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Videos to watch while rowing?

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 6:04 pm
by bodya
I recently purchased 50 inch plasma TV.

The idea of putting my Concept2 right in front of the screen did not come to me untill after I had the TV setup at home, and oh boy - I LIKE IT.

Can anyone share what their favorite videos for workouts are?

I want to hear some music and see some ripped bodies for boosted motivation!

Posted: September 7th, 2009, 8:13 pm
by jbhoren
I have one hard rule in my life (I know, probably oughtta have a few more):

No watching sports on TV, unless I've worked-out that day! :!:

I allow myself to combine the two, so last week (and this week) I'm watching the US Open, while rowing. But videos? Nah... gotta be sports, which is why I'm so glad that the NFL is back in town!

John Madden: You were right... it was time to call it a day... Al Michaels rules, but we're gonna wait on his new partner.

Smooth strokes!

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 9:07 am
by mrfit
I've liked to watch Tour de France videos on youtube. Seeing others suffer seems to make mine tolerable.

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 12:41 pm
by Byron Drachman
Can anyone share what their favorite videos for workouts are?
My favorite videos are Xeno Muller's training DVDs. I never get tired of them. His enthusiasm is contagious. His earlier DVDs are done on the Concept 2 with slides, but you don't need slides to row along with him.


Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 12:27 pm
by dr. espo
Thats funny, we are all wired so differently...I do my best work with some old (well, I'm old so go figure) tv programs now on DVD...

Magnum PI...Rat Patrol...BaaBaaBlackSheep...

I usually race against a pace boat so that's my motivation as I glance up to watch parts of the dvd.

Hey, whatever floats your boat!

Mike :D

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 11:45 pm
by gobrian77
When I go for a PB I put RowPro on my 70" monitor across from my rower (otherwise it's on my 15" computer monitor where I have to glance to my right to see it) and row "against" a pace boat (or perhaps the downloaded row of another RowPro user ahead of me on the boards)- I find it to be pretty motivating.

Posted: September 24th, 2009, 10:36 am
by chgoss
My theory is that if I overload my sight/sound senses, I will feel the pain less.. so:
- I have headphones plugged in to my laptop, listening to Pandora very loud!
- I have RowPro running on the laptop, watching everyone go faster than me..
- I have a TV setup where I can watch DVD's only.. no cable in the basement yet.

Posted: September 28th, 2009, 5:45 pm
by Veronique
On long rows I used to watch the extended DVD of "the Lord of the Rings". :roll: Just remember to put the subtitles on; otherwise it's impossible to follow the conversations. For intervals: no time to look at another screen than the PM. :D