Engine#4 wrote:i know were whey protien comes from. But what you buy at a store is not the straight left overs from making cheese. Last time I checked strawberry, vanilla and chocolate flavored cheese were not among the selection at my local grociery store. not to mention they have to alter it in some way so that it is actually soluable in milk, juice, or whatever else you mix it with. plus i think you can even get whey protien with extra amino acids. Also, I believe I have heard that some whey protien formulas contain aspertame......=CANCER!!!!!
Whey protein comes in all kinds of different formulations based on the manufacturer and marketing needs. We can drink whey straight, but most manufacturers tweak it. It is an excellent protein; perhaps the best in that it is quickly absorbed. So as a general rule we only drink whey protein immediately after a work out, and then during the day use a protein that is absorbed more slowly; for example, a casein based protein.
But protein is not all that important. An active athlete according to many studies needs no more than .8 grams per kilogram of weight, although most companies hype a higher level, but we just eliminate or store as fat the calories from too much protein and it wreaks havoc on our kidneys if we eat too much (which I have done in the past).
When you start drinking lots of whey protein, you will bulk up fast: i.e., gain weight and by pumping iron also increase muscle. I have been weight training for almost 40 years, and over those years all kinds of different theories have risen, and I have tried them all. Of course, years ago we did not have anywhere near all the products we have now and whey protein was not generally accepted or even known about it: egg protein was the standard. Just so you know, I have had success with just 45 grams of protein a day from milk, eggs, meat, protein powders of all kinds, and I have also eaten as much as 150 to 200 grams of protein a day and had success doing that.
Presently, I am using plant-based proteins and guess what? I'm having success with that too (plus my blood pressure has fallen, my cholesterol has fallen, and based on various medical studies I am reducing the risk of colon, prostrate, and other cancers, as well as reducing the risk of heart attack, etc.). I eat enough diverse unrefined whole foods that I get plenty of protein from grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.
Basically, if you eat nutrient rich foods, you will get all the protein you need. What you need however is glycogen stores if you are an athlete, and this is where complex carbohydrates come in as well as the essential fatty acids.
A balanced diet is the key. H=ND/TC + E (health equals nutrient dense calories over total calories plus exercise) There are no shortcuts to healthful living, but we don't need to be fanatics either. A good piece of meat now and then is quite nice indeed. But we do need to be careful about eating meat and eating too much. We all know this.
You may want to read The China Study to get an idea of what a lot of research indicates is wrong with lean meat products from an overall health perspective and why you may want to eat meat sparingly if at all (i.e., keep animal protein below 10% of your daily calorie intake). Whey is an animal protein as is casein -- that got my attention and is why I am now experimenting with plant-based proteins which are complete proteins. And why nutritional yeast is a complete protein supplement you can consider as well as other plant based protein supplements. Apparently, the adverse effects of too much animal protein do not occur with too much plant-based protein.
If you are young, then you can probably eat anything you want, but when you cross the 60 year old mark you may want to be more prudent with your eating and start working on losing the excess weight, avoiding high blood pressure medicines, cholesterol lowering medicines, etc. Fortunately, in my opinion because I have exercised frequently and eaten relatively healthy during my 60 years I am in great health and on no medications, but the goal is always to do better and what is necessary. Beginning at a younger age is better than beginning at an older age.