Crackling Knees

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Crackling Knees

Post by cpcnw » January 4th, 2014, 6:29 am

Am age 50 and have been mostly a runner on /off since age 18. I have a sit down all day job in IT for 15 years.

Gave up road running with the club about 6 years ago in preference for the erg and also because I was starting to get knee pain in my left knee especially when climbing stairs. This was / is accompanied by a crackly noise :shock:

(Hand held up have been terrible at not warming up / stretching and its something I still need to put more time into however...)

Now after several years the crackly noise is louder. I have had 3 x 20 minute NHS assessments who say "Patella Femoral Syndrome" and gave me a sheet with several exercises (then signed me off) - the most difficult of which is a one leg squat with other leg extended. This always results in more pain so have packed it in and besides I think the rowing provides enough low impact strengthening exercise.

Still, the pain is less noticeable than it was, even on climbing stairs, but I am certain the crackly noise has increased and I am getting kinda worried. Was hoping to be fit enough in my retirement to complete my book on Wainwright walking routes!

Anyone offer any comment / personal reflections / advice?
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Re: Crackling Knees

Post by Teresa » January 4th, 2014, 12:24 pm

I have knee issues also. Partly from running and partly from various injuries over the years (52). My most recent injury was last March (2013). Having been through knee recoveries (fell on knees, kicked by horse) I have found rowing to be an excellent method for recovery. Mine occasionally crack and I have odd sensations on occasion (like a tendon is going across my knee). When that happens, I usually shorten my drive length and spm for a few days and resume trying to improve. I've been rowing steadily for four months, and it's been the best thing for my knees. *shrug*

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Re: Crackling Knees

Post by TabbRows » January 6th, 2014, 8:51 am

I've had "knee" issues since the late 80s. Mostly aggrevated by activites outside of running or rowing (weekend b-ball/volleyball/"touch" football) but the cartlage in my knees is gradually wearing away. For the most part this doesn't affect seriously affect my rowing, although I've had spells when I've had to row arms only/arms and back/eventually half slide. Lunges seem to hinder more than help, but body weight squats or light bar only squats and ligth weight deadlifts seem to assist without aggrevation. I've found that Peterson step ups, with or without dumbbell weights, standing bent knee flexes with stretch band and standing hip flexion machines work to strengthen the muscles and tendons surrounding the knees. I don't hear any knee cracking while rowing, but I sure brought out the stares from others when taking a barre class, LOL.
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Re: Crackling Knees

Post by heroesfitness » January 10th, 2014, 7:19 am

Knee pain can be a real pain in the a*** or leg lol, I would be very careful with one legged squats but if you are to do them do them on a stability cushion or bosu ball as this will give more strength to the surrounding core muscles around the knee.
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Re: Crackling Knees

Post by RowerMatt516 » March 17th, 2015, 3:15 pm


I am new to the forum, in fact this is my very first post. I have crackling knees as well. No pain, just a slight tingly sensation at times. I notice it when I'm sitting at my desk for a while, and sometimes after I row. It does appear to be getting slightly better, but I am on my way to see a specialist anyway.. I'm 45 years old and I don't want to end up with bigger problems down the road.

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