Finger joint pain

General discussions about getting and staying fit that don't relate directly to your indoor rower
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Raymond Botha
Posts: 8
Joined: April 10th, 2006, 4:51 am
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

Finger joint pain

Post by Raymond Botha » April 10th, 2006, 5:47 am

There was a guy on here a while back who was having trouble with arthritic like symptoms in his finger joints where he was having trouble with painful joints and fingers that would not straighten after an erg session.

Well I have recently just inherited these same symptoms while having had non since starting to erg.

I have noticed that since they started I changed 2 things. I started using the C2 hand grips, they're great, and my hand position.

It seems to me that after using the grips I changed my hand position to increse my strength as the foam gives a sense of a less secure grip.

My grip change was to tighten my hand position by moving my hand more towards the erg hence my fingers where now more horizontal with the ground (without tightening the ends of my fingers so still maintaining a "loose grip"). This has the feeling of pulling the fingers out of the joint where they join the knuckles. This in itself feels like a good thing except the finger in question was broken as a teenager and is the only one to suffer consequently .

Not sure where this going as I hav'nt decided what to do about it as the flat palm posture feels good and is not tiring but at least I know whats causing the problem.

If that gent is still around. I'd like to know how its going with you.


Posts: 19
Joined: March 21st, 2006, 9:43 pm

Post by helpplease » April 18th, 2006, 7:46 pm

yea... after piecing on the water my hands always feel extra tight as if i have arthritis also, anyone know whats up with that?

Posts: 5
Joined: December 23rd, 2006, 12:45 pm
Location: Morgan Hill, CA, USA

have you tried gloves or relax hands on recovery?

Post by richking1953 » December 23rd, 2006, 1:17 pm

Sorry for the late reply, I just joined the forum. I have arthritis in my hands. Wearing biking gloves helps for me(weight-lifting gloves would be equivalent). Also, on recovery I make sure I relax my grip. rich

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