Hi guys
as in title...the workout now is stored only in PM5 memory, can't find a way to bring back into web or ErgData app logbook, no way using a USB memory stick (will MOVE workout from PM5 to USB). I remember the syncing feature of old version of the mobile app was able to bring back the workout from PM5 to logbook, was just a matter of stay some minutes connected to bikeerg via bluetooth, any hint? Thanks
Recover deleted workout from logbook?
Re: Recover deleted workout from logbook?
If its stored in the PM5 memory then you should be able to connect a laptop to the PM5 with a USB to printer cable and then use the C2 Utility to upload the workouts to your log. https://www.concept2.com/service/softwa ... t2-utility
Its also a really good way to do the firmware updates as quickly and reliably as possible so worth getting familiar with it.
Its also a really good way to do the firmware updates as quickly and reliably as possible so worth getting familiar with it.
Mike - 67 HWT 183
Re: Recover deleted workout from logbook?
I confirm Upload to online Logbook Utility feature is the only way available. Unfortunately seems have lost forever Workout Graph (Peace, RPM, Heart Rate) thanks very much
Re: Recover deleted workout from logbook?
Ahh, yes sorry should have said that. The stroke data needed for the graphs and other stuff is only stored in Ergdata not on the PM - the PM just stores summary info. But at least you've got that in your log now...
Mike - 67 HWT 183