BikeErgs don't float - World Erg Challenge

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BikeErgs don't float - World Erg Challenge

Post by wyattwyatt » March 3rd, 2018, 11:46 am

Hi Folks,
Thought it might be fun to have a team in the World Erg Challenge (See that is targeted towards us new kids on the block - the BikeErg-ers!
Our meters are halved for the challenege, which is fair, but I think we could make a decent showing and maybe promote this new sibling to the erging world.
If interested, you have to join the team: See
After joining, don't forget to confirm you want to participate in the challenge! See

We need at least TWO members to participate. I'm in for one. Takers?? :D :?: :!: :!:
joseph b wyatt

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