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Steady she goes ...

Posted: December 14th, 2014, 1:14 am
by psychling
Unlike much of my athletic career I'm approaching rowing strategically. Persistence and consistency. No massive hours or meter mania. So after a bit more than 3 weeks of rowing once a day-ish for an hour ... I find that my endurance and times have improved and I am not knackered for the remainder of the day.

That in itself is a benefit.

Also, hard to deny that the hassle and lack of safety factors of bicycling have an impact.

Re: Steady she goes ...

Posted: December 14th, 2014, 2:25 pm
by jackarabit
Rowing is excellent prep for traffic jamming and proving trees are tougher than collarbones. Five or six casually "once a dayish" 1 hr. sessions is considerable volume and should produce at the very least endorphins in the body. Jack

Re: Steady she goes ...

Posted: December 18th, 2014, 11:07 am
by Cyclingman1
First thing, you have provided no gender, age, weight, or height info.

An hour a day is actually a lot for a beginning rower. What are your rowing stats: avg pace and strokes per minute? What drag factor do you use?

Seems like you are off to a very good start.