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Hip Pain
Posted: January 26th, 2009, 8:33 pm
by Ncoleman
I have been rowing on a consistent basis for nearly 6 months. Lately, I have noticed sharp pains around my hips (hip flexors?) and don't know what the cause is. Could it possibly be a technique problem? I know my technique isn't perfect, but I think it is decent.
Posted: January 26th, 2009, 9:19 pm
by Nosmo
If you don't already, try rowing strapless and see if that helps. To do this you may have to limit your lay back.
Posted: January 31st, 2009, 8:18 am
by Odie
I'm affraid I can't give you any advise but I can tell you that I have the same problem for some time now. I my case the pain occurs especially after my training. I find it also difficult to find out the exact location of the pain. Usually stretching helps but the pain never disappears completely. I've posted my problem onto the dutch Concept2 forum so if I get some helpful information from there I will let you know. In the mean time, keep on rowing! At a lower pace perhaps...
Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 4:29 pm
by HeartWins
I would take this very seriously. There have already been two rowers on my team that have gone through a similar sounding hip flexor problem this year. One rower was out for 6 weeks. The other has been out since October, and I believe he isn't returning for the spring season. I can't say if you have the same thing, but definitely listen to your body and see a professional.
Do warm-ups and cool-downs with nice long stretching. Pay attention to the hip flexor stretches.
Hope all goes well.
Posted: February 4th, 2009, 11:42 am
by ccwenk
I had some hip flexor (and knee) pain develop over a similar period. In my case, I found that my erg was not level side to side. It was a pretty small adjustment, 2-3 thicknesses of compressed corrugated cardboard, but the pain was not present at the next workout.