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New duck

Post by dixiedd » March 29th, 2006, 12:53 am

Hi duck here and I mean a new duck. I'm virtually clueless on what I'm doing. I finally got on the rower for the first time tonight. It has been sitting in the living room for the past week. It seemed like everytime I wanted to row something came up. Tonight was the night. I followed the instructions to take it easy and slow for the first week. I rowed for 3 minuts for a total of 491 meters. I have no idea if that is good or bad. I guess it all depends on where your at.

Any tips will be greatly appreciated.


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Post by Graeme » March 29th, 2006, 10:42 am

Come on ducks where's your encouragement?

I'll suggest you start slow making sure you don't get out of breath and watch telly for 30mins whilst rowing (very) slowly. you need to get used to sitting on a rowing machine and going through the motions before you start putting any effort in for any period of time. Concentrate on the telly first, and the stroke technique second , dont concentrate on your time or distance rowed until you've got a few KM's under your belt at least.

Another tip maybe to record everythign you do (after you've done it)
so if you are interested in improvigin fitness/performance you can see the changes.


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Post by Sasha » March 29th, 2006, 11:16 am

Come on ducks where's your encouragement
As for me, I went to sleep, got up, then went to work :)

I am a very new beginner too. The best advice I got was to turn the damper down from 10. The damper is that dial thing on the side. Try it at about 3.

I started at 5 minutes and worked my way up to 12. You'll know by how you feel in the morning. And personally I don't concentrate on the telly. I go very slowly concentrating on form. I figure if I make good form a habit, I'll have plenty of time for the telly later.

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Post by dutchcan » March 29th, 2006, 11:54 am

Hi Dixie. Another new rower here, although I don't have the luxury of my own rower--yet. :D I've received invaluable advise on here in a short period of time that has made all the difference to my erging experience. Two things that really stick out, besides what Sasha has already said about turning down the damper, are: 1. Use your legs...think of pushing the machine away from you on your drive. 2. Row around 15 to 20 strokes per minute. The second point was a real issue for me--I really believed the 'faster' I rowed, the faster I'd row. Wrong. Power in your stroke as opposed to speed, is where the results lie. The proper technique will improve your experience, making the tv as a diversion, not necessary. (although, when Eastenders is on.... :wink: )

Just consider though, that I'm just a beginner, and there are many experienced rowers on the forum that will no doubt be of great help.

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Post by MomofJBN » March 29th, 2006, 8:50 pm

I'd say concentrate on form, rather than the TV. If your erg is like mine, it came with a DVD showing how to do the stroke. Watch it, practice, watch again if necessary. Then come back and ask questions about the parts you're not getting. Start with a pace that is not too fast, and try to work your way up to doing that for 30 minutes. Of course, you can add more time later, but 30 min is a good initial target.

And, Welcome Dixie!
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Post by Widgeon » March 30th, 2006, 11:17 pm

Welcome Dixie! I find that starting with a low damper setting, between 1 and 3 and short rows, 5-10 minutes at a slow relaxed pace is the best for me. This worked well when I was starting out, and I return to the light and easy stratagy when I have been off the rower for several weeks and getting back on again. No fun to be sore, especially if its not necessary!

Stretching is vital to me to keep my back, legs and hips from getting sore. I need to stetch pecs (front of chest) and hamstrings before and after my workout, and hips after my workout to keep everything happy.

I row with the fingerless weightlifting gloves, though they are really not needed, just habit for me at this point. I get blisters if I grip the handle too tightly. Thats my cue to use a looser, more relaxed grip.


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Post by Wood_Duck » March 31st, 2006, 1:34 pm

Welcome Dixie!

A bunch of information was collected under the "FAQ" that might be useful.

I too started by watching the DVD. Take your time and get the basics down.

Never be afraid to post a question. Many of us love to see people get started right and fall in love and erg regularly!

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
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