Could it be that your other pieces were less than optimum? Did you keep a fairly even pace during all of your pieces? A fairly even pace with slightly negative splits (slightly faster at the end) seems to be the optimum (from my experience and from what Mike Caviston reports elsewhere in this forum). How consistent were your paces? I think your other pieces have lots of room for improvement. Over what length of time did you do these and has your conditioning improved during this period?
In response to that and what PaulG said, I pulled my 2k last November at the end of the head racing season. I'd normally just pulled 2k's before my team would get on the water in the spring (high school), or mid-spring season, so it probably has something to do with the distance training for head racing.
As for pacing, I aim for starting a distance piece (<15 minutes) at about 1-2 seconds above my goal split average and work down so that I pull the average I want or slightly below for about 75% of the piece. For example, my 6k that is listed there started at a 2:02, and worked the split down and the cadence up for the last 4000m. I think one of the possibilities is that many of my pieces are part of multiple part pieces (3x18', 2x5k, 2x6k, 8x500m). I guess I'll go back to try to PR on each piece then enter it.
The oldest one of those pieces is from October of last year - the hour of power. The most recent is a 1k from Monday. I do think that if I go and try to PR on a piece rather than work it into a set of workouts, the curve would accept the 2k data better. As for anaerobic and strength work, PaulG, do you suggest lifting (squats/clean and press/lunges) or just shorter, more intense erg pieces?
Caballo, thanks for the spreadsheet - as much as I work at times, being able to analyze them makes things easier to work towards.