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Buy a Concept2 or use the gym??

Posted: February 24th, 2009, 2:55 pm
by Jim40
I currently row on a Concept 2 at my local gym, and I'm considering purchasing my own for convenience, etc. I'm curious as to how many of you own your own Concept 2 vs row on one at the gym ... (I'm a little cheap and looking for encouragement to buy my own!).

Posted: February 24th, 2009, 3:40 pm
by badocter
I own my own. It is connected to my computer and a 31" TV so that I can row with and race others online with Rowpro.

Posted: February 24th, 2009, 3:44 pm
by Jim40
thanks for your reply, badocter .... did you really lose 60 pounds in the past 18 months?? and if so, do you attribute it all to rowing???

Posted: February 24th, 2009, 3:45 pm
by sentinal93
I was in the same situation you are. The YMCA I go to has two ergs, which are in decent condition, but I always considered buying my own. What made my decision easier is that the gym sets a 30 minute time limit for all cardio equipment, and you have to use a sign-up sheet on the wall. To be honest - it's very irritating. I looked on row2k classifieds for a few months, and when I couldn't find a C or D within a close enough distance, I just bought a new D. Now I can erg at home or the gym.

As far as investments go, I don't think you could make a better one. If the gym gets rid of their erg, you move, the gym is closed, etc - you always have your own erg. Also, if I'm in a hurry to get to work or class, I can erg and shower very quickly since it's right at home.

I'll finish by saying I am a graduate student with a "modest" income, since I only intern for the state government part-time. I realized that the erg will last me 10, 15, 20+ years (hopefully), and that the sooner I get it the sooner I can start getting the benefit of this one-time investment.

Posted: February 24th, 2009, 3:47 pm
by Rhubarbarian
I've owned my own for 2 months now. Maybe the newness just hasn't warn off yet, but I find much more convenient to row at home any time I want rather than conform to gym hours. As a result, I've done exercise in the last 2 months than I did in the previous 12 months.

Posted: February 24th, 2009, 4:02 pm
by dmsamant
If this is the only exercise you do in the gym and if you plan to stick with it for a while, buying a rower would be a better option than using it at a gym.

Posted: February 24th, 2009, 4:17 pm
by djh
I started using a gym 25 years ago and found the rower by far my favorite equipment to train on. I'd have loved to have my own, but that wasn't too practical, living in an apartment.

I stopped going to the gym long ago, but last month finally bought a C2 and I really love having my own. It's a great luxury being able to row any time I choose. March Madness here I come!

Posted: February 24th, 2009, 4:23 pm
by RowtheRockies
I agree with everyone else. I bought my own over three years ago. The gym in my office also has a model D however, since I only live two minutes from the office, I prefer to row at home. The gym is warmer than I like and since I sweat buckets, I have a fan in front of me at home and one in back which keeps me nice and cool.

If you are not new to rowing and sure you will row regularly enough not to turn the rower into a "close hanger" it will be a great investment you will not regret.



Posted: February 24th, 2009, 4:46 pm
by badocter
Jim40 wrote:thanks for your reply, badocter .... did you really lose 60 pounds in the past 18 months?? and if so, do you attribute it all to rowing???
Actually I dropped it in the first 13 monthes. :D I attribute 1/2 to rowing and 1/2 eating smart which mostly meant cutting out the candy, cokes and crisps. When I started my 2k was 8:48, so lost the weight and made dramatic gains on endurance during that time. The C2 was the first piece of home exercise kit that I bought and was still using after the first month - with rowpro it is addictive as any video game IMHO with the bonus that playing it makes you fit. :wink:

Before :oops:
July 12,2007 -- 235 pounds, first erg session 918m just row @2:46.8
July 15 -- 1st 2k test -- 8:48.5 @2:12.1
July 29 -- 1st online rowpro race -- handled down on a 30" at 23:45.9 after completing only 5306m @ 2:14.4

After :D
October 28 -- Free Spirit
November 15 -- 2k test 7:42.5
November 26 -- Started the Pete Plan
January 14 -- 2k test 7:18.5
February 16-- Southern IRC 2k test 7:07.5 -- First live venue competition in any sport in 12 years
March 8-9 -- First FM and first 1,000,000 meters reached (with Dave King and Michael Gough)
May 30 -- Rowpro 2k test, 7:04.1
June 24 -- Rowpro 2k test, 6:59.4
July 12 -- 181 pounds, today's session 4x2k rest 5 @ 1:49.6. 1,471,605 meters logged
October 26,2008 -- 175 pounds, 2k race at BIRC: 6:54.9

Posted: February 24th, 2009, 5:05 pm
by Jim40
wow, very impressive ... congrats!! you motivate me!

Posted: February 25th, 2009, 1:13 am
by Cyclist2
My model B is 21 years old, I estimate 10+ million meters. I've replaced the seat rollers and just this year the shock cord. Yes, it is a good investment! Buy one![/quote]

Posted: February 25th, 2009, 7:36 am
by gobrian77
There's definitely not another Concept2 rower that less than an hour's plane flight away from me so I had no choice. :wink:

I would own one anyway- I like to do early-morning before-breakfast rows that would be a real hassle if I had to make my way to a gym to access a rower.

Posted: February 25th, 2009, 8:45 am
by bloomp
badocter wrote:
Jim40 wrote:thanks for your reply, badocter .... did you really lose 60 pounds in the past 18 months?? and if so, do you attribute it all to rowing???
Actually I dropped it in the first 13 monthes. :D I attribute 1/2 to rowing and 1/2 eating smart which mostly meant cutting out the candy, cokes and crisps. When I started my 2k was 8:48, so lost the weight and made dramatic gains on endurance during that time.
Wow, I thought I made a huge drop in weight. I was 14 when I started rowing and 170, lost 12 pounds in the first two weeks of on the water workouts, and now thanks to a very healthy diet and plenty of erging, I'm down to 140 (and I'm three years older and quite taller). Congrats to you badocter, that's really awesome!

Posted: February 25th, 2009, 11:09 am
by Tyn
Model d Here,

Bought it 4 years ago.

9 MM for now and counting!

If you got the money, buy one!

You will train a lot more, and save a lot of money!


Posted: February 25th, 2009, 1:54 pm
by grams
I bought my lightly used C2 locally by putting a notice on rowing clubs' bulletin boards and calling the local recreation park offices. When I decided to get a D I sold my C online for almost the same as I paid for it. I had kept my Model D box so the C was easy to ship to my buyer.
