oars specifications and testings

Here's the place if you've got something to ask about the world's best, and bestselling, oars.
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oars specifications and testings

Post by dom_palle » May 14th, 2020, 10:56 am

Hi everyone, i'm a master degree student of Politecnico di Milano and i'm writing a paper about material selection and production of competition oars, and in order to do an accurate job i'm searching thoroughly in order to find some mechanical specifications and the tests that are usually run to ensure their endurance on the field.
Actually i'm asking here on this forum because competition oars production seems mostly based on "know how" and not on public guidelines, and until now i haven't been able to find any satisfactory data related to the subjects.
I would really appreciate if someone could help me finding out something on the topic!

If someone wants to contact me personally my e-mail is luca.paterlini@mail.polimi.it

Thank you very much for your time and i hope my question is not too far from the purpose of this forum.

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Re: oars specifications and testings

Post by c2jonw » May 14th, 2020, 6:28 pm

https://www.concept2.com/oars/how-made- ... ty-control

Check out these two links. Basically the shaft, blade and handle are all subjected to loads greater than they will see in normal use in the field.
73 year old grandpa living in Waterbury Center, Vermont, USA
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Re: oars specifications and testings

Post by dom_palle » May 15th, 2020, 4:14 am

thank you c2jonw, i'll check the links right now.
