It would change to a fundamentally correct position, pulling from the water, vs pulling from the sky.Nosmo wrote:This design would fundamentally change the direction of force applied at the handle.
The change would become more like the on water stroke.
Currently it is like rowing on the water while keeping the oars up in the air.
The axle is approximately 3 to 5 inches higher in relation to the railing than it was on the modelB.It is a physical impossibility for any flexible object to transmit force in any other direction--it has to be in tension.
Currently the body goes up and down in relation to the axle.Don't know if having the axle at rail level would be easier on your back or not (although I could easily see how it might encourage one to slouch)
Would you be comfortable driving a car where the front seat went up and down several inches every couple of seconds?
No. The same thing on the rowing machine.
Having rowed more than 40 million meters mostly on a modelB, then C and D, I can verify the flat railing is most comfortable.