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Summer Solstice - 21K challenge - strategy?

Posted: June 18th, 2018, 3:10 pm
by jimrothstein

I am thinking of attempting 21K challenge this week.
Have never done this much; never beyond 14K.
Slow-poke by this forum's standards.

Curious what strategies other will follow.

Thinking of trying this:
-First sitting, do 10-12K.
-Then return twice during day, 5-6K each time, depending what condition I'm in.
Sure, lots of water, banana, orange plus ??

Your plan?

MAX in 1 sitting: 14K
MAX in 1 day: 14K
Typical day; 7-8K
Typical week: 30-40K
Seldom faster than 2:45 (slow-poke, but can maintain 3:00)
16-22 spm (for longer rides)
Usually 2k intervals, ~11+ ', plus 2' 'rest'.

Re: Summer Solstice - 21K challenge - strategy?

Posted: June 18th, 2018, 6:04 pm
by Erik A
im also considering it... but will have to pull a sickie from work
i had thought of doing two sessions
50 min first up so approx 12k + bits will probably do this around 11am if it feels ok after that i may do a second session straight away and do 10 or 20 further mins. by feeling ok i mean i havent gone out hard for the 50 mins and exhausted myself. i will need to control my pace so will probably sit around the 2:00 min splits
then a 40 min later in the day so another 10k + bits. later in the day i mean around 6pm so plenty of time to recover

should take me to 22-23k for the day.
i have other stuff to do during the day of a personal basis so will be a pretty busy day

Re: Summer Solstice - 21K challenge - strategy?

Posted: June 18th, 2018, 6:55 pm
by jimrothstein
need to control my pace
Seems that is key, though you are better shape than me.

What/when will you eat?

Good luck with boss.

Re: Summer Solstice - 21K challenge - strategy?

Posted: June 18th, 2018, 8:09 pm
by Erik A
just my usual light breakfast with a good lunch after the first session then dinner after the later session. and i pretty much only drink water anyway so that will be all. probably a drink before and after each session.

Re: Summer Solstice - 21K challenge - strategy?

Posted: June 19th, 2018, 10:05 pm
by Treesmacker
I've done this 2 times so far all in one sitting.
First was 21k in 1:41 & second 21k in 1:39 I try to keep around a 2:20 pace.
I have my wife give me a spoon full of honey after the first 10k seems to help.
I usually do 10k 3-4 times a week.
Worst part about the 21k is by the ens my butt bones are soooooo sore!
Maybe padded shorts would help.

I have wireless headphones and watch a DVD while I row.
I also have a fan blowing on me too.

Good Luck!

Re: Summer Solstice - 21K challenge - strategy?

Posted: June 20th, 2018, 11:23 am
by jimrothstein
Impressive. Good luck this time too

Re: Summer Solstice - 21K challenge - strategy?

Posted: June 21st, 2018, 8:37 pm
by Treesmacker
Well I did a 1/2 marathon and beat my previous time by 1 min. and went 97 meters longer!
This 53-1/2 yr old will feel this tomorrow!!

Re: Summer Solstice - 21K challenge - strategy?

Posted: June 21st, 2018, 9:49 pm
by jimrothstein
will feel this tomorrow!!
It is for a good cause!
Regrettable my doc nixed my attempt, thinking "too much exercise" and not good for kidney, which has had modest decline past few years.

Re: Summer Solstice - 21K challenge - strategy?

Posted: June 21st, 2018, 9:55 pm
by Treesmacker
In one sitting 21,097 meters 1:38:36 pace 2:20

Re: Summer Solstice - 21K challenge - strategy?

Posted: June 23rd, 2018, 6:15 pm
by jackarabit
The M/2 requires conditioning, concentration, stroke consistency and time. Good one, Smacker! Fastest run on the longest day.