters rowed and the calories burned. And I know that I can row X-amount of meters in a certain time "comfortably," so I shoot for that as a basic workout, then try to improve my distance each week, even if it's only by a few meters. Good days, I can do more. Bad days with less energy, I just do what I can, and sometimes that's just really, really pokey. :)

Bummer to see that it takes almost 45 minutes to row off that burger from McD's, hey? But that really makes me think the next time before I get another one. And in fact, I'll try to row the calories off BEFORE I get my next indulgence. And interestingly, the indulgences often don't seem worth it, and I'll get something much healthier. Even a burger without the cheese and any mayo-based sauces makes a big difference.

Eventually the "sore bottom" thing will improve as your glutes get stronger. The bubblewrap was a lifesaver for me in the beginning, too!

Hang in there! Once you start to feel the effects of your rowing--better times, more energy, clothes fit looser, you can go up a flight of stairs and not be choking to death at the top--you'll be hooked. :D It took me about a month to feel some of those effects at first, but it's stayed with me. And now, I'm addicted to rowing, but that's an "ok" addiction, imho!

--Jen in WI

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Post by melliemoo » June 29th, 2006, 11:25 pm

Can someone tell me how to use the calorie function? I can't figure it out. I have the latest model with the p something 3.

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Post by melliemoo » June 29th, 2006, 11:26 pm

Can someone tell me how to use the calorie function? I can't figure it out. I have the latest model with the p something 3.

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Post by Alissa » June 30th, 2006, 10:46 am

melliemoo wrote:Can someone tell me how to use the calorie function? I can't figure it out. I have the latest model with the p something 3.
Hi Melliemoo!

Sure. To change to the calories display, simply push the "Change Units" button (which cycles through displays in "watts", "calories", "average pace" and "meters") and stop when it shows "calories."! BTW, you can finish a row using one display and push the button to see what they others were for the same even if you want to see calories, you might also want to check out one of the other measures.

BTW, apparently the calorie calculations are based on a 175lb person, so YMVV (note that this was from the PM2+ specs, but the same equation is at the bottom of page 4 of your PM3 Manual. I've heard others say that the calorie calculations are best used for guaging whether or not you've done more or less than a previous session!


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Post by melliemoo » June 30th, 2006, 6:42 pm

Thanks so much. Mary

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Calories burned

Post by The Vulcan » August 3rd, 2006, 3:48 pm

Because calorie counters on all machines are based on averages, I like to use an online calorie calculator like the one at You enter your weight, amount of time exercised, and whether you rowed moderately or vigorously, and it will calculate the number of calories you burned.

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