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Vasa Paddles on SkiErg

Posted: September 11th, 2020, 7:11 pm
by Dreadnought
Has anyone tried to put the Vasa Paddles on the SkiErg? ... rg/page/2/

Re: Vasa Paddles on SkiErg

Posted: September 13th, 2020, 3:06 pm
by mict450
Looks interesting! You're planning to use the skierg as a swim trainer?

Re: Vasa Paddles on SkiErg

Posted: September 16th, 2020, 6:56 pm
by Dreadnought
You're planning to use the skierg as a swim trainer?
Yes, that's the idea.

I'm getting some elbow soreness with the stock handles, and I'm hoping this will take off some of the pressure.

It should be fairly easy to change it, but you never know, sometimes simple projects can be tricky

Re: Vasa Paddles on SkiErg

Posted: September 16th, 2020, 11:29 pm
by mict450
Dreadnought wrote:
September 16th, 2020, 6:56 pm

I'm getting some elbow soreness with the stock handles, and I'm hoping this will take off some of the pressure.
Funny coincidence that you should mention the elbow....I've been suffering from a slight case of golfer's elbow, medial epicondylitis. When using my Ercolina (similar to the skierg), I position my hands with the palms facing forward, not facing each other. That seems to not irritate my elbow as much.

Also icing several times a day & wearing an elbow sleeve helps.

While erging, I need to remember to drive my elbows BACK, without any movement out to the sides (the dreaded chicken wing position).

Re: Vasa Paddles on SkiErg

Posted: October 17th, 2020, 12:18 pm
by Dreadnought
Removing the handles was the only tricky part. Phillips screwdriver needed to loosen bolts. Then you have to hold on to the rope after removing handles so that the recoil won't pull the rope back through the pulley.

Attaching the Vasa paddles was as simple as tying a knot.

Re: Vasa Paddles on SkiErg

Posted: January 10th, 2021, 5:49 am
by OWSwimmer
Hi Dreadnought,

What Drag Factor do you target to simulate marathon distance swimming? I am training for the English Channel this summer. I would like to change handles to paddles too but as I only "rent" my SkiErg at the moment that's not an option.