BikeErg turn off

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BikeErg turn off

Post by Ianrm1 » August 15th, 2021, 2:08 pm

Most times my erg turns off automatically after a few minutes - first screen illumination goes and then a bit later the whole lot is off. I think I have to make sure that the erg is not connected to any apps like Zwift or Kinomap ?

Sometimes the erg doesn't switch off at all and this is when I notice the battery percentage going down to 70 odd percent.

Any comments ?

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Re: BikeErg turn off

Post by Dutch » August 16th, 2021, 9:10 am

Mine wont switch on and operate properly if there is a usb key in first. I think the pm5 is a bit sensitive to anything plugged in until it can do its own memory check without anything plugged in.
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Re: BikeErg turn off

Post by Citroen » August 16th, 2021, 11:52 am

There's two timers.
1. 2 minutes when the PM5 is sitting on a menu.
2. 4 minutes when the PM5 is running a workout.

There is a power off function - press [MENU] four times (stop pressing when the display goes blank or it will come back on)

All power off timers are disabled when a USB cable is connected.

The batteries will be sucked dry if you leave a USB stick connected.

I don't think Ergdata has any effect on any of the power off timers.

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