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Rowing, spinning and weights combo

Posted: December 16th, 2011, 7:07 am
by scooterz
Hi. I have a few questions about general exercise and some of my experiences to share.

I’m male, 35yrs, 91kg and 1.78m. I exercise in the evening with a HRM (resting HR is 57bpm) because I believe this is the most important stat to follow.

I was inactive for over a year and wanted a fitness routine to get fit, fight insomnia and lose the extra weight. Some of my activity will probably not yield weight loss, however, as muscle mass replaces fat.

You guys know what it’s like trying to stick to a routine while life happens. It’s not easy, but I’ve found a rhythm that seems to be manageable. I’ve opted for cross-training using the following activities on different days:
-45min rows (damper 3, 20-22spm, usually 10.2-10.3km)
-60min spins (no computer, so I don’t know the distance covered)
-60-75min dumbbells (set of 7.5 kgs & set of 10kgs)

When I started 3 months back I was just doing cardio, typically for 3-4 day stretches with a day or 2 between. However, I was feeling very fatigued so I began weights. I now try to do row/weights/spin/weights/row/rest… and so on. This routine is not rigid because as I said, life happens and sometimes I also just don’t feel like it so I’m flexible. I found that listening to your body is the best plan, and my new training schedule is manageable. I’m sure my fitness has also improved in this time which may explain the decreased incidence of fatigue. I have, however, been experiencing very bad insomnia for the last 2 months. Would my training have anything to do with this, because I would’ve thought not?

A lot has already been said about low vs high-intensity training. I’ve noticed I have higher HRs in warmer weather and lower in colder weather. Also, my average HR on the rower is ALWAYS higher and after 45min I’m usually happy to end. On the bicycle, I usually feel I could go on after 60min, so perhaps it’s time to tighten the damper. I’ve also noticed that I sweat LOADS more on the bicycle. Does anyone understand this? My average HR for rowing sessions has been 164-170bpm. My average HR for spinning sessions has been 150-159bpm.

I read that for low-intensity fat-burning, one should exercise at 55-66% of one’s max HR. I struggle with this because it always feels like I’m doing nothing, and on the rower, that machine always gets my HR up so I cannot understand how to “take it easy” on the rower. Am I the only one?

I’m not looking to bulk up. I use weights as an alternative routine and for toning. I got a long way to go but I have noticed small changes. I do the following in a session:
Kneeling one-arm row 3x20
Lying tricep extension 3x12
Lying fly 3x12
Toe raise 3x30
Bench press (wide) 3x15
Standing one-arm bicep curl 3x15
Standing military press 3x10

When do you know to increase the weight? For the one-arm row, for instance, I’ve been doing 10kgs – feels good, no problems. Yesterday I tried 20kgs for the first time. I did 11 reps with good form and then decided maybe I’ll try 15kgs today rather.

Also, I’ve tried to find out what the reps/sets for a dumbbell routine should be, but this varies. All I know is that after each exercise set as above, while not sore, my muscles are feeling tired. The next day they’re fine again.

I welcome any comments from others who cross-train and want to share any hints or what they’ve found works for them. Thanks.

Re: Rowing, spinning and weights combo

Posted: December 16th, 2011, 10:04 am
by hjs
A few points.

Sweating on the bike, you don't move so you heat can't go anywhere, so you have to, on the erg you up and down, that helps cooling a bit. Running outside or cycling would cool you down even more, so less sweating.

fatburning, in the zone you gave, on average you burn the most fat % wise, but exercises at a higher level would burm cal overall. In the end it is energy in/versus energy out that causes weightloss or not.

To give you idea about those zones:

Doing weights on very low level has not much point, weights are build strenght, for that the reps have to stay low. Doing high reps with low weighst is aerobic work, not weightwork.

When to increese weight. If during the last set you still can do 8/10 reps or more, increese the weights. If you feel nothing the next day, you have worked your muscle, nothing wrong with that, but you also won't see much effect.
You won't bulk up easily, that is simply not how it works.

Re: Rowing, spinning and weights combo

Posted: December 16th, 2011, 4:59 pm
by scooterz

Great! Thanks for your comments. I'll check your site link too.