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Diastasis Recti

Posted: June 12th, 2016, 8:50 pm
by siskiyou
Ladies and Gentlemen,

First, I apologize for not explaining in detail what diastasis recti is (or are). If you want to know, a great deal of information, much more in volume and accuracy than I can provide, is available on Google, but what I need is advice from rowers who are already familiar with the term. In short, the condition is separation of the two vertical columns muscle in one's abdomen. It occurs most frequently in pregnant women and sometimes in fat men--sometimes also in men who don't fall into either category but who have worked their abdominals very hard over a long period and are strong in that region, and sometimes in people who have had illness that involves extremely violent coughing. I have gained some weight in the last two or three years--say from 160 to 175. I fall into the coughing (though I'm well, now), strong abs, and perhaps weight gain categories. I am an 83 year old man with a history of rowing since the early 1980's. I not aware that I have had any pregnancies.

My regular doctor, who is a 50 year old ex-wrestler and current jock, diagnosed the condition, says it does not in my case involve herniation and hasn't suggested any precautions or remedies. My Pilates instructor knows what the condition is, has offered some exercises that might help, and has cautioned against doing sit-ups or leg raises. There, I would say, is the rub. I would appreciate hearing from men or women who have specific knowledge about or experience with this condition. Can I fix it, and what are the risks of rowing?

Re: Diastasis Recti

Posted: June 14th, 2016, 10:50 am
by siskiyou
Well, no responses yet. I suppose in a way that is a good thing, perhaps indicating diastasis is rare among rowers, but I certainly could use some advice. What are the risks if I continue to row? What exercises may contribute to healing? In a long and athletic life I've pushed through some severe problems, but this one has me stumped.

(I thank the administrator for moving my post to Health and Fitness.)

Re: Diastasis Recti

Posted: June 14th, 2016, 6:17 pm
by Alissa
I don't have the experience you're looking for, but since no one else has said anything, thought I'd point out the obvious. Keep the layback to a minimum. (To avoid doing a long series of sit-ups.)

My very best wishes to you!


Re: Diastasis Recti

Posted: June 14th, 2016, 6:28 pm
by siskiyou
Thanks Alissa for your interest. Your response may have been obvious to you, but it wasn't to me. Change my style? Horrors. Yet I'll give it a shot.