Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by mugwump » March 19th, 2011, 6:55 pm

Hello to all fellow women rowers out there in cyberspace!

I've been using my concept 2 for 3 days now, 30 minutes is the longest I've spent on it thus far. I also own a treadmill, and I plan on adding indoor rowing to my running regimen in order to blast fat (at least that is my intention).

My question to all of you ladies out there is how has indoor rowing been for toning your legs? With what type of workout (what intensity, duration, etc.) has brought you this best results? Also, for you runners out there, how has using the concept 2 benefitted your running?

I look forward to interacting with all of you in the forum, and thank you in advance for your replies.

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by texzan » December 7th, 2011, 1:41 pm

HI I am introducing myself,, but it does not look as though anyone has done this in awhile. Dont even think anyone has been on this page lately. But anyway I am 49 almost 50 ( wow I can t believe that ) in a few weeks . I got hooked on the ERG in my crossfit class a couple years ago ,, and finally was able to purchase my own. I am doing the 2011 Holiday Challenge,, And I am rowing for the Vermont Disaster relief Fund. Its very appropriate for me as I have close friends In VT,, and I love that state to death . I am so excited to row my first 100,000 m.. I have all my friends supporting me,, and I love it.

I am hoping to build up my distance on my ERG,, and my goals are to lose some weight,, build my strength,, to make me a better rower,, runner , biker and swimmer. I am also a triathlete . I have a minor knee irritation at the moment,, so the ERG is working out great in that respect . I am still training and building my strength and endurance ,, and dont have to run at all . I was thinking of joining a team,, but I think for now will just concentrate on the challenge and then look into a team after that .

I am on the site most everyday at lunch scanning and checking things out,, so I will be looking out for any new info or chat that may help me meet my goals,, and learn all I can about rowing and the Concept 2 rowing family !

I hope to meet some of you soon :P

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by SusieSparkler » January 3rd, 2012, 7:24 pm

Hi Texzan,

New to the forum, started rowing last May. Love it! Hoping to find a used (so I can afford it) boat and get into rowing on the water.

I started rowing to lose weight. Just turned 45 so my years of being thin without working for it are over. Found a rowing center in this area which has ERG classes, similar to spin classes. The classes weren't quite long enough for me to see weight loss so I downloaded the Concept2 UK's interactive weight loss program. For me, it's a 33 week program of varying workouts, varying intensities. Started that 4 weeks ago and, along with monitoring my calorie intake, it sure does work.

Took a week off for the holidays so I'm ready to get back into it tomorrow.

There's a virtual challenge going on if you'd like to team up for that. I'm a regular member of my rowing center's team but they aren't a virtual team so I'm hoping it wouldn't be a conflict. If not, no pressure. I just noticed it on the site and thought it would be motivating.

Best to you.

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by gregsmith01748 » January 4th, 2012, 6:10 am

If you want to row on the water, you should get in touch with a local club instead of saving up for a boat. Most clubs have a stable of boats and people who will help you learn. That's what I did last spring and I had a great summer on the water. It's much cheaper too!
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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by SusieSparkler » January 4th, 2012, 2:17 pm

Hi Greg,

Thanks for the great advice. You'd think that with all of the very large lakes near us and a university with a rowing team, there'd be some sort of rowing club here but alas, there is not. It seems to be a large community of power boaters.

Looking to move to a new city (hopefully this year) and that area does have a rowing club. I'd love to use someone else's boats and how fun would it be to hang out with other rowers?! And lessons....that is an excellent idea as I've rowed once. How do you get back in the boat if it capsizes and you're alone?

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by awriter2 » February 19th, 2012, 11:53 am

I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA. I was invited to a gym to row with a fellow Crossfitter a few weeks ago. Needless to say, it only took that one experience and I am hooked! I started Crossfit about a year ago and the gym just got a Concept2 (February 2012). I was the 1st one to try it out. Later I came home and found this site. I'm working on form and time but mostly having fun. I have been practicing martial arts for almost 15 years and wanted to add something new. Row is perfect! No body stress and you don't get punched in the face either. I shudder to tell my age but the kids are grown and out of the house so I'm starting the 2nd half of my life. I like to keep active and strive to stay in good shape. I have to read more about these "duck names" before I choose one. Not sure what that's all about yet. Looking forward to great discussions and exchange of information!

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by cantrelld » May 7th, 2012, 12:27 pm

I am new to this forum although I have had the rower for a while. Have been a consistent sporadic exerciser while maintaining normal weight through most of my life. I know I need to exercise, but I can't make myself love it. Anyway in my mid 50's, I find myself weighing about 15 lbs. more than what I consider to be my best weight, and realize that to stay healthy I need to get serious about consistent exercise. I love the low impact nature of the rower and have starting logging my workouts to try to stay motivated. Wish me luck!

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by SusieSparkler » May 8th, 2012, 7:31 pm

Hi Cantrelld,

Welcome. I started rowing on the erg to lose some pounds as well. Most weeks, I row Monday through Friday with my goal being 10,000 meters. It seems that's my tipping point for weight loss. It's almost been a full year since I started rowing, I've lost 20 pounds but more importantly, I feel stronger and more confident. I definitely have a bit more to go to reach my goal but so far, so good. I'm not a strict dieter. If I were, I would have lost more this past year. I simply wanted to eat healthier and move more hoping the pounds would come off and they are.

I'll admit to having a love/hate relationship with the erg as well. I recently started taking on the water lessons which has, oddly enough, given me more incentive to row indoors. I'm interested in perfecting my stroke and increasing my stamina so I'll be a better on the water rower. I laughed when my instructor told me to forget everything I learned on the erg and I have to admit he was correct.

I wish you great success with your journey. Best to you.

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by rowright » May 17th, 2012, 1:03 pm

Hi, I am 55 and have found that the rowing does not make my arthritis in my knees worse and I can actually get my heart rate up so I am trying to get in better shape and of course lose some badly needed extra weight. I have found a rowing partner at my place of work and we have 2 rowing machines as well as one at home so right now I am getting in 3 days a week, increasing my time. I am still worried about my knees so am starting slow. I am short, 5'2" on a good day so I feel like I am rowing awfully fast compared to my rowing partner who is 6 inches taller than I am . It does feel good to see the improvement already, we started rowing in February.

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by rocknrow » November 26th, 2012, 7:01 am

Hi there! I just bought a rower as an early Christmas present to me. I discovered rowing during crossfit, however couldn't continue crossfit due to my hours at work. The one thing that I really enjoyed was work outs that involved rowing. Now here I am, off the exercise ball for about two years and 60 lbs heavier. I had a week guest pass to a local gym that had a concept2, and thought to myself.. by the time I pay for the contract of the gym membership, I could just buy my own! I *should* be getting it Wednesday. I'm excited to get back on a rower and get lighter on the scale. As winter is beginning here in the Midwest, there will be plenty of indoor time to put it to some good use! I know I'm going to be completely embarrassed by my beginning distances, times, and work out lengths, but it'll only be a good motivation tool to see how far I've come. Has anyone had experience with following the weight loss plan through the concept2 site? I think that is what I'm going to start with and go from there! I can't wait to share the journey and the passion for rowing with everyone here!

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by Adenium » December 20th, 2012, 11:04 am

I too got an early Christmas present but not as early as I wanted it! I started asking for a rower about 6 months ago as I realized I will never be a gym person despite having a gym less than 10 minutes away. Husband took some convincing, and wanted to do it for the holidays.

I rowed in high school, but that ended in 1997......and I've been more on the sedentary side for the past 6 years or so. I just got a Model E yesterday and did my first workout this morning. I am so excited by how advanced the monitors have gotten, how we have the forum and all these training aids and motivators, etc. I'm with the previous poster on the embarrassment - I can remember being much fitter and in fact I think high school crew was the fittest I've ever been. I had a 4-pack! But the important thing is to get started in the right direction, right?!

Looking forward to lots of meters and a healthier self, suffering and celebrating right along with all of you.

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by 4everyoung » December 21st, 2012, 4:27 pm

Greetings to the Rowing Forum!
I have been erg-ing since I was pregnant with my 15 year old daughter. I rowed through the whole pregnancy and the next one as well. So I have been erg-ing for 15 years, plus. I love it. Our dining room isn't actually a dining room. It is a gym. And if I had to only have one workout piece, it would be my erg. I do all the Holiday Challenges and collect the pins. :D But I am afraid to wear them anywhere for fear of losing them. Silly, I know. I have only one this on my bucket list: To row on water. (No, I haven't already done a world of things. I just REALLY want to row on water!... someday...)

I have finished up my Holiday Challenge meters yesterday... AND just rowed my 8 millionth meter yesterday as well! I only enter meters into my logbook when I do challenges so sadly it doesn't show on line. But I have kept my own physical hardcopy log of every. single. row. I have ever done. My family thinks I am weird. Ah well. That is the price of passion. :lol:

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by lugntochfint » January 13th, 2013, 10:22 am

Hi everyone!

I'm 37 years old, living in Sweden, and for the last 13 years I've seen my weight skyrocket. It's been up and down but mostly up...I am very uncomfortable at this weight and it's clear it's unhealthy. I love working out, but I don't like running nor do I like "being" in a gets worse if your huge and, well, unfortunately I begin comparing myself to others in a less than positive light :)

So now I have purchased a Concept2 model D rowing machine and just had my first work out. I feel so fantastic at the moment! I'm trying to will myself to sticking to the "rowing for beginner's" work out schedule but I just want to row for hours :)

Anyway, I'm just getting into this, trying to figure out the any advise is very welcome :D

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by 4everyoung » January 15th, 2013, 1:10 pm


Hi! I've been waiting for someone to reply on this thread. I'm not familiar with how this forum works. Maybe you have found the workout section. I'll go there and check after I post this.

I've been rowing for years. I LOVE it. It is my GO-TO exercise. Anyway, just know there is someone in Virginia of USA that is supporting you in your effort toward a more active, happy, and healthy lifestyle. :D Have you taken any weights or measurements? I think some friends have told me of a website they use for recording their progress. I think one favorite is called LiveStrong. I'll ask around and find out for you.

Sounds like you are excited... just keep plugging away. Slow and steady! I am here wishing you well!!!

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by Kerry1976 » January 23rd, 2013, 11:23 am

Hi, I am somewhat new to rowing. I have been an oft-injured runner as of late, having struggled through 2 stress fractures (one in each ankle) in 2010, getting back to it in 2011 (becoming a Half Fanatic by running two half marathons in 9 days!), and then fighting horrible plantar fasciitis since November 2011 (first in both feet, but now lingering on the left side) which makes even walking and standing difficult and painful. I first got on the rower thanks to a personal trainer in fall 2011, and quickly got over any intimidation that I had previously. Rowing is the one exercise that seems to bring me closest to the same joys and accomplishments I got running, so today I finally started setting some real goals, getting a log book, and getting on here. I love the idea of challenges and meeting goals while improving. As in running, I am likely going to continue to be a tortoise on the rower, but that is just fine with me.

I currently row at the University Rec Center where I work, but my fiance has promised that a rower could be in my future if we get a good tax return! :D


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