What are your not-too-hardcore workouts for non-rowing days?

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What are your not-too-hardcore workouts for non-rowing days?

Post by Ombrax » May 17th, 2018, 2:44 am

This has probably been discussed before, but what the heck, I'll ask just the same:

Let's say you feel like doing something in the gym, but not too much (i.e. you don't want this to be another "hard workout" day) and this is a rowing "off" day, what are your usual go-to options?

Nothing too strenuous, but enough to feel like you're getting something done.

In my case it's usually some slow-paced treadmill / elliptical / stationary bike stuff and a few misc core exercises, but nothing that I've put a lot of thought into, so I'm interested in hearing what other folks do.


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Re: What are your not-too-hardcore workouts for non-rowing d

Post by hjs » May 17th, 2018, 2:47 am

I train or I rest, don,t do nothing of stuff inbetween. Rest could be outside, easy cycling if the weather is nice, walking the dog.

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Re: What are your not-too-hardcore workouts for non-rowing d

Post by Ombrax » May 17th, 2018, 3:13 am

HJS, I guess my exercise schedule isn't quite that structured. There are days when I'm definitely working out and others when I'm not.

However, for me at least one day a week can go either way, depending on how I feel and how busy my "real life" happens to be. That's the day that has prompted my question.

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Re: What are your not-too-hardcore workouts for non-rowing d

Post by hjs » May 17th, 2018, 3:19 am

Ombrax wrote:HJS, I guess my exercise schedule isn't quite that structured. There are days when I'm definitely working out and others when I'm not.

However, for me at least one day a week can go either way, depending on how I feel and how busy my "real life" happens to be. That's the day that has prompted my question.
I get it, mine us also not super fixed, but my training is. So I train and if not, I don,t wanna see a gym. Have been there a million time in my lifetime. So I would go outside.

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Re: What are your not-too-hardcore workouts for non-rowing d

Post by Dangerscouse » May 17th, 2018, 5:29 am

I'm with Henry on this one. I row Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday, hot Pilates Monday night and do weights throughout the week and just weights on a Thursday.

Usually Tuesday and Sunday are total rest days, apart from the daily dog walk. I never think of the gym on a rest day.

I find this suits my life and ability to recover to push hard enough when I need to
51 HWT; 6' 4"; 1k= 3:09; 2k= 6:36; 5k= 17:19; 6k= 20:47; 10k= 35:46 30mins= 8,488m 60mins= 16,618m HM= 1:16.47; FM= 2:40:41; 50k= 3:16:09; 100k= 7:52:44; 12hrs = 153km

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Re: What are your not-too-hardcore workouts for non-rowing d

Post by GJS » May 17th, 2018, 11:50 am

At the moment most of my workouts are resistance stuff and I absolutely have a little routine that I do when the gym's shut or when I need to tick over or when the thought of intense work fills me with dread. I give myself an hour or so, switch on a film that doesn't demand my full attention - is there any other sort? - and cycle through sets of chin-ups, press-ups, and kettlebell swings.

Typically I'll do 4 chin-ups, 8 press-ups, 15 kb swings. I rest for maybe 20 secs between exercises and then rest for however long I fancy once the trio is done. Might be 2mins. Might be 6.

Reps are low so everything is executed with good form. It's possible to enjoy the movements and to make technical adjustments
in the absence of fatigue and without worrying about doing x number of reps and x number of sets.

Keeps one's head in the game pretty nicely. Decent balance of exercises too.
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Re: What are your not-too-hardcore workouts for non-rowing d

Post by Anth_F » May 17th, 2018, 1:13 pm

hjs wrote:Rest could be outside, easy cycling if the weather is nice, walking the dog.
This is me^^^ a nice leisurely cycle for 2-3hrs and walking the mutt for many miles.
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Re: What are your not-too-hardcore workouts for non-rowing d

Post by Neorticros » May 18th, 2018, 2:34 am

Non rowing days? Whats that? :)

Usually 1 day I row (1 hour, 10 ks, sets of 500 m, 20-30 mins, 5 ks + some sprints.. whatever)

And the next day I do squats, bench press, sometimes deadlift and usually over head press. This day, before earning the shower I try to do a couple of sets of 200m, sometimes 500m, or just row for 10 mins very lightly. Lately I'm rowing for a while without straps.

That is the general plan but there are exceptions. I take a forced rest day now and then due to work. I never lift on mondays (gym is crowded) so sometimes I row 2 consecutive days. If that week I'm planing to do a FM I take it easier the previous days or just skip some lifting...

I have a kind of structured plan on my head but it's not something fix.

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Re: What are your not-too-hardcore workouts for non-rowing d

Post by Ombrax » June 12th, 2018, 10:04 pm

Bumping this because today was my first "semi-private" personal training class with a local trainer, with emphasis on kettlebell stuff.

I've signed up for 6 classes (1 / week) and hopefully will use that time to learn the proper technique for various kettlebell exercises. If necessary I might sign up for another series once this one is done.

We'll see how things go, but from what I can tell so far, kb's can be a useful strength / core training tool.

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Re: What are your not-too-hardcore workouts for non-rowing d

Post by Erik A » June 12th, 2018, 10:31 pm

i do 5 days a week at the moment. M,T,W rest,F,S,rest. my erg set takes me up to 75 mins, 10 mins stationary bike. currently 40 mins on the erg followed by another 10 mins on the bike. and whatever rest in between bike,erg,bike. I then do a small amount of weights mainly 3 or so machines 4 x sets of 10 light weights with KB swings set or two as well. i find this to be an ok routine for me. non gym days i veg at home.
61 yo from New Zealand
6'4 and 120kg

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