
Talk about the ski ergometer and training tool from Concept2
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Posts: 4
Joined: January 30th, 2025, 1:20 pm


Post by Karisma » January 30th, 2025, 1:55 pm

Hi, I’m a male from Sweden. Nordic skiing is my passion and I use skierg when there’s no snow, and to stay in shape.
I would like to increase the watt on SkiErg, i only average 120 on 5000m. The goal is 150 watt, and it’s partly because i want to be a faster double pouler on skis.
I know it’s not exactly the same technique, but the muscles you use are the same.
I do workout on most muscle groups, biceps, triceps, abs, back, etc. What I find difficult to workout are the muscles to do the bow
which I believe is the most important, at least for longer workouts.
I’ve tryed to stand on my knees and make a bow with weight from a machine, but it hurts to much in the elbows.
Any advice are appreciated, thanks.

500m Poster
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Joined: May 27th, 2024, 11:11 am

Re: Efficiency

Post by Dpoleit89 » February 1st, 2025, 4:33 am

Hi Karisma!

Doing more easy workouts helps to develop an aerobic base.
Skierg and double poling are much like other endurance sports, you need patience and time.
Try to look for some videos and try to copy technique.
Also a good source about DP and vasaloppet is wickstromcoaching.com.
Long Distance Skier 1.83m 86kg
2k 06:42.0 5k 17:13.0 10k 35:50.2 HM 01:17:46.0
FM 02:44:28.3
2k 06:37.0 5k 17:28.1

Posts: 4
Joined: January 30th, 2025, 1:20 pm

Re: Efficiency

Post by Karisma » February 3rd, 2025, 3:53 pm

Hi, thanks for the answer.
Technic wise there’s always room for improvement, especially on snow. And yes I have seen many videos, one of the best teachers I know of is Per-oivind Torvik. (You tube)I try to copy Emil Iversen, and others. But I think you have a point, I don’t do long easy workouts it’s same tempo usually, except hiit on skierg. I’ve seen easy/long has been very popular in Norway many years and probably other country’s as well these days.

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