Type 2 diabetes and victory

General discussions about getting and staying fit that don't relate directly to your indoor rower
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Re: Type 2 diabetes and victory

Post by jag » January 8th, 2016, 6:49 pm

Tim K. wrote:There are literally thousands of testimonials out there from type 1 diabetics and the only reason there isnt more is because of fear and ignorance.


Left coaster, its very big of you to take a step back and offer up an apology based on your assumption he was dealing with type 2 instead of type 1. Type 1 and type 2 have different pathogenesis and one results in the inability to produce insulin and the other results in varrying levels of insulin resistance, the outcome and therapy, big picture, are similar. Manage insulin levels. Choice of diet has a profound effect on if and how much medicine you have to take either way.
Yes, I appreciate Left coaster's response to me. You, on the other hand, have proven yet again that you don't know what you are talking about. I guess you now think that I am not only "ignorant" but also "afraid". Thanks, much appreciated.

Managing insulin-dependent diabetes is all about taking the right amount of insulin at the right times to match your diet and exercise. This isn't easy, but it is what all insulin-dependent diabetics need to do, REGARDLESS of the diet they are eating. Hi fat, low fat doesn't matter, I still have to inject insulin for each meal. For example, I eat whole wheat bread sandwiches for lunch most days, and my moderate carb meal is well matched to the fast-acting insulin I take, and I experience no blood sugar peak. But if I took your advice and ate no bread but only meat I would need to take at least two or more likely three small injections to cover the increased protein and fat which are digested much more slowly. Yet you claim that would be easier? Not to mention that I don't WANT to eat meat only - I don't LIKE it. So why should I eat a diet I don't like, when I can manage perfectly well with a diet that I do like?

If you have any experience managing your insulin intake, then by all means feel free to lecture me about it. Otherwise, try to get a clue.

Tim K.
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Re: Type 2 diabetes and victory

Post by Tim K. » January 8th, 2016, 10:13 pm

I am ecstatic for you that you are living the life you want. I wish you nothing more than the opportunity to continue living life to the fullest. Please enjoy.

Shawn Baker
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Re: Type 2 diabetes and victory

Post by Shawn Baker » April 5th, 2016, 8:23 pm

https://ketogenicdiabeticathlete.wordpr ... -diabetes/

Nice article from Dr Keith Runyon (a type 1 diabetic and physician)
50 y/o 6'5, 243lbs


Twitter @SBakerMD

Instagram shawnbaker1967

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