Alternate seat for BikeErg

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Re: Alternate seat for BikeErg

Post by HeavyBrad » September 1st, 2018, 3:56 pm

Ombrax wrote:
September 1st, 2018, 5:19 am
Why don't you move around occasionally on the BikeErg too? It's also a good idea to stand up every now and then and do some out-of-the-saddle riding for a bit.

BTW, welcome to the forum. :)
Thanks for welcoming me :) I guess that I am not standing up because the BikeErg measures my performance every single pedal stroke. I cannot relax for even a split second without a significant drop in watts, just like the rowing machine, or the feeling of riding a bicycle up a very steep hill. I think this is a great feature, and keeping rpm/watts steady is quite difficult even when sitting down.

I have now had another session on the BikeErg with the nose-less saddle (an ISM), and I think something like that saddle would be my recommendation for people who want to try something different.

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Re: Alternate seat for BikeErg

Post by Ombrax » September 1st, 2018, 6:58 pm

HeavyBrad wrote:
September 1st, 2018, 3:56 pm
the BikeErg measures my performance every single pedal stroke. I cannot relax for even a split second without a significant drop in watts, just like the rowing machine
I know exactly what you mean, about the importance of each stroke for the rower vs "real" road bike, and for that reason find the rowing machine a much tougher mental challenge than cycling. Another thing, is that on the rowing machine the stroke rate is much lower, so you have time to think about each individual stoke and how hard you're going to push/pull, whereas on a road bike at 90-95 rpm cadence it's more of a "flow" and you aren't faced with a decision on each pedal stroke (unless as you point out, you're going up a super-tough hill at very low rpm).

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