Use of SkiErg in circuit training or Pilates studios?

Talk about the ski ergometer and training tool from Concept2
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Joined: November 30th, 2010, 2:04 pm

Use of SkiErg in circuit training or Pilates studios?

Post by floatingbones » November 30th, 2010, 3:07 pm

I know that some CrossFit types are using this machine. I was curious if operations like the Curves studio have considered putting a SkiErg in at a station. Is the machine simple enough that beginners could hop in and use safely and effectively?

I presume the machine is safe to use without shoes. Has anyone tried to add a bit of destabilization with an Airex Balance Pad? Even a thinner mat would add a subtle but interesting component of destabilization to the upper-body workout.

How loud does the SkiErg get? Are there any options or DIY plans for putting an enclosure around the flywheel to lower the noise of the machine?

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