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Injuries :(

Posted: October 23rd, 2014, 12:41 am
by Californianrower
Any tips on preventing common injuries?

Mainly wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to prevent things like back injuries.

Re: Injuries :(

Posted: October 23rd, 2014, 4:34 am
by jamesg
On the erg, take it easy (or better, long, slow and relaxed) and keep your back straight. Under these conditions, exercise on the erg is a cure for backache, not a cause. The occasional twist can help too, as in kayak or freestyle if done correctly. On or in the water I never hurt myself nor drowned, but cycling and skiing can produce cracked ribs.

Re: Injuries :(

Posted: October 23rd, 2014, 11:45 am
by jackarabit
Good discussion elsewhere on this site of the Shoxbox. Alleged to mitigate compressive forces on the spine at the finish. Manufacturer is ceasing production and offering 20% discount on remaining inventory. If you have lumbar pain associated with erging, worth a look. Jack

Re: Injuries :(

Posted: October 23rd, 2014, 11:49 am
by hjs
Californianrower wrote:Any tips on preventing common injuries?

Mainly wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to prevent things like back injuries.
Avoid high drag and keep the rating up a bit. Warm up enough.

Re: Injuries :(

Posted: October 24th, 2014, 4:47 pm
by sharp_rower
In my experience, the best thing to prevent lower back injuries is to really focus on keeping your back tall and braced throughout the stroke. Make that connection between your legs and the handle (core and arms) super sturdy; so do some core strengthening exercises. For upper back stuff, a foam roller is a really great thing to have. For me it has cracked things back into place really nicely.

Also important are back stretches after exercising. Concave and convex cat stretches are very useful.

Re: Injuries :(

Posted: November 21st, 2014, 6:48 am
by heroesfitness
Always make sure you warm up slowly before going full pelt, maybe a few back extensions on a gym ball will help warm the lumbar area up before rowing

Re: Injuries :(

Posted: December 10th, 2014, 5:14 pm
by Cyclist2
What everyone else says plus, my warm ups and cool downs are ALWAYS without the foot straps. That takes the pressure off my back until everything gets warmed up and loosened up. If I haven't rowed in a long time, then the first few times back, the whole workout is without the foot straps. Helps with technique, too.