Dear all!
Join us! Most of us are in Zagreb, Croatia, Europe.
mail us at
Our Academic Rowing Club Mladost is 100 years old ( .
Join our January Virtual Team now. And when You'll be in Croatia, row with us on our Jarun Lake ( ).
In club We have more than 500 active members, including about 70 masters, 100 regatta rowers, 100 students and more than 100 young future rowers. ...
We participate in organisation of Masters regatta WRMR 2007. Our best rowers won in 10 races.
About 60 rowers from our club participate in races.
In our club we have 22 C2 ergs, and they are normally at least 4 hours a day full. Daily we row on them approx. 1000 km.
We have more than 60 racing boats, and on sunny days we row daily 1000 km on our Jarun Lake.
We hope to be at JV Challenge in TOP 10.
Most of us are from Croatia. We have 20 candidates for national Rowing Team. Among them our 5 girls.
In last 10 years our members won medails on World Championships and Olympic Game in Sydney:
1999 WM Senior 2- bronze: Saraga & Martinov.
2000 OI 8+ bronze ( Smoljanovic)
2000 WM Junior 1x bronze ( Jelic )
2001 WM 8+ silver ( Smoljanovic,
2002 WM 4+ bronze ( Saraga, Martinov ...
2005 WM Junior 2x silver ( Holi )
2006 WM Junior 4x silver ( Holi )
2006 WM Junior 2x silver ( V Sinkovic )
2007 WM Junior 1x bronze (M. Sinkovic )
And we had many good races on internattional regattas ...
Join us!
Join our Intercontinental C2 Team Mladost
Join our Intercontinental C2 Team Mladost
Drazen Sudic, Our rowing club Mladost is in Zagreb, Croatia. Join us at HAVK Mladost,, E - mails: and