Two problems with that: 1. I didn't go to university and 2. there's no river or lake near here.Engine90Lt wrote:Did you row in college? Did many who go those distances?
With no information about your age, weight and gender, there is no way that the members of this forum can answer that question. Besides, you can judge it very easily for yourself by just looking up the C2 rankings for your classification for the times or distances that you are interested in.Engine90Lt wrote:@ Joe,
Thanks for the info. So, @ 10,000 meters I have an average spilt of around 2:08. If I pushed it the entire time I could probably row an average split of 2:05. For 7,000 meters I average 2:07 splits; pushing it, I could probably turn in 2:00-2:02. Is this good/bad? What are solid splits for the average 6,000 meters and 10,000 meters? I am not looking to be elite, per se, just good. Anaerobic work-outs are not a focus currently, but I know they would help. How important are they? Anyone?
Thanks in advance,