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Anyone else here into punch bag work?

Posted: October 23rd, 2016, 1:34 pm
by Anth_F
This is something i really am enjoying a lot!!! It always gives me a great workout as well. i have been working on technique lately! Foot work around the bag, and keeping my hands up high to guard when throwing punches etc. I am practicing foot work, and guard, for about 5 mins before i even start throwing a single punch. Then i am practicing various combo's while getting creative constantly moving around the bag and side to side etc, and leaning into my punches more while twisting hip leg foot for maximum power impact efficiency, while still keeping guard up (actually a very tricky skill to put that altogether in one sequence).

There is so much for you to learn, more than you realise sometimes... after watching some bag work master classes.

Anyone else share the same enjoyment and experiences on the Bag? Maybe you even have some tips you can pass on :wink:

Re: Anyone else here into punch bag work?

Posted: January 11th, 2017, 10:20 am
by Never-quit
Hi there!

I have been into combat sports for over 20 years! Love a good heavy bag work out. The best advice I can give is to dl a ring timer for your phone and start of with doing 2m rounds with 1minute rest building up to 3minute rounds with a 30 second rest.

A typical workout might look like this

1. Mobilising joints

2. 3 rounds of shadow boxing

3. 10 rounds on the heavy bag (1&2 working on jab cross, 3&4 working on hooks, 5&6 putting them together, 7&8 footwork and moving in and out of range on the bag,9&10- going all out!!)

4. 3 rounds of skipping

5. Body conditioning for a few rounds

6. Static stretches and cool down!


Re: Anyone else here into punch bag work?

Posted: February 3rd, 2017, 11:31 am
by Anth_F

Wow thats a great bag workout plan! thanks a ton for chiming in and sharing your info.

Gotta be honest though, i haven't hit the bag in a little while but definitely will be back on it to give this a go :wink: