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Flywheel slipping

Posted: February 25th, 2018, 3:42 pm
by dredge77
When standing out of the saddle to pedal does anyone else feel a loss of continuous resistance as if the belt is slipping? This is a major flaw in this bike design and had I known I would not have made the purchase.

Re: Flywheel slipping

Posted: February 25th, 2018, 5:19 pm
by Carl Watts
is the drive belt or chain ?

You probably need to post more information. It maybe that just an adjustment is required, nothing mechanical is maintenance free forever.

I'm sure that someone more familiar with the bike will help.

Re: Flywheel slipping

Posted: February 25th, 2018, 5:41 pm
by chipman
Before ripping Concept2 and ripping the design for something you clearly are not sure of, maybe you should contact Concept2 tech support.

Re: Flywheel slipping

Posted: February 27th, 2018, 11:51 pm
by TM900
I got my BikeErg on 1/13/18 and noticed some slipping when standing as well, especially any damper settings over 7. I am a big guy (285lbs) so I attributed some of the slipping to that and decided to give the belt and pulleys a chance to "break in" as friction surfaces for things like that need some cycles to perform optimally. Now it's 2/28/18 with 22 workouts and just under 500,000m the slipping has pretty much gone away as I suspected. I never did contact C2 to see if this was "normal" but I am assuming it is based on my experience.

Re: Flywheel slipping

Posted: March 3rd, 2018, 3:25 pm
by Citroen
Thread locked before the flame war gathers momentum.