Biceps won't grow but forearms will

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by hjs » September 12th, 2019, 3:47 am

Gammmmo wrote:
September 12th, 2019, 3:11 am
hjs wrote:
September 12th, 2019, 2:53 am
And keeping a channel going and comming up with new stuff is tough, impossible if you ask me, thats why he so detailed. Nothing new to tell anymore.
Especially difficult if the youtuber doesn't have an additional "slant" to videos. What seems to do well in terms of views and likes among fitness youtubers, is when they incorporate their ongoing "story" and so it becomes more of a lifestyle thing often with humour. Just look at the popularity of "MattDoesFitness", "Mike Thurston" or "How To Beast" etc. By definition such channels have more material to work with because they're not just teaching theory.
Which is often pretty funny.

Ps, Matt did start in the uk forum, was a Forum Flyer, see ctc results. Pulled decent 2k, 6.29 from memory. Started his channel, “begged” us to follow him :wink: and look at him now.
And does he tell anything usefull training wise. Zero! He is the king of junkfood. But again kuddos! He seems to know what people wanna see.

Also look at Eddy Hall, Brian Shaw, also going that route. Less serious training, more funny stuff, family, other things.
The recent swimming stuff from Eddy was nice. Very good swimmer with his 170kg.

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by Gammmmo » September 12th, 2019, 4:05 am

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Last edited by Gammmmo on September 12th, 2019, 4:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Paul, 49M, 5'11" 83kg (sprint PBs HWT), ex biker now lifting
Deadlift=190kg, LP=1:15, 100m=15.7s, 1min=350m Image
Targets: 14s (100m), 355m+ 1min, 1:27(500m), 3:11(1K)

Erg on!

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by Gammmmo » September 12th, 2019, 4:07 am

hjs wrote:
September 12th, 2019, 3:47 am
Gammmmo wrote:
September 12th, 2019, 3:11 am

Especially difficult if the youtuber doesn't have an additional "slant" to videos. What seems to do well in terms of views and likes among fitness youtubers, is when they incorporate their ongoing "story" and so it becomes more of a lifestyle thing often with humour. Just look at the popularity of "MattDoesFitness", "Mike Thurston" or "How To Beast" etc. By definition such channels have more material to work with because they're not just teaching theory.
Ps, Matt did start in the uk forum, was a Forum Flyer, see ctc results. Pulled decent 2k, 6.29 from memory. Started his channel, “begged” us to follow him :wink: and look at him now.
And does he tell anything usefull training wise. Zero! He is the king of junkfood. But again kuddos! He seems to know what people wanna see.
I didn't know that. I saw he did powerlifting and that 309kg deadlift he did was very impressive. He's clearly got good ahtletic genetics.

Another youtuber I sometimes watch is "Brandon Harding". He's not a natty but unlike many is quite open about it.
Paul, 49M, 5'11" 83kg (sprint PBs HWT), ex biker now lifting
Deadlift=190kg, LP=1:15, 100m=15.7s, 1min=350m Image
Targets: 14s (100m), 355m+ 1min, 1:27(500m), 3:11(1K)

Erg on!

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by hjs » September 12th, 2019, 4:27 am

Gammmmo wrote:
September 12th, 2019, 4:07 am

Another youtuber I sometimes watch is "Brandon Harding". He's not a natty but unlike many is quite open about it.
Find use, no use a tough subject. Never used myself, but have been around people who do, have trained in a real hardcore gym, where use was very common.

And also between 100% clean and the max, lets say pro stage bodybuilding there are so many stages. Nowadays the new division bodybuilding “classic bodybuilding” nobody says it, but its simply body building using the same gear as in the Arnold days.

The problem I have the most is not knowing what exactly goes on.

Even in my current gym, which is relative clean I do see users, and also the trouble that comes along. Guy my age, used of and on, but was not stable, suicide a few months ago. Other guy, young, used, nothing major etc, did not see him for a year, he came back, nothing left, so thin he looks sick. And could go on.

Pro bb ofcourse, guys dropping like flies, god knows what they do. Horrible if you ask me. They simply are junks.

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by Gammmmo » September 12th, 2019, 7:51 am

hjs wrote:
September 12th, 2019, 3:47 am
Ps, Matt did start in the uk forum, was a Forum Flyer, see ctc results. Pulled decent 2k, 6.29 from memory.
That makes me feel better. I'd imagine he was HWT and given the "rule of thumb" I go by of 20s difference over 2K between HWT and LWT, my 6:48 (a bit soft) now looks slightly better. :lol:
hjs wrote:
September 12th, 2019, 4:27 am
Pro bb ofcourse, guys dropping like flies, god knows what they do. Horrible if you ask me. They simply are junks.
The bubble-gut guys due to HGH use enlarging internal organs? Yup, ridiculous.
Paul, 49M, 5'11" 83kg (sprint PBs HWT), ex biker now lifting
Deadlift=190kg, LP=1:15, 100m=15.7s, 1min=350m Image
Targets: 14s (100m), 355m+ 1min, 1:27(500m), 3:11(1K)

Erg on!

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by hjs » September 12th, 2019, 8:36 am

Gammmmo wrote:
September 12th, 2019, 7:51 am
hjs wrote:
September 12th, 2019, 3:47 am
Ps, Matt did start in the uk forum, was a Forum Flyer, see ctc results. Pulled decent 2k, 6.29 from memory.
That makes me feel better. I'd imagine he was HWT and given the "rule of thumb" I go by of 20s difference over 2K between HWT and LWT, my 6:48 (a bit soft) now looks slightly better. :lol:
hjs wrote:
September 12th, 2019, 4:27 am
Pro bb ofcourse, guys dropping like flies, god knows what they do. Horrible if you ask me. They simply are junks.
The bubble-gut guys due to HGH use enlarging internal organs? Yup, ridiculous.
That 6.29 was after not much training, don,t think he ever did much aerobic stuff, he came from triple jumping. Was also before he got stronger, think he was 90 kg ish.

I have nothing with pro bodybuilding, not the look, not the stupid training. The only thing I would like to know is the use of peds, must be a freakshow.
I have heard stuff from cycling, “do it yourself blooddoping” which turned in bloodbaths.... just the thought :roll:

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by Gammmmo » September 13th, 2019, 2:48 am

hjs wrote:
September 12th, 2019, 8:36 am
That 6.29 was after not much training, don,t think he ever did much aerobic stuff, he came from triple jumping. Was also before he got stronger, think he was 90 kg ish.
Makes sense....I think he went all out for bodybuilding and eschews cardio now. In one of this videos he said even sliding across the k1tchen floor in his socks wore him out. :lol:
Paul, 49M, 5'11" 83kg (sprint PBs HWT), ex biker now lifting
Deadlift=190kg, LP=1:15, 100m=15.7s, 1min=350m Image
Targets: 14s (100m), 355m+ 1min, 1:27(500m), 3:11(1K)

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by hjs » September 13th, 2019, 3:06 am

Gammmmo wrote:
September 13th, 2019, 2:48 am
hjs wrote:
September 12th, 2019, 8:36 am
That 6.29 was after not much training, don,t think he ever did much aerobic stuff, he came from triple jumping. Was also before he got stronger, think he was 90 kg ish.
Makes sense....I think he went all out for bodybuilding and eschews cardio now. In one of this videos he said even sliding across the k1tchen floor in his socks wore him out. :lol:
In my view he is a fitnesser, nothing else. Bodybuilding is doing shows, if you don,t you are not. Building, conditioning, being judged, its the whole thing. He is a prof. Fitness/lifestyle youtuber.

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by Dave F » January 22nd, 2020, 5:28 pm

Gammmmo you didn't post what you have tried for those Bi's.

I come from a (drug free) powerlifting background (not very good though, and always chubby: 125kg, 230kg Sq, 135kg Bench & 255kg dedalift)
at my biggest my biceps were 19.25", I'm know getting back into regular weights and adding in the rower,
6ft (just!) 110kg 60 years old with 17.5" biceps.
Train them heavy (2 warm up sets & 4 work sets) with a few pump sets after, twice a week and just the pump (using BFR) twice a week.

The other thig is to gain you need to eat right & sleep.

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by Gammmmo » January 23rd, 2020, 4:33 am

Hello Dave. I always tended towards incline seated dumbell curls and could handle more weight than my twiglet like arms would suggest...took me a while to work out I was building my forearms more so. More recently I've been getting elbow pain from heavier dumbell work or straight barbells. Even an EZ bar does aggravate my elbow condition. I tried slackening the wrists which did help isolate the biceps and then I tried chinups (alternating the grip to take the pressure off the elbows a bit e.g. close, wide, neutral grip) which then eventually did also contribute to elbow pain. I found skull crushers to be the best for developing triceps but again that exposed my bad elbow. I do think I got a little growth from doing chinups but weirdly I never saw much progression in the max amount I could do in a set. As of last few weeks I've been doing hammer curls because they are ok on my elbows - I know full well they don't FEEL like they are hitting the biceps that well but TBH it's got to the stage I just want to do something. I think slow negatives helped too with the EZ bar curling.

What I will add is I don't EVER think my biceps will get that big because I'm naturally lightly boned and there's only so much the body will allow. However, I still don't have that arm shape that really built guys have esp in the triceps so I do think there is some potential left - I'd guess once things are maximised I'd have the same arm shape but just not as bulky.

Much as I would like bigger biceps (vanity) I will say the powerlifting stuff does fascinate and motivate me because it plays to my sense of achieving PBs and it's about the numbers once technique is dialled. This is why I've enjoyed deadlifting so much.
Paul, 49M, 5'11" 83kg (sprint PBs HWT), ex biker now lifting
Deadlift=190kg, LP=1:15, 100m=15.7s, 1min=350m Image
Targets: 14s (100m), 355m+ 1min, 1:27(500m), 3:11(1K)

Erg on!

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by Erik A » January 23rd, 2020, 3:50 pm

my son is into his power lifting and has a couple of comps to do this year. he should podium at them as the numbers for his age group and weight class are very small (as in maybe 3) over the last year or so he has started to develop and get bigger in particular his legs. he doesnt do any drugs and is all natural but he will never be a great lifter as he really isnt built for it. (hes 6' 6 and competes in the 105kg class under 23 age group) hes doing respectable weights just not world class.
61 yo from New Zealand
6'4 and 120kg

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by max_ratcliffe » January 24th, 2020, 10:45 pm

Erik A wrote:
January 23rd, 2020, 3:50 pm
my son is into his power lifting and has a couple of comps to do this year. he should podium at them as the numbers for his age group and weight class are very small (as in maybe 3) over the last year or so he has started to develop and get bigger in particular his legs. he doesnt do any drugs and is all natural but he will never be a great lifter as he really isnt built for it. (hes 6' 6 and competes in the 105kg class under 23 age group) hes doing respectable weights just not world class.
He should row.

Failing that, if only there was a sport in NZ that rewards strength, athleticism, body size and height... :)
51 HWT
Rower 1'=329m; 500m=1:34.0; 1k=3:25:1; 2k=7:16.5; 5k=19:44; 6k=23:24; 30'=7582m; 10k=40.28; 60'=14621m; HM=1:27:46
SkiErg 1'=309m; 500m=1:40.3; 1k=3:35.3; 2k=7:35.5; 5k=20:18; 6k=24:35; 30'=7239m; 10k=42:09; 60'=14209m; HM=1:32:24

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by ampire » January 25th, 2020, 2:07 pm

When I was age 18 to age 22, I trained at a university powerlifting club for about 4 years, abstained from most cardio, and on a high calorie diet and lots of squats and deadlifts went from a scrawny former high school middle distance runner bodyweight of 142/64KG and 30" waist to a bodyweight of 181lb/82KG 34" waist with 445lb/202KG deadlift (belt), 405lb/183KG squat (single ply suit + belt + knee wraps), 255lb/115KG bench (raw). I was always bad at bench and good at deadlift. I pulled 405lb for the first time in about 6 months of training.

Around age 22, I got back into running and calisthenics, I completely lost interest in progressing on big weights and big food to maintain bodyweight because I hated cramming the food in and didn't like feeling nonathletic. I also had the feeling that maintaining a lot of leg muscle bulk was holding me back on doing lots of pullups and I was trying to progress on flashy calisthenic moves like handstand pushup.

Over about a year, I dropped a lot of weight down to where I normally sit at, and by age 23, around 67KG, and my deadlift remained quite strong at 405lb/183KG raw, bench at 245lb/111KG raw but my squat was absolutely wrecked by the drop in bodymass and went to 225lb/102KG raw. I also only occasionally trained squat because I decided I hated doing it, the recovery times for it were too high and impaired my running. The thigh circumference also made it hard to buy normal pants. The best deadlift to bodyweight ratio I had at the lighter bodyweight was pulling 405lb (183KG) at 139lb (63KG). It seemed that my heavier bodyweight had mostly helped with the squat. My upper body strength remained and I mostly lost size in my legs. At that time, I was still able to barbell curl 115lb for 10, but my biceps didn't get past ~14.5" at my lighter weight, before they were around 16" at 181lb.

To build larger bicep muscles during my weight enthusiast period, I pretty much did a lot of barbell curls and dumbbell hammer curls a couple days a week after I did the big lifts, high weight low reps. I also did a lot of close grip benchpress and tricep cable pressdowns.

Now after two spinal cord surgeries, which were unrelated to my training, all I do is the c2 erg and for weights just high rep stuff such as incline dumbbell bench, bent over dumbbell row, dumbbell curl / hammer curl, dumbbell shrug, farmers walks, kettlebell swings, various planks and accessory core and rotator cuff stuff. Lost interest in the rest and don't do heavy weights anymore.
M36|5'8"/173CM|146lb/66KG|LWT|MHR 192|RHR 42|2020: 5K 18:52.9 (@1:53.2/500)|C2-D+Slides+EndureRow Seat+NSI Minicell Foam

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by Erik A » January 27th, 2020, 6:36 pm

max_ratcliffe wrote:
January 24th, 2020, 10:45 pm
Erik A wrote:
January 23rd, 2020, 3:50 pm
my son is into his power lifting and has a couple of comps to do this year. he should podium at them as the numbers for his age group and weight class are very small (as in maybe 3) over the last year or so he has started to develop and get bigger in particular his legs. he doesnt do any drugs and is all natural but he will never be a great lifter as he really isnt built for it. (hes 6' 6 and competes in the 105kg class under 23 age group) hes doing respectable weights just not world class.
He should row.

Failing that, if only there was a sport in NZ that rewards strength, athleticism, body size and height... :)
yeah i have encouraged him to get into the rowing but at this stage he is not that interested. he has also had friends try and get him into rugby but he doesnt want to do that either.
61 yo from New Zealand
6'4 and 120kg

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Re: Biceps won't grow but forearms will

Post by Citroen » February 7th, 2020, 8:30 am

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